Mark of the destiny

Why fear when your weirdo duck is here!?

Why fear when your weirdo duck is here!?

2An hour ago,      2

Honey slit opens his eyes and felt panicked as if recalling something. As he tried to bolt out of bed, a strong arm pressed his back and then leaned to whisper near his ear. "I'm here.... I'm here...."      

The familiar fragrance calmed him, and he turned his head. A tear rolled down from his eyes.      


Wang Shi placed his finger at Honey's lips before he could say a word, caressed his soft cheeks with the thumb. "I know everything, buddy. But before you say something, I want you to see this--" having said he plugged the earphones in his ear, holding the tab up to show a CCTV recording.     


In the empty corridor of the newly constructed wing of the hospital, a familiar figure made Honey shiver and his grip on sleeping Suyin tightened.      

With haggard breathing and heavier gasps of air, he tried to pacify his racing heart. The thought of having his father and a soft fragrant plush near him made the procedure easier. The little human was so terrified that he had not noticed the supposed plush was Suyin.     

Questions flooded his mind, but he continued watching the video on Wang shi's assuring gaze.      

The familiar figure in the video was none other than the woman he dreads most. Who made him dislike all the women.     

She looked so different since he last saw her. Her long black hair was now chopped into unruly blonde, ending above the shoulder. She was skeletal, cheeks sunk in, her once snug and fashionable clothes looking like they were thrift store cast-offs. She looked like a ghoul!      

She wasn't the same!     

He saw her standing at the edge, leaning against the wall. She took a deep drag and snorted the smoke out of nostrils, stubbed out the remaining under her shoes upon noticing someone coming.     

It was Suyin!     

Suyin was striding towards the elevator lobby, her lips moving as if she was talking to herself. Worried.      

As she came near, the woman sneakily put her right foot forward, making Suyin trip over. Her body propelled forward before she landed on her knees.      

The woman chuckled and said something to Suyin but Honey couldn't hear a word. He pressed the earphone and tried to concentrate, however, Wang Shi paused the video and said. "Can't let you hear everything. Somethings are best left unheard."     

Honey nodded and just concentrated on the mute video.     

Suyin had a dark expression, glaring at the woman with her sharp eyes.     

The woman had a smug.     

A short while later Suyin said something which seemed to provoke the woman as she snarled, and took a step. Honey saw her say something to which--     

Suddenly Wang Shi turned on the audio to let him hear this part.     


Suyin's hard slap whipped the woman's face to left. "Say a word against my baby and I will kill you."     

"Your baby? Isn't your baby dead! Then how come my and Wang Shi's child became yours!" her eerily laughter echoed in the corridor changing Suyin's expression. "What a cunning way to get rich overnight."     

"Yes, getting close to Wang Shi will make me rich. Richest. I will get a wealth that's unparalleled! Beyond happiness!" Suyin's words hurt Honey, stubborn tears glistened his eyes. He had a sudden urge to smash the tab. "I will get Honey!"     

Honey blinked at Suyin's words that followed, wondering if he heard it correct. He pulled the tab closer and swiped the video ten seconds back.     

"...I will get Honey!"      

Now he was sure he heard it correctly.     

"I will get Honey! The only thing that makes Honey's father attractive in my eyes is Honey! Give him to me and I won't pay a second look to his father. Honey will be my heart and everything. My Little fairy!"     


Honey licked his dry lips.     

There was nothing like Suyin's soft voice when she took Honey's name four times and excluded Wang Shi completely. To her, Wang Shi was just Honey's father!      

The emotions whether they were a joy, pride, happiness, or whatever, were so deep and sharp that in the end, they left him touched.      

"And what did you said--" Suyin continued, "--your son!? The very fact I never heard Honey say a word about his mother clears a lot of things. I won't comment, least it hurts my baby. Not worth it!"     

It was the empty corridor with no one to witness Suyin's words. If she was acting or had bad intentions she wouldn't be this fierce!     

Moreover, the eyes don't lie!      

She wasn't lying!     

"I'm ending here. Whatever you have with Dr. Wang Shi discuss it with him."     

Suyin turned but the woman pulled her aggressively. "But I'm not done with you--"     

Right then Suyin twisted the woman's hand and pinned it against the wall. "It was a mistake to expect a civilized discussion from a woman who is on drugs. Since I have a baby to take care of, and you are delaying my time, measures have to be taken."     

She held the woman tight and called Hospital Director Lin Han who rushed with three men from the hospital staff.     

"5cc of benzo, STAT."     


Suyin stabbed the needle on the woman's arm, letting the ward-boys hold her as she lost her consciousness.     

Suyin's jaw clenched, don't know what makes her so angry, restless, and disappointed. Was it only the woman's behavior!?     


It's the fact that the woman was Honey's mother! Honey got his beautiful eyes from her.      

She is envious!     

"Send her to the ward, and let her detoxify. Inform Dr. Wang Shi once Honey is fine. Got it?"     


"I told you," Wang Shi takes off the earplugs from Honey's ear and pointed at sleeping Suyin, "She's dangerous! Very dangerous! Do you think someone will dare to take you away from me when she is already eyeing on you? Trust me, son, she will eat that person alive. Why fear when your weirdo duck is here!?"     

Wang Shi smiled.     

Honey just stared at his sleeping duck. When did she come here? Was he sleeping in her arms?     

He reached to poke her cheeks with his little fingers.     

She looks beautiful! Less scary! Less irritating!      

Without a word, he returned to Suyin's embrace.....     

Wang Shi glanced at Wang Huang and Liu Jeilan who witnessed everything from the sides. Unlike Honey, they had seen and heard the full video earlier.     


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