Mark of the destiny

My life, my rules

My life, my rules

3"Take these medicines."     


"This is the last time I'm saying. Next, I'll stick a needle in your ass."     

"No means no!"     

"Honey, just what do you want?" Suyin was getting impatient of the little human's tantrums as he kept himself wrapped in a blanket.     

"I don't like repeating my words."      

Suyin's gaze shifted to the table where some medicines were kept. She cursed Wang Shi under breath, "Fine! I'm taking them." and swallowed them one by one under the gaze of a certain someone peeking from the blanket.     

Honey giggled seeing her make funny faces, "Now you know how bitter it is. That's my revenge." and accepted medicines, letting go of his fake tantrums. He smiled inwardly, 'Mission accomplished.'      



 In their fight, they did not notice the two people watching them from the glass wall. With their experienced eyes, they watched Suyin's interactions with Honey.     

Wang Huang smiled at how beautifully Suyin handled Honey and look out for him. With just one look, anyone can tell they were not fighting but showing care and love differently. Honey put on the act to give her medicines and she pretended innocent of his demands, making him believe she's tricked by him.     

Everything comes out naturally between them, she wasn't pretending. Shockingly, even Honey was comfortable with her. Despite Suyin's messy past life, Wang Huang's thoughts on her improved.      

Holding an insulated flask containing chicken soup and a bar of chocolate, Liu Jeilan warily watched the woman taking out IV needles from his grandson's hand, blowing air as if she's the one with pierced skin. Still, she refused to believe Suyin doesn't have any other motive. She continued watching as the two bickered non-stop.     

Though she hates to admit it, it's beautiful to see Honey lively and interact with someone with no inhibitions. In all these years, it's the most she had seen Honey talk so much. The people around Wang Shi had only pitched kind words about Suyin, including the strict and arrogant chief of security who protects them.     

Even so, she could not bring herself to fully accept Suyin. Least she repeats her past mistakes.     

"Cute, aren't they?" Wang Shi joined them in watching the two bicker as usual.     

"Why?" Liu Jeilan asked the question bothering her from the beginning. "What different this woman has to get this much attention from Honey?"     

"Her name is Zhao Suyin," Wang Shi corrected her. "..... and some questions can not be answered. Maybe you should try asking Honey."     

"Honey doesn't like me, and I don't like this Zhao Suyin."     

"Grandpa didn't like you either and was against your and dad's marriage. Can you tell me why dad-"     

"SHISHI!," Wang Huang tensed, his son was literally making him a scapegoat to get back to his stubborn mother. He could feel his wife's scorching gaze, boring holes through his skull. "Jielan, ignore him."     

"You actually told him about our marriage?" she was stunned. Just how many details her husband had shared with Wang Shi? "What else you told him?"     

"Everything." Wang Shi answered, "-- starting from your small adventure of getting married in secret, eloping to Switzerland, and then returned after four months with me in your tummy."     


Jeilan turned red in embarrassment and anger. These two obnoxious men are terrible for her blood-pressure!      

President Wang looked around, making sure none of the bodyguards were within the range to hear his son revealing his secrets. Shameful!     

"In the end it was the father's decision as he was the one to marry you. I'm no different from him. My life, my rules." Wang Shi finally noticed the insulated flask, the faint chicken soup aroma made him recall his mother's amazing cooking skills. "No need to give this soup to Honey in the room. We will eat together in my office."     

Liu Jeilan blinked, "H-Honey will eat with us? Together?"     

"Yup. But don't give him this chocolate, he hates raisins. Try salted caramel next time." He saw nurse Miya walking by and stopped her, "Don't bother. He won't let a third person give him a sponge bath. I'll do it." and without another word, he took the fresh towels from her and went inside.     

Leaving his father's fate hanging in between....     

"Huang, why did you tell him about us? Look, he's walking on the same path!" Liu Jeilan huffed, turning to the man who was not the President of the country but a husband. Only a poor husband! She silently looked around to make sure no one hears them.      

He's the nation's president, and she cares about his reputation.      

Wang Huang cursed under his breath. Perhaps it was a bad idea to tell Wang Shi about it.     


"Stop making faces, I cannot allow you to bathe. At least not today. Sponge bath is good enough." As Wang Shi took a step Honey dived under the pillow like a hedgehog digging hole.      

"No! We both are a man. How can I allow you to see me?"     

His cute butt sticking outwards made Suyin laugh. Adorable.     

Wang Shi sneered, "Bratty, you have nothing left that I've not seen. Don't forget I've changed your--"     

"--changed my diapers, wiped my butt, taught me how to use pot, blah blah blah. But it was when I was a baby!"      

"Listen to your father, fairy. He's right. If you don't want him to do it, can I?" Suyin couldn't control herself from poking his cute butt to which Honey yelped and plopped it flat on the bed, covering it further with the pillow.     

"Weirdo duck! Don't touch my butt. I will never let you see me, you are a woman!"     

Wang Shi sighed, "Suyin, I'm holding him down, you take off his trousers."     

"Yes, boss!"     

Honey bolted up, almost in tears. "NOOOO! Stop bullying a sick child. It's bad to see a man naked." suddenly he came up with a full proof idea and batted his beautiful lashes at the woman head over heels for him. "Aunty Suyin, please... I will give five bonus kisses. Pretty please...."     

"Five bonus kisses!" her face became brighter, eyes shining more which made Wang Shi puke blood. Just how easy it was to buy her loyalty. Five kisses! Seriously? It's a lottery worth billions of dollars.     

However, the man coldly glowered at her. His message was obvious. 'Don't even think about it.'     

"Sorry, fairy. I can't." Suyin rejected the billion-dollar lottery with a heavy heart.     

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