Mark of the destiny

Perfect reply

Perfect reply

2In the parking, Feng Junjie saw a beautiful scene of Wang Shi and Suyin holding hands while the latter was giving instructions to the driver who was on the verge of tears. Though he doesn't know what he was instructing, the way Suyin was stealing glances at Wang Shi, smiling ear to ear, her eyes spoke a thousand words.       4

When his brother was done lecturing the driver, he opened the car door for Suyin, placed his palm on her head while she got in..... but Suyin turned swiftly, placed a kiss on his cheek, taking him off guard.      

She winked.     

Wang Shi blushed.     

It was love. And it made Junjie sad and envious.      

"Junjie," a soft touch on his shoulder jolted him while he turned on shoes to find his sister-in-law. Jeez! She caught him. The way she looked- probably she knows everything already. Yes, she did. Xiu Mei was standing outside the room when Junjie confessed.     

He blinked his eyes, jerking the two tears. Don't know from where they came. "Argh, too much dust here," he cleaned the corners of his eyes.     

"You okay?"     

"Of course," he fixed his hair comically, "charming, hot, sexy, and amazing as always."     

"Jianyu and I are making pizza tonight. Yuyu and Lan asked for you." she lied, unwilling to let Junjie be left alone. Heartbreaks are difficult. But honestly, she was disappointed by Fei Hong. She doesn't even know what she had lost today. And the day she'd realize, it might be too late. Her brain's messed up watching men around her, and how they treat their woman.      

Every man is different!     

She can't weigh them on the same scale and expects everyone to behave similarly. For the fact, Feng Junjie was heading Feng Group of companies single-handedly after his elder brother Feng Jianyu left the company to concentrate on his own business. Junjie had been generating the highest growth rate, tying with Jianyu's company. He values his family and relations above everything.     

'Hong, soon you will eat your own words. Junjie is not immature, he's the owner of a golden heart who knows how to keep his family happy. But that's fine, it was your choice.' Xiu Mei nodded. She was Fei Hong's friend much before Junjie and was the one who introduced them around five years back. She understands Hong more than anyone.     

"No." Junjie declined the offer, flashing a smile to ease Xiu Mei's worries. "I'm going to the club tonight. Saturday night it is! Besides Uncle Juju cannot let his angels see him like this." he winked and left. He doesn't want to bother Xiu Mei with his personal problems.      


People's Hospital,     

A woman's eyes fluttered, waking up from a deep slumber. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, dread inched its way up at the stinging stench of disinfectant. Her blurry vision cleared, causing her to check the surrounding.      


As if at that moment Zena Song recalled something, every sense urged her to claw her way to standing and leave the place ASAP, but she found her limbs tied to the bed with leather straps. An eerie silence engulfed, adding nothing good to her already panicked heart.     

She was still at Wang Shi's hospital.     

Damn! This must be that horrendous bitch Zhao Suyin. She injected something into her.     

Regardless, Suyin must be bearing the consequences already. Consequences for getting into Wang Shi's life.      

Zena smiled, thinking of Suyin being kicked out of Wang Shi's life forever. Honey's trauma was at the stage that he just needs a small nudge to trigger his insecurities. And Zena did it perfectly by appearing in front of him.     

That's it.     

By now the little bast*rd must have created havoc, keeping not only his father but his politically influential grandparents on toes. If not Wang Shi, his worrywart parents must have surely kicked Suyin out to appease their spoilt grandson.      

Who knows, maybe the little bast*rd's heart couldn't take the shock and stopped already by now. Just like his sister. The thought excited her.     

The door swung open, cold air pouring into the room. Zena propped her head, fury filled her being, and she struggled to free herself. There's only one word to describe her emotions- HATE.     

Wang Shi and Feng Jianyu. She hates them.      

"Your face tells me that demon survived." the sneer flashed her stained teeth. Her eyes protruded maximum, as she added, "But it seems he shattered your dreams of getting together with that tainted woman. Good. As expected of him. Poor you for getting such a useless son."     

"Damn! I missed that witch's expression. My baby~ my fairy~ my this~ my that...." Zena mumbled.      

The intimidating sound of leather shoes against the floor echoed as Wang Shi and Feng Jianyu took a seat on the couch facing her. On Wang Shi's order, Daiyu came forward and held an iPad on Zena's face.     

"You look so handsome, little fairy, but I like you cute. So....." Suyin's tender voice echoed, electrocuting Zena. Suyin squeezed Honey's cheeks until it resembles a fish's pout, and combed his hair just how a mother does. Shockingly, Honey lets her do it.      

The date and timing of the video was of today's.      

"Ewww..... I'm looking like a greasy duck. Don't try to bring me under your category. You know nothing about the latest fashion."      

"Fashion? Duck? Just you wait...."      

"Hey hey.... what are you doing? Stay away....."      

"Do you think you can escape from my kisses?"     

Giggles flooded as the two started playing cat and mouse. Honey trying to escape the clutches of the playful Suyin. She caught him when he started coughing and wheezing and cuddled him in her arms. Once again he let her do it.     

Zena's eyes darkened, she struggled violently, wanting to smash the iPad. After experiencing all that, the little bast*rd still has the nerve to treat another woman with love and let her approach him. Honey, can never be like this with another woman! This is betrayal!     

Argh, shouldn't he be insecure, dread, live, and die under the fear of being taken away from Wang Shi?      

How can he be happy?     

Feng Jianyu smiled from the bottom for his heart. Zena's perplexed state, her anger, frustration, agony- he wanted to see it for don't know how long. Suyin and Honey's closeness was the perfect reply to Zena who left no stone unturned to keep the trauma alive in Honey.     


Had she shown her motherly affection just like Suyin, maybe she wouldn't be in this state today. But all she did was to harm Honey physically and emotionally.      


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