Mark of the destiny

She lied.

She lied.

2Wang Shi looked out the window while the driver drove his car to Suyin's office. Once more his memory pulled him back into the maze of thoughts.....     

Zena couldn't keep her facade in front of Wang Shi as the latter knew everything. The fact she left the kids in the orphanage and let them die added fuel to his rage.      

For the first time, he used his powers and gave Zena the biggest blow by wiping out their family businesses as a warning to keep away from kids and never to come after him.     

It worked.     

That's what he thought.     


It's been almost three years since Honey's surgery- Wang Shi got himself a little bundle of joy that kept chirping around the house. Honey was doing amazing, both physically and mentally. There was no relapse or complications. Just two more years and Wang Shi would cut down Honey's daily medicines.      

At that time People's group was expanding its Pharma division to various countries which require him to travel a lot. On one such instance, an accident resulted in the death of three construction workers on an under-construction site and he left urgently, placing Honey in his mother's care as Jianyu and Mei were  on family vacation.     

"Mom, what marriage are you talking about? Didn't I make myself clear I'm not interested? Stop looking for candidates wherever you go." The exhaustion of the twenty hour-long flight was yet to go, and here his mother had already started yapping about another candidate. It took him over two weeks to settle the issue and complete legal formalities. He better takes Honey and leaves this place ASAP.      

Speaking of which, even Honey dislikes when Liu Jeilan force him to greet those ladies and smile.     

"Shishi, stop acting as if I've committed a crime." Liu Jeilan acted hurt. It's her usual emotional act, and it stopped bothering Wang Shi long ago. "This girl is superb. Cultured, polite, elegant, decent family background and most importantly she likes Honey a lot. I met her in a charity event and we hit off instantly."     

"Than get your husband married to her," ignoring Liu Jeilan's ugly scowl, Wang Shi's gaze went past her shoulder looking for Honey. "Where's Honey?"     

"I sent Honey to Zena. She had baked a chocolate cake today. Aish, this girl is working so hard to strengthen her relationship with Honey. I'm sure she will-- ah!"     

Wang Shi held her shoulder, "What name did you take?"     

"Shishi, you are hurting me!"     

"Is she Zena Song? Tall, blonde, sharp features, and brown eyes."     

"You know her?"     

"Damn! What have you done! Zena is none other than Honey's biological mother." Wang Shi sprinted outside. Realisation struck, none of the past events was a coincidence. He was made to leave the country so Zena could execute her plan.     

She had no intentions of marrying him. Nope! After witnessing Wang Shi's hatred three years back, she learned it hard way. However, when her father and brother came to know the reason behind their bankruptcy and the rich man she derailed, they colluded to bring everyone's life back on track and earn something more.     

Whether Wang Shi likes it or not, Honey came out of her and this made everyone believe Honey was her possession. She had every right to make use of this little fellow, making sure Wang Shi pay up for birthing an heir for the Wang family. With his backing and Honey in her possession, she would gain a footing in the clan.     


Fear. That was what Wang Shi fell when he saw Honey's blood-splattered jacket and some empty vials in the gift box with his name written over it.      

She had kidnapped Honey.     

.... and these empty vials.... surely they were not vitamins.     

[You know what Honey's worth is. Three days and transfer the amount.]     


She's basically asking for his entire wealth. As if he cares. But the time limit of three days- Honey doesn't have that much time. He's on important medication that can't be skipped. Wang Shi had to bring his son back within twelve hours.     


He was about to leave the place where Zena had been staying at when his men brought Honey's shoe with both his socks stuffed in a single shoe. They had found it in the bedroom next to a puddle of blood and some ropes.      

Little did Zena knew, Honey had left a clue which would let Wang Shi find him with no difficulty. It was a message written on socks that only Wang Shi could decipher...their secret way of communication.     


That night, Zena along with her father and brother were drowned in the celebration of their success. Their speed boat had crossed the border long ago, and now, no one can dare touch them. With Honey in their grasp, they can force Wang Shi to do anything.      

That's what they thought.     

With the combined power of three armies- Wang Shi's, Feng Jianyu's, and Wang Shi's friend- the last thing Zena saw was standing between the pool of blood and dead bodies. Her father and brother among them.     

Not like they were innocent. Her family was amongst the powerful mafia's of Europe, getting them killed was only a favor to humanity.     

Four hours. It took four hours for Wang Shi to bring Honey back to him, into the safe embrace of his father. But Honey was not the same chirpy boy, but a lifeless doll. Had bruises over his delicate skin and needle piercing marks on arm. They kept him under heavy sedatives which was harmful to his fragile body and heart.     

Slowly Honey recovered, but he was never the same. Only God knows what he had seen and heard. To date, it's only known to him.      

A week later when Honey woke up, he curled into a ball and cried endlessly until his tired body takes him back to the dreamland. It was a never-ending process.....     


"Sir, we have reached." Wang Shi's world was spinning in the past when the driver wakes him up. He weakly lifted his head at the tall building, though Suyin was just a few meters away, though he couldn't see her from this distance, a smile came on his lips. She just had the magic which pulls him to her. According to the clock, she should be off work after an hour, but thinking about her mood, he decided to call.     

The call was answered within a ring.     


The impact of her soft yet pained voice shook his heart. It knocked off his own issues, replacing with hers. Who cares about the past and Zena when he had this adorable human as his future.      

"Hey, love," He heard a ding of elevator followed by the tapping of heels. "Are you free to talk?"     

"I'm doing overtime today if there's something urgent I can save five minutes." something in her voice was off, which brought Wang Shi to the edge. "How about we talk over dinner--" the network went off, she must be in the elevator. Let her come out first.     

A minute later she messaged, [Minister Yuan is here. I'll talk later.]     


"Sir," Five minutes later Wang Shi's driver called, asking for his attention at someone. It was Suyin who drove her white car out of the building. She lied.     


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