Mark of the destiny

I love..... I love....

I love..... I love....

1Wang Shi brushed her falling hair from her neck and gave a longing kiss at her shoulder to which she flexed. He looked up and smiled. "Your arrival changed my life. And bit by bit, I drowned in thoughts of you. I chose you, and I'm willing to repeat my actions every time I see you. I love you." and he sealed his words with a kiss.      0

Suyin gasped, her heart raced matching with Wang Shi's. His words erasing all the negative thoughts and insecurity that occupied her mind. She brought her hands in his silky hair, "I-I.... I love.... I love Honey." saying she instantly covered her face.     

Wang Shi "...."     

"Pfft," Wang Shi chuckled, pulling her hands down, "What a perfect way to spoil the mood. Bummer. Anyway, I'll wait to hear those words, weirdo duck." he pinched her nose until it turned red.     

"Only my fairy can call me that. Don't you dare."     

"Well... your little fairy is waiting for you."     

"Ah," she jumped from his lap, "Why? Where? Why didn't you tell me before? Is my baby okay?"     

Wang Shi grumbled, "It's only Honey you care about. I'm nothing. Your baby is waiting for lunch. Wanna join him and my parents."     



Wang Shi's office,     

There was an awkward silence at the table, everyone hoping for Wang Shi to join them soon. Wang Huang and Liu Jeilan have tried hundreds of ways to make the silent buddha talk to them. But all they got was to see his puffed cheeks. This grandson of theirs was impossible to impress. He had been holding on to the past things, unwilling to speak a word to the old couple.     

"Are you guys waiting for me?" Wang Shi's cheerful voice made the three heave in relief as he joined them at the table and started serving.     

"It's rare for us to eat together. Waiting is worth it." Wang Huang said. "Am I right Honey?"     

"Try chicken soup. I've added some Ginseng to make it healthier. Honey dear, try it."      

They were desperate to get a reaction from Honey. Especially after seeing him talking to Suyin. However, Honey's eyes were searching for something at the door. Searching for someone to be precise.     

"Shishi, what is he looking for?"      

Wang Shi patted Honey's head to get his attention. "What's wrong?" Honey glared once at his father and left for the lounge. He's don't have an appetite anymore.      

Liu Jeilan's lips pursed, "Where is she?"     

"In my secretary's office."     


In Daiyu's office, Suyin stared at the food Wang Shi had arranged for her. She was dying to eat lunch with Honey but the presence of Wang Shi's parents stopped her. Joining the Wang family over food would only make things difficult for Wang Shi. She did not want to be the reason of conflict between the family.      

Letting Honey witness such things are bad for his growth and can affect him emotionally.     

"Why are you eating here alone?"     

Suyin bolted up to find Liu Jeilan standing at the door. She bowed politely. "Madam President,"     

"Join us for lunch." Liu Jeilan said in her usual cold voice, but her eyes were drawn to Suyin's changed look. In a white jumpsuit, Suyin looked like a woman straight out of a political magazine. A strong woman eluding power and confidence.     

Liu Jeilan wondered if it was just the change of clothes, combed hair, and some beauty products or was Suyin always like this, but she missed it.      

Seeing Suyin didn't buzz from her place Liu Jeilan raised her brows, "I invited you. Are you rejecting a lunch with the President?"     

"Em, no. I'm sorry. Give me a second, please." Suyin didn't understand why the President's wife herself came to invite her. Isn't it below her status and position? Earlier she turned down Wang Shi's invitation to join him and his parents at the table, keeping in mind his parent's dislike towards her. Anyway, at least she would be joining Honey. Yayyy!     

Fei Jeilan frowned when Suyin picked the cup of fruit custard before following her out. She found it odd, childish too.     


Wang Shi didn't look at Suyin when she joined the family and was only interested to see the outcome.      

Liu Jeilan's purpose to invite Suyin was to check if Honey would change his mind and come back to eat with them. The old couple would do anything if they could amend their relationship with Honey once again. Honey was the key, and Wang Shi was sure his son wouldn't disappoint him. Almost sure.     

"Mr. President." Suyin bowed, carefully taking the seat away from Wang Shi, leaving an empty chair between them. Her eyes looked for Honey and stopped at the half-opened door of the lounge.     

Small feet wiggling restlessly.      


'So that's why Madam President invited me for lunch. She thinks Honey will join them if I'm at the table. But..... would Honey really join? He doesn't like me much. Please fairy, don't disappoint me this time. I will buy you the latest PlayStation.'     

She placed the custard at the table making sure Honey sees it and started eating lunch. Ten minutes passed, but the little man didn't buzz, crumbling everyone's hope.      

Liu Jeilan shook her head. Maybe it was wrong to assume Honey values Suyin.     

Suyin forced a spoon of porridge into her mouth. If it was not for the President couple, she would have barged into the lounge to irritate Honey until he joins them. "Cough.... cough..."     

Wang Shi reached to pat Suyin's back, but to everyone's surprise, another little hand joined the process, warming Suyin's heart. She was almost in tears, her fairy was too adorable. Unpredictable too.      

Honey picked the glass of water and brought it near Suyin's lips. Though he didn't say a word, his stern look was enough to tell he was scolding her.      

"Cough..... cough.... cough...." Liu Jeilan coughed, expecting something from Honey, but saw him taking the empty seat between Wang Shi and Suyin and started savoring the fruit custard, proudly announcing. I don't care.     

Liu Jeilan "..."     

Wang Huang patted his wife's back, though it was unnecessary.      

Suyin had a hard time controlling her laughter. This little devil is merciless. She could see Liu Jeilan's awkward expression but chose to look at Honey eating fruit custard made by her.     

"Mom, drink some water." Wang Shi was helpless. His mother was an entirely different person with Honey around.     


After her 'pleasant' lunch with Wang Shi's parents, Suyin left the hospital to check on Fei Hong. She's the most discussed topic right now, and everyone was praising her.     

Thankfully, her interns and Chen Weiwei kept her updated about the things happening outside. Particularly her interns to whom she gave online classes in her absence to make sure they learn maximum from her experience.     

Just as she stepped into the room the atmosphere seemed heavy. Awkward. Particularly between Feng Junjie and Zhao Zeng who were seated on either side of Feni Hong's bed.     

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Suyin asked Hong, pointing at the two men.     

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