Mark of the destiny



2It's only Wang Shi giving a hundred percent while Suyin was only enjoying a free ride of his love and care. He has become her backbone in search of the murderers, providing all the resources and never complaints. But she....      0

"Stupid," James sat down straight and looked down at her, "Didn't you say Honey had started to warm up to you?" she opened her mouth to say something but James beat her to that by adding, "When I started with Evan, a wise woman had advised me to go slow in a relationship. The faster you go the faster it will end. Any idea who she was?"     

Seeing Suyin shook her head cheekily while pointing a finger at herself, he hit her forehead. "Of course it was you. Things are going smoothly between you two. Must you mess with it by hasting things?"     

Suyin stared James for a few seconds making him conscious, and then hugged him suddenly, "My love expert! Just how many boyfriends have you charmed?"     

"Over six-- wait! YOU--" he pushed her, and picked a pillow, targeting her face. "You tricked me. It's only Evan now."     

Suyin dodged his attack and giggled, "Let Evan come, I will tell him about the other five."     

"I will kill you....."     

"Try harder."     

Outside the door, a lone figure stood holding a jar of Nutella. His courage hit the bottom as he saw the two hitting each other with pillow. Laughing and teasing. Zeng closed the door gingerly and took a step back only to be caught by Si Han.     

He lowered his watery eyes, "I'm hungry, call Suyin for dinner." instantly he turned, jerking the tears off of his eyes, and walked towards the kitchen where Fei Hong was.      


He looked up, "Am I asking too much? I know, I have done some horrible things, I should have been there for Suyin but I..... Shit! Failure I am!"     

Vibrating with suppressed frustration and helplessness, he cursed and threw the Nutella Jar into the dustbin. Fi Hong took a step and rubbed Zeng's shoulder when he sank to the floor.     

"I don't know anything. I don't know why I did all that.... I don't know why I never helped Suyin.... I DON'T KNOW..... She's my little sister, I have always loved her....." he held Fei Hong's hand, pleading, "Trust me, I don't know anything. My career was important, it still is, but I've no fucking idea why I behaved like a jerk when Suyin called me for help."     

His words confused Fei Hong, Zeng could be sorry for his wrongdoings but saying 'don't know' was absurd. She crouched down and hugged him.      

Standing at the threshold of the door, Si Han saw her son crying hysterically. He was right, Suyin had always been her little sister who he adored more than his life. It was until he decided to pursue his career and never looked back at Suyin. She too doesn't know what brought such a change in Zeng.      

And now it's been almost two years since he had been making efforts to earn back his family. Why?     

"I won't give up on them. Never." Zeng murmured, his shoulders shaking, "They are mine."     


The dinner was awkward. Suyin didn't say a word and just eat whatever served to her. Even letting Zeng add dishes to her plate in order to not create a scene in front of Fei Hong.     

After dinner, the mother-daughter was having a chat about Suyin's plan on Zhao Feiyan when the doorbell rang. Si Han frowned, "Did they forget something?"     

"Let me check," Suyin opened the door, her ovaries squealed in happiness seeing Yuyu and Lan standing in their hello kitty nightgowns. They looked as cute as confetti, melting Suyin's heart. She instantly pinched their cheeks. "Hey, my cuties,"     

Yuyu kept on looking behind, fidgeting with her fingers. Suyin followed her gaze, but other than tall plants she found nothing. "What happened, sweetie?"     

Lan stood with hip jutted to one side, her arms placed on her hips. "Pretty sister, our airplane crashed in your balcony. Can I get it?"     

"Sure. But what were you doing with it at night?"     

Once more Yuyu looked behind and Suyin followed her gaze. "Hon-"     

"YU... YU...." Lan rubbed Yuyu's back, throwing a cheeky smile at Suyin, "We were testing its flying speed when it crashed. We need to work on it more." she pouted, trying hard to sound clear and form coherent words. "Can we have it?"     

Their chubby cheeks glowed from a light within, taking over Suyin's mind. They looked nothing less than cute pink dolls, tempting her to steal them forever. If only Honey had joined this human puppy squad, it would be worth running away with them to.... Bahamas?     

"Come inside, sweeties. I will gobble you up tonight." she collected the girls in her arms and kissed their cheeks. "I have cupcakes in the fridge."     

"Cream cupcakes?"     



"I want two."     

"You can have as many as you can."     

"I love you pretty sister,"     

"Pretty sister is the best."     


Honey came out of his hiding, pouting. Fuming in anger and jealousy. He kicked the planter installed outside and stomped his way to the giant door.     

'I will never call Yuyu and Lan for the stayover. Cupcake? Just a cupcake and they are sold! And why did that weirdo Duck didn't ask about me? Not even once!' he stomped his foot at the door. As per his understanding, Suyin was supposed to ask about him. The moment she did that, Lan would tell her that Honey had a stomachache and was sleeping.      

Bam! Suyin would have had rushed to check on him. Perfect plan!     

But they forgot!     

Suyin forgot to ask.     

And Lan.... Argh, let's not bring those useless sisters.      




"Open the door, I want my sisters back, and airplane too," Honey yelled, jumped to reach the doorbell but could only curse it. He beckoned the old butler who was still in the hiding and pointed his stubby finger. "Doorbell!"     

*to be continued*     

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