Mark of the destiny

In just one blow

In just one blow


Zhao Feiyan trembled at her husband's voice, subconsciously looking at the door to make sure it was closed properly. They have servants and Song Kun's wife at home. The AC was on, but she knew the blood had run from her face.     

'F*ck, Zhao Suyin, I will kill you. Let me get over with this.' it's the first time Song Xianxi had raised his tone at her.     

After getting out of Suyin's office, she contacted her people again, even offered a bribe, tried to hire lawyers, but all in vain. Don't know what on earth happened, but just at the mention of Suyin's name, every person turned their back. And now.... her husband was yelling at her for no reason. Judging by the dark look on his face, she knew even he failed to get their son out of jail.      

"Xenxi, I did it for Kun. He's being tortured in jail, I heard it myself. Don't you know how viciously they treat people there?" Her entire body shook in the constant fear of her son's safety. His painful screams were still echoing inside her brain.     

"What good did you get by going there? Look what your useless son had done." Song Xianxi pushed his laptop towards his wife and stood up to walk near the window. They have been trapped from both sides.      

Zhao Feiyan's heart sunk with nervousness as she sat down to check the contents on the laptop. Her breaths came in sharp pants as she tried to gain control, but nothing worked.      

Song Kun's crazy gambling habit was not a secret from anyone, it was one of the reasons for the Song group's downfall. He swindled millions from the company's accounts and borrowed from lenders at heavy interest when Song Xianxi refused to cater to his demand.      

But this.....     

Unknown to Zhao Feiyan, his blockhead son has borrowed money from the black market and underworld gangs. If these people were not paid in time, they would resort to any means to get their money back. Selling females in the market and extracting organs of the male members of the family being the most common.     

"How did Suyin get this list?" She asked. Until an hour before, the news of Song Kun in custody was only known to the family, but now it's all over the internet with an attached list. The list that had names of the people that shouldn't be known to anyone.      

To collect their debts, they would definitely come after the family. What more, the chances of Song Kun being killed at their hands as soon as he steps out of the jail are higher.      

No! they would definitely kill him!     

It scares! She tried to breathe calmly, but every time she looked up, those black letters on the screen haunted her. Suyin's words echoed, 'You will willingly keep him in jail.'     

Jail or no jail, her son was bound to suffer. If not at the hands of Suyin, then at the hands of creditors.     

Just one blow from Suyin and Zhao Feiyan's only son was taken away from her. Once more Suyin's words haunt her, 'I will never let you see him again.'     

In just one blow!     

"Xianxi, Xianxi, do something. Why don't we send Kun to abroad and pay the debt in his stead?"     

"Yeah, I have got a money growing tree planted in the garden." he snapped, irritated by his wife who spoiled Song Kun and gave in to his every demand. This is the result of her upbringing he's rotting in jail and couldn't get out.     

What he does not understand was upbringing is the responsibility of both the parents, not just a mother!     

"Then ask money from Ning Yu's father. Doesn't he have a moral duty to save his daughter's husband? Ask father-in-law to help us.... or anyone else.... but get my son back."     

"JUST SHUT UP." Song Xianxi returned his gaze outside the window. Song Kun has already sucked dry his in-laws by extracting money in the name of his wife Ning Yu. But what bothered Song Xianxi was Suyin's words, 'Payback with interest'.      

What does Suyin know? What does she mean by payback? Does she know something about the thing he did years back? He better talk to 'him'.     

Song Xianxi shoved his unsteady hands inside the pocket to fetch his phone but paused at his wife's presence in the study. "Go away. I'll talk to the father about it."     

Zhao Feiyan slowly raised her eyes yet again to see her husband's back, "B-but--"     


There was a silence to Zhao Feiyan's soul. She was the fallen leaf under frost. This was her life. A dark void life that consumes everything. Hers was a love marriage, but now it's only the marriage that's left.     

With a heavy heart she left the room.      

Things were all spring when her elder brother Zhao Hede was alive and she was working in the company. But after Zhao Hede's death, the incapable Zhao Shu (Suyin's father) was made the owner of the company.     

Why? Just because she was a daughter and cannot inherit the property? Who made this rule!? Her status in the Song family and in her husband's eyes fell at the same pace as the company. If only she had inherited the company, things would have had been different.     

The injustice that happened against her had directed her hatred towards Zhao Shu's family. She hates each of them, especially Zhao Suyin who was as useless as her father and became the reason for the company's downfall.     

Song Xianxi immediately latched the door after Zhao Feiyan left and dialed a number. "Meet me. Why not? This is about Zhao Suyin, don't tell me she hadn't made your life miserable."     

"Fine, at our usual place. Tonight. One more thing, bring all the information you know about her and her family."     

If Suyin was targeting Song Kun, then it only means she's coming after him or his wife. While his wife only made Suyin's life miserable and got her married to Qi Wren, he had done something more. A murder.     

Suyin is a threat and Song Xianxi doesn't do well with threats and eliminates it without a delay. But before that, he has to understand this enemy who has mushroomed overnight.     


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