Mark of the destiny

It's your turn now

It's your turn now

2"You may start now," Suyin covered her ear and mumbled. She had barely thrown a punch and two kicks when Wang Shi's men barged in out of nowhere and took control of the situation. She was prepared for this, but c'mon.... they didn't let her do any action and instead formed a protective barrier.     4

The security personals took away Song Kun and his friends, while a tall man named Lee showed her the way to Wang Shi's car. The considerate man didn't forget to give her a heads-up on Wang Shi's off mood.     

As expected, when she got into the car Wang Shi neither kissed nor he greeted her with his forever charming smile. He didn't even say a word throughout the way, neither he paid heed to her clarifications.      

He brought her to a hotel owned by the Feng group and opened a presidential suit. What's the use of spending thousands of buck to scold your girlfriend? He could have done it in the car as well.     

By the way, he looks yummyliciously sexy when he's angry. Is that even a word? Suyin's hormones were already doing salsa over the hot man, glaring daggers at her. Any longer, and she would do something shameful. Just seeing him pacing in front he reminded her of a honey glazed pork. Ready to devour.     

Wang Shi frowned, "What to start?"     

"Scolding. That's why you've brought me here."      

As her head dropped, and the corner of her lips twitched, Wang Shi pulled her in his embrace. A tight hug that she prefers. Her shoulder shook, breaking her comic facade. "Silly, who said about scolding? I just wanted to bring you to a safe place where we can talk. That's it."     

"You were angry in the car."     

"Upset I was. Because you took a risk and went there alone. Do you think you are a superwoman?"      

"Since this matter was personal, instead of using government security, I hired private bodyguards to come with me." She looked up, letting him brush her hair from face and tug it behind her ear. "But I cancelled the booking after seeing your car. I knew you would follow me and that's what you did."     

"This was a sudden decision, right?" Daiyu had been managing her schedule because of Long Tao's absence and kept Wang Shi updated. She must have planned it after getting information on Zhao Feiyan and Ling Gilbert.      

"It was planned already." she said, "But when Daiyu told me that Zhao Feiyan received five million dollars in her private account around the time of my son's death, it enraged me. Wang Shi.... you knew about it, right? And about the orphanage's bank account used as the medium to transfer the money?" Daiyu is his assistant and considering how he gave her the information within fifteen minutes, it only points out he was ready with it.     

She looked as he poured water on a towel and started wiping her painted face. "I do. A Hundred million was transferred to the orphanage- one million to the care taker's- five million to Zhao Feiyan- and the remaining in a Swiss bank account. During the same time, Ling Gilbert bought a significant amount of shares in Ace and secured his position as the President."     

He moved to wipe the mascara from her eyes, "I didn't tell you because the information is still incomplete. We need to investigate who supported Ling Gilbert." knowing Gilbert was just a doctor in Ace, owning a Swiss account was not possible for him at that time. Someone definitely helped him.      

"Yes, and the one who transferred a hundred million initially. He's the prime culprit." she gritted her teeth, "Let me get that murderer once, I will ask him if I'll pay triple the amount now, will he return my son?"     

Wang Shi's hand shook, the towel dropped on the floor. "Sorry. I'll bring another." she held his hand and pulled him towards her.      

"You forgot something."     


"It's your turn now." He had been sounding terribly lonely to her. There's definitely something he had been enduring alone. Is it about Zena? What did he do to her? But why does it seem it's something else? "Sharing is caring."     

Wang Shi stilled, his throat tightened. Overcome by emotions, he sat straight only to spoon her in his arms. Suyin's deep understanding of his emotions has started to scare him. "I send Zena to the Mental Asylum. She won't be able to come out of there forever."     

"DDid she said something disturbing?"     

"Nothing new of her." He held her gaze within his, she had a thousand questions in her eyes but he doesn't have the courage to face them. "It's complicated, Suyin."     

In response, Suyin lifted his upper body and hugged him in her arms. His returning embrace was as soothing. "Mr. complicated has found a Miss. Complicated for himself. Good Job."     

He chuckled. "Yeah. Life's going to be fun with Mrs. Complicated." the word Mrs. didn't go unnoticed from Suyin.     


The next morning Suyin woke up with Wang Shi's heart beating beneath her ear. She took the opportunity to give Wang Shi a morning kiss as he lay on the bed with his bare chest, letting her use it as a pillow.      

Last night was memorable. No, they didn't do anything, but they did something precious..... moon gazing and talking endlessly until sleep takes over them.     

With Honey, they are making 'family memories' but together-- it's couple memories. It was the first time they both shared a bed together. Alone. Otherwise, Honey used to sleep between them. She thought it would be awkward, but her concerns melted as he pulled her in his embrace and promised never to cross boundaries and respect her choice.     

Sigh, this man is a..... Sweetheart? and hottie bum.     

"Someone's blushing." Wang Shi's husky voice ring near her ear, adding the color to her blush. His lips touched her forehead and in one swift motion, he pinned her under him. "One kiss is never enough."     

"Wang Shi!" Her hands pressed at his chiseled chest in a futile attempt of pushing him, but the man was adamant to get his day's dose of energy. She left him be and stretched her hand to get her phone.     

"Phone? Early morning?" he chastised her but saw her smile looking at the phone. "What is it?"     

"Zhao Feiyan it is."     

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