Mark of the destiny

Wang Shi's death certificate

Wang Shi's death certificate

3In Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei's mountain villa     

Xiu Mei's lower lip quivered, "Jianyu, this--" she began yet words couldn't make their way out of her mouth. She just couldn't tear her gaze away from the documents her husband had shown and continued turning pages only to read the heart-wrenching lines written in black.      

The Legal custody of Wang Qiang.     

In consideration of the events that happened five years back, Wang Shi has transferred Honey's custody to Suyin.      

[Zhao Suyin shall have the sole and exclusive custody of Wang Qiang and all final decision making authority related to his welfare. The father, Dr. Wang Sh, shall have access to the child in accordance to the terms and timing set by Zhao Suyin if any. If the mother does not permit, the father has to abide by it and will not be entitled to meet the child.]     

[The only exemption to the foregoing is- the father shall only have access to the child twice a year. On father's day, and the child's birthday.]     

[The family members of the Wang family shall only be allowed to meet Wang Qiang in the presence of Zhao Suyin with her permission. This includes the president of the country and his wife namely Wang Huang and Liu Jeilan.]     

Xiu Mei couldn't bring herself to read all the brutal conditions. Every page was signed by Wang Shi and her husband Feng Jianyu as a witness.      


It was literally Wang Shi's death certificate which Feng Jianyu had signed.     

Her heart sank. As she closed her eyes, tears dripped from her eyelids and slide down her cheeks. Feeling a warm touch wiping her wet cheeks, she opened her watery eyes, "H-Honey... Honey is Wang Shi's life. How could he just part himself from Honey?" he pulled her in his embrace, she let go of the papers as if their weight was pulling her.      

The papers scattered.....     

Feng Jianyu's gaze landed on the hand-written letter by Wang Shi where he had revealed everything about Honey's heart. It was important to validate and support Honey's custody to Suyin.      

Feng Jianyu's hand squeezed around his wife, seeking support. He had never felt this helpless in his entire life. The road ahead was painful. Difficult.      

Wang Shi had been making efforts to let Honey accept Suyin by heart so that when the time comes, Suyin won't face any difficulty.     

Xiu Mei looked from his chest, "We can't let this happen. This can't be the ending of the beautiful relationship they share."     

"We can only try, Mei. Things are complicated," He said. According to Zhao Feiyan the baby was deprived of oxygen so that his heart could be harvested. Everything was against Wang Shi.     

A knock on the door broke the moment of silence. It was the servant who came to inform the car was ready to take the girls to their grandparents' house.     

"See if Yuyu and Lan are ready, we are coming in a minute," Xiu Mei ordered. Wiping her cheeks with the back of her palm, she looked at her husband, "Let Yuyu and Lan go, this way Honey wouldn't be able to use them to appease Suyin. Let him make efforts this time."     

"But can you live without Yuyu and Lan?"     

"We will. At least our daughters are still with us, unlike brother Shishi who is-- Anyway, let them go."     


City Spire,     

As Suyin tread out of the elevator she didn't care about the man who had just placed a bouquet of red roses outside the door and had stepped away after knocking at the door, until she was about to step on it but the man was fast enough to pull it on time.     

"Careful, Yiny,"     

She looked up with an amused glance, only her father calls her that. "Dad?"     

"It's me," he carefully combed the bouquet with his hand, "You were about to spoil these. Do you know how precious are they?"      

"Just a few yuan. And you are saying as if mom is going to accept them," she rolled her eyes. "Need help to get in?"     

Zhao Shu looked at the closed wooden door and sighed, "Nope. I just came here to give her these. Don't wake up the fireball."      

She chuckled, this sweet and sour relationship and calling each other with names had been a constant between them even after they were no more together. "Roses? Anything special?"     

He smiled, it was their thirty-fifth anniversary. The day he proposed to the love of his life and promised to be the best life partner. Which he failed at. "Leave it," he opened his arms to Suyin, "Won't give me a hug?"     

Suyin walked straight into her father's arms and hugged him, "Tighter, dad."     

"Oh, yes. My Yiny's tight hugs." his voice was a happy chuckle.     

"Where were you these last two days? Why didn't you come to meet us?"     

"I had to handle some important things first," by important he meant Patriarch Zhao and Zhao Feiyan.     

"You should have told us," she broke the hug, drawing Zhao Shu to the sitting area in the lobby. The thought had been tormenting her for since she had heard Zhao Feiyan's words. "When you were aware of everything, why did you let grandfather bully you? I know you never cared about money, so money couldn't be the reason."     

He carefully put the bouquet down and reached to caress Suyin's hair. The dried water trail running down her cheeks couldn't hide the fact she had cried. "Dad had his men planted around you guys. My one wrong step could have put you all in danger. So I made sure to help you in secret and keep my family safe." his spine rested on the seat, "But I failed."     

It was a colossal relief for him when both his kids didn't take an interest in the family business and chose their own careers. Over the years he made sure to give good education to them and preferred they stay in hostels. Away from Patriarch Zhao and Zhao Feiyan.     

He remained on the back-foot and secretly built his own network of people and contacts to help his family and get them out of this misery. However, he underestimated Patriarch Zhao's power, and it took him years to weaken his power internally.     

By the time he was done, Suyin was already married. Once more, the cunning old man was able to trick him and got Suyin married before he could do something.      

Out of his kids, Suyin's character was the weakest. To support this daughter of his, he gave her the shares, properties and even funded Qi Wren in business just so that Suyin could live a comfortable life and fulfill her dreams. Just like every father, he gave up on everything he had accumulated over the years.     

Least he knew--that Qi Wren.... And now this horrible truth of Suyin's baby--     


Exhausted, he ran a hand across his face.     

"Then why didn't you come with us the day mom left you?"      

"I had to stay back to eliminate dad's men and stop him from going after you." it was only because of that Si Han and Suyin safely boarded the plane.     

"What about after that?"     

"I couldn't bring myself to step into your lives again. You guys were finally happy, bringing your lives back on track. So how could I? Besides, I was not there when you needed me most." he said, shivering involuntarily recalling Suyin's suicide attempt. Yes, he was there in the hospital when Si Han brought the unconscious Suyin. He was always around them. "I'm sorry, I failed you."     

Suyin reached out to hug her father when his lower lips trembled, "It's not your fault dad. Had I not been weak before, you and mom wouldn't have to be worried about me all the time. Maybe I should have had stolen mom's jewelry and run away from the house when grandfather announced my marriage. Or maybe I should have stabbed Qi Wren in sleep when he ra--" she stopped. No one should know about it. "Even poisoning grandfather seems to be a good idea to me. Why didn't you-- AH,"     

He pulled her ear, "You've literally inherited your mom's qualities. Look, what that fireball has done to you-- OUCHH! OUCHH!"     

Si Han came out of nowhere and swatted at Zhao Shu's hand, "Stop spouting nonsense and let go off my daughter's ear."     

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