Mark of the destiny

Argh, my poor back!

Argh, my poor back!

1Honey crossed the distance between him and Suyin and hide behind her. He popped his head out as little as possible, "Look what you have done! The entire day she ate my brain cells and was clingy to me. Now save me from her, I don't want to be rude." He could have easily shooed away Andrea but was afraid to bring Suyin's wrath. What if Andrea complains and his and Suyin's fight gets worse?     2

Honey's cuteness had Suyin's heart skip a beat. She eyed Wang Shi and then the little bun, amused by the vast difference. On one side, the father shamelessly uses cheesy lines from time to time to woo his girlfriend, while his son was running away from pretty girls. Don't know if she should be thankful that the little one didn't inherit his father's shamelessness or be sad.     

Suyin didn't take off her mask and greeted Andrea's parents with a slight nod. She crooked her fingers, beckoning Andrea, "Come here,"     

Honey gasped, his fingers curled around Suyin's dress, "Why are you calling her here? There are many other ways by which you can punish me..." he saw Andrea was just a few steps away, "OMG! Don't tell me you are going to ask me to kiss her, God please save me." he jumped like a little chick, desperate to grow wings and run away.     

'God, 'I can't. I'm stuck in this damn drawer! You better come here and save me first.'     

Suyin "..." 'Where did kiss came from?'     

Wang Shi facepalmed. It's all because of Jianyu. Whenever Yuyu and Lan fights, he would make them kiss and hug each other to solve the issue. Honey had witnessed it many times and now his tiny brain had made up his own assumptions.      

Suyin crouched and caressed Andrea's cheek, "How are you, sweetie?"     

"I'm fine, thank you." The little girl leaned, and whispered, "Aunty, they are not fighting anymore. Next week daddy has planned to take me to the water park and mummy declined the invitation to a party to accompany us. This is all because of you. Thank you!" Just as she was about to kiss Suyin, Honey panicked and covered his cheeks. "NOOO!"     

Everyone present "..."     

Andrea innocently turned towards Honey, batting her long lashes, "What happen Qiang? Are you still angry with me that why you don't want me to kiss your mommy? Aunty, I apologized to Qiang, but he's avoiding me, can you ask him to forgive me and be my friend?" she blushed, "He's cute,"     

Honey poked his head out, "Declined. Oww... oww.... oww...." Suyin pulled him out by the collar.      

"I know she shouldn't have yelled at you, but it was a misunderstanding. She didn't do it deliberately. Be a bigger person and forgive her." said Suyin while adjusting Honey's messed up collar.     

Now it was Honey's turn to bat his long lashes innocently, "I know I shouldn't have yelled at you, but it was a misunderstanding. I didn't do it deliberately. Be a bigger person and forgive me. Please, Aunty Suyin...." he whispered the last words only for her to hear. He doesn't want to clear the misunderstanding that Suyin was not his mommy but Aunty. Misunderstandings are good! Very good!     

Suyin "...."     

The only thing Suyin could do was look at Wang Shi. His eyes crinkled at the corner and Suyin knew he was smiling behind that mask. "Wang Shi, please say something!"      

"Yes dad, please say something." Honey mimicked Suyin.     

"Andrea is waiting for Honey's forgiveness,"     

"And I'm waiting for hers!" Honey added, pointing at Suyin.     

Suyin turned to Honey, "Hone-- Qiang, such a pretty girl she is. Don't be rude."     

"I'm also a handsome man, don't be rude." Honey countered.      

Suyin "..."     

Wang Shi bit his bottom lips to control the laughter. He was utterly shocked by Honey's trick and desperation to get Suyin's forgiveness. And the most adorable part was Suyin's priceless expression. Secretly he takes out his phone to capture the moment.     

Flashing a wide grin, Honey filled the little space between him and Suyin. He placed his hands on her shoulder, "Ducky, didn't I say my way is better."     


Honey's daring and use of the endearment bemused Suyin, although she loves it when he calls her ducky or weirdo duck. But does he think she would give up that easily? Dream on.     

"Fine, don't accept her apology." Honey's wide grin instantly closed, lips drooping downward at Suyin's words. "Forgiveness can't be forced, it comes from the heart naturally." Suyin pulled Andrea closer, "Since he's not ready to befriend you, how about me?"     

"You," Andrea beamed, "Yes. Yes. Yes. I like you very much. Thank you, Aunty." she stuck her tongue out at Honey, "Can I kiss you?"     

"Of course--"     

"NO. Nope. Never." Honey instantly placed himself between Suyin and Andrea, "Go kiss your own parents, don't eye on her." without waiting for a word, he started to pull Suyin away from everyone, making low groaning sounds. She's heavy! "Let's go.... I'm hungry.... Argh, c'mon.... walk on your own, I can't pick you up....." just as they settle in the car, the little human pressed both his hands on his lower back, "Argh, my poor back!"     

Suyin "..."     

Wang Shi looked anywhere but at the woman sitting with a dark face. "Honey, you are too much! You will never be able to get a wife with that mouth of yours."     

Honey "..."     

"I don't need a wife, okay. I have weirdo ducky." he kneeled on the seat and pecked Suyin's cheek to soothe her anger. Surely her expression softened, but Wang Shi's turned worse.     


As Wang Shi drove to James's restaurant for their family lunch he couldn't get enough of the Tom and Jerry fun happening in the back seat. Honey had ducked himself under Suyin's arm and was continuously annoying her by asking for forgiveness. Such persistent human!      

Suyin on the other side was trying hard to keep her attention outside at the cars, trees, buildings, and people on the street.     

He knew Suyin had already melted like chocolate, but she's controlling herself, hoping Honey will talk to her. Explain what triggers him, face it, and work through erasing his insecurities.     

"Evan!" Wang Shi slowed down and glanced at Suyin from the front mirror. She had her eyes set on a particular car. He tried following her vision, but it was impossible for him to see something while keeping an eye on the road as well. "Evan returned from France? Wow! But why did he ignore me?"     

"Maybe he didn't see you. Are you sure he was in that car?"     

"Yes. And I think he saw me....yes, he did... maybe not... I don't know." she let go of the topic. "Finally, my Jamie's hubby returned. Yayyy! Let's plan a dinner dome day. Invite Xiu Mei and your brothers as well. Speaking of which, where is Feng Junjie? It's been long I haven't seen him."     

Wang Shi's lips pursed, "He went out for a business trip. Will return shortly."     

"I will also join you guys for dinner," Honey joined the tip of his fingers.     

Suyin, "No."     

Wang Shi, "No. It's for adults."     

Honey, "I'm also an adult. You can't just ask me to baby-sit Yuyu and Lan every time."     


They had just arrived at James' restaurant and had taken the seat when James came wearing his chef uniform. To Suyin every man looks best when he is in his uniform, it adds a charm to his personality. Of course Wang Shi was an exception, he looks best in everything.      


Hopeless case of Zhao Suyin!     

She had texted James before they left the school, letting him know she's coming with Wang Shi and Honey to have lunch. Naah! She was not considerate, but selfish to give time to James so he could cook as per her request.      

"Susu, I missed you," he was about to peck her cheek when he took notice of the two 'men' by Suyin's side and squeezed his jutted lips in. He satisfied his craving just by hugging her.      

"I miss you too. Are you all set?" her tone had a hint of secrecy, and impatience confusing Wang Shi. James makes an okay sign with his hand and winked.     

"Have I ever disappoint you?"     

Wang Shi's brows shot up, but he silently followed the duo to the private sitting area under the giant glass canopy on the terrace, beautifully decked up with fresh flowers. There was no other person in sight other than their family of three.     

"Suyin, what is this?" Wang Shi holds a chair for the lady and waited until she's comfortably settled. Honey ditched sitting beside Wang Shi and instantly took the seat beside Suyin. To silence him, and let the couple enjoy, Jamie was smart enough to give him a glass of mango mint iced tea as a welcome drink.     

"I had a meal pending to treat you. Remember? Italian?" James took the position behind the live kitchen counter and started the magic of his hands. "Since I promised you the best Italian, there's no one better than my Jamie. Right, Jamie?"     

Jamie set the pan on fire, "Beware, Evan fell in love with me after tasting the food cooked by these hands, What if--"     

Suyin, "SHUT UP,"     

"Naah, you don't have that luck. I'm already sorted." Wang Shi winked at Suyin and her heart turned over in chest. All she could wish was Honey wouldn't notice these hints. "And I believe you are sorted too. Ah, I forgot, congratulations, your boyfriend is back in the city. You would be busy now."     

"My boyfriend? Evan?"     

"Isn't he the only one you have? Or do you have more?" Wang Shi asked, silently gesturing the server to take away the cocktails served to them and bring the drink Honey was drinking. He had seen how Suyin behaves when she's drunk.     

James snorted, "He's the only one. But two days back he messaged it will take him a week more in France. Something urgent came up."     

Suyin frowned.     

Wang Shi shot Suyin a look. James saw them looking at each other, "What's wrong?"     

Suyin, "I saw Evan on my way here."     


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