Mark of the destiny

Finally, you are caged!

Finally, you are caged!

3One day before,      2

"C'mon Zeng, where the hell are you!" sitting in the restaurant Fei Hong sighed. It's been an hour already, and the man was nowhere in sight. She glanced at her phone, the last message reads 'I have reached'.     

He didn't even reply to her!     

"He should have dropped a message at least! Irresponsible! I will wait for another five minutes, if he didn't come by then, I'll leave." the woman sitting at the adjacent table stared at her as if trying to recall something which adds on to Fei Hong's irritation. "Yeah, I'm the woman from the online video. Any opinions?" she snapped.     

The woman sneered.     

Irritated by the prying eyes of people, Fei Hong left the restaurant after five minutes. However, she ran into a problem as she went to the parking. Her bike had a flat tire!     

This can't be a coincidence, someone must have done it. She looked at the CTV camera and nodded before leaving the restaurant to hail the cab.     

"Mei, check the CCTV recording of Paradise restaurant," Hong said to Xiu Mei over the phone, looking around for a cab. Thankfully, she found one in front of the restaurant gates after it dropped off a passenger.     

"What happened?"     

"I think someone had tampered with my bike." she stepped into the cab, "I came here to have lunch with Zeng--" she paused feeling something cold against her neck and turned to see a bulky man holding a dagger.     

He gestured her to remain silent and put the phone down.      

The passenger who had just got down pushed her in, taking the window seat.     

Sneakily, Fei Hong long pressed a button that sent an SOS message and her location details to her emergency contacts i.e. Feng Junjie and Xiu Mei.     

The man snatched the phone and threw it out of the window before blindfolding her. How naïve! She had another phone hidden inside her boots and Mei knows about it. After the incident in the hotel, she had been extra careful.     


"What the hell!" Junjie sprung up from his seat getting an SOS message and called his team which was tailing Fei Hong. According to them, Fei Hong was still in the restaurant and hadn't come out. Not true!     

Upon checking, they found she left ten minutes before, however, her bike was still in the parking.     

"USELESS. I TOLD YOU TO PROTECT HER." he snarled, anger was just a small word to describe his emotion. He summoned his personal team, and ran out of his office, dialing Xiu Mei's number. "Sister Mei Mei, Fei Hong--"     

"She's heading to the north avenue. Now they have taken a left turn towards the old XY road. I think they are taking her out of the city."      

Junjie heard key tapping voice and understood Xiu Mei was already working her magic on the laptop.     

"Keep me informed. I'm on my way."     


Though the dagger on Fei Hong's neck never moved, she smirked, amusing the kidnappers. "This chick is something! I'm holding a knife and here she's pretending as of we are taking her for a ride."     

"Yup! Ride it is!" she said, "A ride where you all are moving closer to your death." there were four men in the car.     

"Whose death it would be, you'll know." the man dug the knife to scare her.     

"Brother don't. He had ordered us to keep her alive."     

"Hahaha.... oh yes! It's a beautiful place where we are taking her. A place where she would beg us to kill her. Any guesses?"     

Fei Hong heard the high pitch whistle of the train, and the sound of bells. They are taking her out of the city. "Keep your guesses with you. Tell me who is this 'he' you referred to? I'm confused between three bastards who can do this."     

"Hahaha.... intelligent woman! If this is your last wish, we don't mind telling you his name."     

"Exactly. Since you would be dead by the end of the day and dead tells no tale, let me tell you we are Tong Po's man. You accused him wrongly, so he had sent us to show you your proper place."     

"A place where a woman like you truly belongs."     

It made Fei Hong chuckle, "Thank you!"     


"I said thank you!"     




They threw Fei Hong on something soft and left with saying a word. She pulled the blindfold down to check her surroundings.      

It was a bedroom with dim lights and luxurious furniture. That's it. There was nothing more that she could describe the surroundings as the loud music make her skin tingle and lungs mush.      

No, the sound was not coming from the room but from outside, as if a party was ongoing. The music was as loud as thunder; it made the lamp on the table rattle. A hazy hooting could be heard distinctively, but she couldn't make out any words.     

The smell of alcohol, tobacco permitted the air. Apart from this, there was another smell.... something weird! Fei Hong had a hunch what smell it was....     

Her eyes zoomed on the bed and subconsciously she retched.     

No need to guess what place this was, and why she was brought here. Pretending to be scared, trying to look for an escape, she scanned the room.....     

Bang! She was just looking around when the door was shoved open and three familiar figures stepped in.      

Tong Po!     

Neo Huo!     

And the third bastard whose name she didn't even bother to memorize.     

She was immediately on high alert.      

The men gave a vicious smile, taking a step in. Neo Huo closed the door behind him. "Hey, little birdy. Finally, you are caged!" this place belongs to them, there's no way she would be able to run from here.     

They gave her a look over, eager to teach her a lesson for her bravery of going against them. Nope! Stupidity it should be!      

However, what impressed them most was how sexy she looked in denim shorts and a tee with a biker jacket. It was doing wonders to her sexy figure, enhancing her curves. "Let's finished what we left earlier before you become famous again."      

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