Mark of the destiny

Parallel soul

Parallel soul

4"Han!" Zhao Shu's eyes glided towards his beautiful wife, his face sparkling like never before. "I was just having a casual chat with Yiny, telling her how lucky she is to have an intelligent, caring, courageous, and strong mother to guide her in life. Right, Yiny?" he looked at Suyin with a plea in his eyes.      1

Suyin could literally see her father with two puppy ears and a wagging fury tail at the sight of his beautiful wife.     

"Don't bring my daughter between us, I'm warning you," Si Han reached to check Suyin's reddened ear and noticed her tear-stained cheeks. Her head snapped at Zhao Shu at lightning speed, "You even made her cry!"     

"No, I didn't." Zhao Shu cautiously moved a step back, "I didn't. Trust me. I just came here to give you these flowers and met her outside. Trust me, fireba--- d-darling. Happy anni--"     

"Darling your ass, go away." she bared her teeth in warning and concentrated on Suyin again. "What happened?"     

"Nothing mom, something got into my eyes and I rubbed it while my contacts on," Suyin instantly took out a wet wipe from her bag and cleaned her face. No wonder the cab driver and her father gave her furtive looks. "So, dad was about to wish you anniversary? What anniversary is it? Let's have diner together in celebration." she changed the topic swiftly.     

Zhao Shu gave a flying kiss from behind, mouthed, 'I love you'. "That's a good idea. How about I cook for everyone? Thirty-five years back, I proposed to your mom today,"     

Si Han wrinkled her nose, "Don't remind me of my mistakes. Wish I had accepted Mark's proposal, he was much better."     

Zhao Shu pulled Si Han by her shoulder, "Wait, did Mark proposed to you? That rascal, son of a dog! I'll kill him." he turned to Suyin, "Sorry for the language, love. "     

Suyin waved her hand, "Don't mind me, please continue."     

"Ah, thank you," He pinched Si Han's chin, "And you....Don't call our marriage a mistake because we got two amazing kids from it. Right Yiny?"      

Suyin shrugged, "Don't know about ge, but I'm sure amazing."     

"Hey, I'm amazing too," Zeng jumped out from behind the door and protested.     



Si Han's only reaction was to arch her brow at Zhao Shu who was glaring daggers at his son. Then her gaze shifted, luring everyone's attention to the delivery man who fell out of the elevator. Huffing, puffing, sweating, the delivery boy checked the time on the watch and bolted up in excitement, showing the food bags from one of the best restaurants in the city. "I did it!"     



"Hahaha.... yeah, right on time," Zhao Zeng snatched the bags. Suyin noticed Zeng taking out a stash of notes from his pocket and secretly gave it to the delivery boy. The delivery boy bowed all the way to the elevator, displaying a free show of his crooked smile.     

Zhao Shu was instantly relieved when the tension was broken by this intruder, he took the opportunity and steered Suyin into Zeng's apartment. "Eat with dad, sweetie. At the table, dad will narrate you the saga of Mark the Casanova. Others may feel free to go back to Mark."     

"You...." Si Han followed, her face set in fierce lines. "Give back my daughter,"      

"Guess what? I contributed my sperms to produce her. Logically speaking, she's my daughter too."     

"ARGH, shameless man. Watch your words. We are in the presence of kids."     

"As if they don't know about sex,"     


"SEX. SEX. SEX."     

The bantering continues, and Suyin was intelligent enough to move to the side. She exchanged a glance with Zhao Zeng, and both had the shocking expression on their faces. They never saw their parents bicker like this. It was much livelier now!      

And they were loving it!     

"Ge, does it have mango pastry?" Suyin peeked inside the bags which Zeng was showing her enthusiastically.     

Zeng nodded like a pecking chicken, "Mango cheesecake, mango ice cream, mango bambolini, mango entremets, and mango mousse."     

"Wow! I'm starving now."     

"Me too. Let's try them." Zeng said. "What about these two?"     

Suyin, "Let them continue. It's better than watching a movie on Netflix."     

Zhao Shu "...."     

Si Han, "...."     

Naah! Suyin's intentions were pure and innocent, she just wants her parents to get back together. Over the years, Si Han never stopped loving Zhao Shu and slept with his photo under the pillow, whereas her father did everything to protect his family and later stayed away from his beloved wife out of guilt.     

One may pass opinions on how he could have done things in a better way or had done this, that, blah blah blah.... But no one can understand the depth of pain and struggles he must have had been through to keep his family safe and alive.      

And the worse part was to still see the disappointment on the faces of kids and wife, it silently yells at your face how much of a failure you are in their eyes. It cripples mentally. Yet, at the end of the day, he put on a smile and continued.     

Suyin couldn't even recall how many times she showed her disappointment, the maximum was over the last five years. She had even called him a spineless man once. No! He was not!      

Somewhere even Si Han has forgiven her husband but doesn't know what's stopping her. Is it she's still bothered because of Suyin or something else..... but it's time they get back together and start afresh. Five years of separation was enough!     

As for Zeng and her relationship.... Suyin had no expectations. Better it stays the way it was.     



While Zeng was setting the table, Suyin looked around the house. She had expected a semi-lived-in space with minimal furniture just how bachelors prefer while living alone, but Zeng had converted it into a cozy home.      

Stunned, she noticed many things from their old home. The paintings, buddha statue, and porcelain birds on the table, and a ducky plush on the couch hand stitched my Si Han.      

She failed to notice when Zeng brought a glass of water for her and took it absentmindedly, steering him aside to see the collection of old photographs occupying the entire wall.      

The warm golden glow of the wall lamp illuminated the hand-painted family picture of four. A candid moment where they were having a meal at the most picturesque location in the world. The mountains, river, and the blooming flowers- nothing can describe the beauty of the place.     

"It's dad's imagination. Mostar, Bosnia. He had lived a year there. "      

Suyin turned, "And the other pictures and things?"     

"Pictures were with me all this while, whereas, other things are bought back from the people who had won them in the auction." Suyin was trying to take it all in. He had shocked her like never before. Why think about these lifeless things when he failed to help her on time.      

"Waste of money. These things don't matter anymore."      

"To me, it does,"     

She halted in steps, looking as her parents set the table. "Just because I'm supporting dad, don't raise your expectations. We are better off like this--" she pointed at the space between them, "Let's maintain this distance."     

"I know you won't believe me, no one does, but trust me Susu-- I don't know why failed to help you. Why I messaged you 'I'm busy'. I-I don't have the answer to many whys, trust me. There are things done by me, but it's not me. As if a parallel soul exists inside me--"     

"Leave it, Ge. Let's eat." Suyin didn't bother to give a second look to her brother and walked to the dining table. Parallel soul! Bull shit!     


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