Mark of the destiny

Are you sure you are not talking about yourself?

Are you sure you are not talking about yourself?

0"Ten. Ten kisses. Just stop dad."      2

"Suyin, don't you dare."      

"Pretty please...."     

"I'm warning you, Suyin."     

"Fifty kisses."     


Poor Suyin was split between the father-son duo as they tried to pull her to their sides. Undeniably, they both look funny. Wang Shi calls them Tom-Jerry pair, but right now, the father-son pair were like Tom and Butch fighting for Toodles.     

Oh! She's loving it!     

A peal of laughter rippled amidst the fight, shifting their attention to the woman. It was blissful wholehearted laughter they saw for the first time. Her laughter created a small propitious moment, a blessed relief from all the distress they had been through. It cheered Wang Shi and Honey and they share a smile, chuckled with joy.     

She laughed until tears rolled down her face, her tummy hurt. Slowly turning into half laughter half hiccup as she sat down on Honey's bed, suppressing something within.     

Honey was the first to pat her back, joined by Wang Shi a second later with a glass of water.      

After taking a sip and calming herself, she pinched Honey's nose. But to her shock, Honey brought his soft fingers to her cheeks and wiped the tears. The only thing that had become his weakness was tears. Earlier it was only Yuyu and Lan, but now there was a third addition.     

"Sorry. I won't give tantrums anymore, just don't cry. You can give me a sponge bathe, can take off all the clothes you want. I promise, I won't make a noise but please spare my underwear. It's shameful!" soon he regretted adding the last part.      

His soothing words make her giggle, "Ah, you are such a sweetheart. Wish you were mine. But right now, let your dad give you a sponge bathe, okay?" she waved her hand at Wang Shi, "I'll freshen up too." without giving a second look, she left.     

"Wish...." Departing Suyin gave him the feeling of melancholy as Honey muttered something catching Wang Shi's attention.     

"You said something?"     



"Yes, mom. He's much better now." Suyin assured her mother over the phone who somehow came to know about Honey.      

"And you?"     

"What's wrong with me? I was not down with fever."     

"Brat," Suyin frowned the way her mother addresses her sometimes. It's in perfect sync with Wang Shi. "I'm not concerned about your fever, your doctor boyfriend must have taken care of that. If not, I would have beat the hell out of him. Tell me what's bothering you."     

Suyin's lips quirked into a smile. Her way of addressing Wang Shi matches her personality. Mumma bear! "His name is Wang Shi."     

"Whatever. Are you telling me or should I come there?"     

"I met Honey's mother yesterday."After a brief pause Suyin said, hearing a loud curse and a creak of a chair over the phone. "Calm down, Mrs. Si."     

"What calm down? That's what I was most worried about. What does she want? Is she trying to get back with Wang Shi? Does Honey know about it? Did she fight with you? Used dirty words? Tell me everything. I will kick your boyfriend's ass if he lied to me when he said he has nothing to do with Honey's mother and he's single?"     

Suyin let out a sigh, looking around the bathroom to take a seat on the pot to explain.....     



After Suyin fell down,     

"Oops! Does that hurt?" The woman humourlessly chuckled, receiving a glare from Suyin as she stood up and dusted her palm. "Oh! Aren't you the woman from the ministry? What was the name... ah! Zhao! Suyin! Right?"     

Suyin fumed in anger. "What is the meaning of this?"     

"Cut the crap. I'm sure you know who I'm." eyeing Suyin's dishevelled look and mismatched clothes, she chuckled at Wang Shi's inferior choice.     

"Yes, a druggie who needs to be taken to rehab." Suyin was not interested to play games with her. The woman in front was wearing fitted black jeans with a blue full sleeve shirt whose cuffs were open, pulled up to her palm. Her hair short, ending on her shoulder, colored in golden at ends.     

The signs of premature aging, including dark sunken eyes, hair that had brittled. Though she looked like a woman in the late thirties, that's just the ill effects of drugs evident through her skin and eyes. Most likely she must be in her late twenties.     

The woman stiffened and forced a smile to remain controlled. "Looks like my hubby never told you about me." the frown on Suyin's face gave her the answer. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Zena Song, Wang Shi's wife. Now I believe you know why I'm here."     

Though the woman claimed to be Wang Shi's wife, Suyin reminded herself of Wang Shi's words that he doesn't have a wife. He never had one. Her trust in Wang Shi was above anything. Otherwise why would he court her actively and confess his love not long before?      

"Living under illusion is harmful to the brain and may lead to a mental breakdown."     

"Ignorant, fool, or greedy? What should I call you?" Zena took a sharp step, her face turning cold. The gold pendant with weird inscriptions on it, plopped out from her shirt, which she pulled back inside. Suyin tried to recall where she had seen it, but her memory seems to be on a vacation.      

"Just come to the point or get lost." Honey was sick, and the woman was delaying her time.     

"If you don't want things to turn dangerous, just do as I say." Zena crossed her arms, "Stay away from my husband."     

Suyin raised both her brows, one was not enough. The level of stupidity the woman showed amused her. "Why don't you go and tell this to Wang Shi instead?" the change in Zena's expression was a complete giveaway, "....because you can't. By calling him your husband repeatedly, he won't become one."     

"Didn't I make myself clear? I'm Honey's mother and Wang Shi's wife. You are the slut who spreads her legs in front of every man and seduce them for personal gains. Let go of my husband."     

"Are you sure you are not talking about yourself?" Suyin showed a smile, not bothered by her insulting words. Haters are like street dogs. Let them bark.     

The woman's face distorted, she took an aggressive step, "You Fu**ing wh*re. I know you are sleeping in his lounge and trying to woo that little ba**ard beside him--"     


(What followed was already revealed in the other chapter. I won't repeat it. Readers who are interested may read the rest of the conversation again."     


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