Mark of the destiny

I love you both

I love you both

0"Why are you putting all the green vegetables on my plate?" Suyin caught Honey's hand, stopping him from adding another piece of stir-fried broccoli. With all the veggies on her plate, she had started to feel like a cow.      

"I'm just being considerate of your health, why do you keep pointing faults in everything I do?" Honey pouted, adamantly adding the piece despite Suyin trying to cover her plate. "Dad, aren't greens healthy? They contain--"     

"Little brat, I know what they contain, don't teach me." Wang Shi chided, understanding Honey's intentions. "Suyin, he hates eating greens. That's one reason he's underweight."     

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Suyin dragged and emptied all the greens on Honey's plate, "Finish this. Now. And if you didn't, I won't talk to you ever."      

Honey looked up, "What will I get if I finish this?" he looked at Suyin hopefully. He had made so many efforts, can't she just soften a little? Even a tiny bit will do. Suyin was helpless the way he was looking at her.      

"I will give you a kiss," she tapped his nose, earning a most adorable reaction from him. He was trying to remain expressionless and just give nod, but the lovely blush and an inadvertent curl at the corner of his lips was a complete giveaway. Cute.     

Suyin shifted her attention back on her plate which got a sizeable chunk of meat out of nowhere. Wang Shi!      

From time to time she didn't forget to cast a careful glance at James to make sure he was working fine. James did the same and gave his sweetest smile to Suyin, urging her to enjoy the date and not worry about him.     

He tried calling Evan and had even dropped a message, but there wasn't a reply yet. The thought of Evan being in the city and not contacting him was making him feel whiplashed. Ominious thoughts haunted him. Why did Evan lie to him at first?     

As they were about to leave, James gave a basket of hand made cookies to Honey. Though a little bothered, he didn't want to spoil Suyin's lunch date. He caught Suyin looking at him continuously. "What? Stop staring like that."     

"Jamie---" she set her hand on his restless fingers, "You can't hide anything from me. And you don't have to push yourself for my sake." She looked at Wang Shi briefly and he smiled.     

"Exactly. After all I need an excuse to pester her for another lunch." Wang Shi ruffled Honey's hair, "Right bratty?" Honey made great efforts to mutter a yes. With all the greens in his stomach they can only dream about he would be joining them again. Never.     

"I'm waiting for you in the parking," Wang Shi left with Honey, leaving the friends to talk.     

Suyin pulled James to the nearest seat, "Stop pondering so much."     

"Why did Evan lied to me then?" James said, "We took a break from each other to understand our feelings better, does he not want me anymore?"     

She gave his hand a squeeze, "Maybe it was my illusion. Maybe Evan wants to surprise you that's why he lied. There could be many reasons, stop jumping to conclusions and talk to him first."     

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"     

"Then I will set you with another hot and sexy hunk, take lots of your pictures, and torture him by sending it to them."     

James chuckled, "Ah, my ever so dangerous Susu. I love you the most."     

"I know, but don't say it in front of that jealous monster."     



Throughout their drive to City Spire, Honey waited for Suyin to fulfill her part of the promise, but the woman didn't bring the kiss even when they were about to reach home.      

He ate all those greens to make improvement in their fight, but she..... sigh.     

Naah! Suyin can never forget about the kiss, inwardly she was itching. But she wanted to see if the little human will make a move and remind her.      

Just when Suyin was about to get off the car, Honey lost his patience,"Ahem... ahem...."     

Suyin's eyes beamed, and she paused getting out of the car, "What happen?"     

"I'm want to puke. Those green veggies YOU MAKE ME EAT is doing something inside my tummy." with a cute pout on his face, he reminded her of their deal and didn't buzz from his seat. He won't get off the car until he gets what he wants.     

Suyin wanted to tease but Wang Shi pleaded her with his eyes to show some mercy. Suyin sighed, leaning she kissed Honey's cheeks twice. "An extra kiss as a bonus." However, before her fingers could touch the door handle, she felt a gentle grip on her other hand.     

"Are we good now? Or should I make more efforts?" Syuin's gaze followed his hand as he takes out a rose made out of newspaper from his schoolbag, "I made this in craft class. Sorry, Aunty, Suyin. I won't do it again." followed by another flower.... and another.... and another... until she had a bunch of exactly fifteen roses.     

At that moment, everything seemed to be in a state of perfect tranquility. Fifteen roses are given when you want to let someone know that you are sorry.     

Honey's efforts were flawless, he went out all the way out to apologize. On every petal he wrote 'sorry' for her, touching Suyin's heart. Such empathy and compassion from a child, how can Suyin remain heartless.     

"Come here, you naughty one," She instantly wrapped her arms around him, bringing him to her lap, cuddling with the furball. It brings peace, calming the storms of their heart. "I love you the most, my baby. Without you, I'm not me anymore. I wish you were mine."     

Honey remained silent and just cuddled in her bosom. There was a purity to his actions, perhaps naivety too, but he was the gentlest touch of heaven. He looked up from his arms, blushing heavily.      

Suyin chuckled and pinched his cheek, "Someone's shy shy?"     

He groaned, "Ducky don't tease. I won't talk to you."     

"Then don't talk."     

"Argh, you are bad bad," he jumped out of her arms, sprinting to the elevator with short steps. He paused and looked back, "Don't think I'll let you take the number of kisses you have skipped all this while. Your loss, my gain."     

Behind him Suyin broke into a fit of laughter. It was only when Wang Shi reached to touch her cheeks, she came to know she was crying. "So it's finally sorted, I'm very happy the way you two have progressed,"     

She pressed where his hand rested on her cheek, "Instead of doing all this, all he has to do was to talk to me. Wish he would have done that." it was pure torture to see Honey making efforts while she was behaving cold.      

"He will. One day he will open up to you.." Wang Shi pulled her in his embrace unaware of the presence of Honey near the car. He had returned to get one last assurance from Suyin that everything is solved between them.     

"And what about you?" she asked, sensing his body stiffened at her question. "I don't mean to pry, but many times I have sensed an air melancholy from you. You have already confessed your love to me, but unless we share our wounds with each other, it's meaningless. I want to give you and Honey my hundred percent, and for that, you both have to talk to me."     

"I-I..." Wang Shi's chest tightened. "I'm scared of loosing--"     

"These days I have realized one thing--" she didn't let him speak, "--you and Honey are becoming an inseparable part of my soul. If any of you try to pull away from me now.... "      

"We won't. There's no way any of us will pull away from you." he squeezed her, caressing her back as softly as ever. "You are the heart of our family, how can we pull away?"     

"Then talk, Shishi. I know it's impossible to talk about the past, but if it's holding you back from moving on we have to talk--" Suyin paused. Just how selfish it was to ask Wang Shi to talk whereas she herself was not able to. She pulled back, "I-I--" suddenly her eyes fell on Honey, freezing her.     

Instantly she distanced away and get down from the car. Wang Shi followed her line of sight and saw Honey.      

Honey silently stared at the two and then turn to the elevator. His shoulders slumped, and his eyes cast down into a gloomy gaze.      

"I love her, Honey." he heard Wang Shi say and halted in steps.     

Suyin ran up to Honey desperately, "Your daddy is all yours, he only loves you, Fairy--"     

"No, I love you both." Wang Shi continued. He ignored Suyin's stern eyes, "Let him know the truth, Suyin." he said, and resumed talking to Honey, "I know you love her. Otherwise why would you run after her asking for forgiveness? Your exaggerated reaction in school was a sign of how much she meant to you that you felt betrayed. My ever so proud, arrogant, and aloof son- made flowers, ran lapses early in the morning, apologized hundreds of times, took initiative to kiss someone, and feels jealous if someone else gets attention from Suyin."     

Suyin hoped Honey to give a response, but he was standing with his back facing both. She couldn't even muster the courage to go over and see his face.     

"Most importantly.... you even smile at her weirdness. So, son, I think we both are head over heels for this amazing woman. The choice is yours, either live in past or move on with Suyin."     

"Honey...." Suyin spoke up, "Don't listen to your dad. He--" She couldn't even finish her sentence when the ding of the elevator sounded and Honey stepped into it. "HONEY.... HONEY!"     

Wang Shi caught her. "He needs time... let him be."     

"No... he shouldn't have known about it like this. Why did you say all that? He's just a child!"      

"Even so, it's only right for him to know about us."      

Suyin pushed him away, "GO. Go after him and keep me updated." seeing him not moving, she yelled, "GO AFTER HIM NOW."     

Unaware, the little human in the elevator was as calm as water while they were fretting outside. Okay, only Suyin was fretting. Wang Shi was relatively calm. Don't know why but Honey's reaction satisfied him.      

The fact his son didn't throw a tantrum, or snapped at Suyin should be a good sign. Maybe he just needs some time to process.     

Fingers crossed.     


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