Mark of the destiny

Nothing is a coincidence

Nothing is a coincidence

1"I can't believe what I just heard! Greed is a bottomless pit, and Song Xianxi and Hui Guozhi are perfect examples of that." Xiu Mei thumped her gadgets and laptop on the table as soon as she returned home.     

Wang Shi leaned against the bar counter and shoved his hand into the pants pocket, bringing the phone out to check Honey's countless messages, all complaining about Suyin.      

[Weirdo duck slammed the door in my face. She didn't even let me inside the house. I'm angry.]     

[She stole my sisters and airplane. I'm not talking to them again. You should too.]     

[Yuyu and Lan ditched me for cupcakes. Girls are unpredictable.]     

The last message reads, [Dad, when are you coming home? Scold that weirdo duck for stealing my things. I'm canceling our kissing contract.]     

Wang Shi's mood lightened instantly, Tom and Jerry were again teasing each other. He replied, [Yes, I will scold her but don't cancel the contract, otherwise she would cancel the contract with me too. Will be late, don't wait for me and drink warm milk before going to bed :sparkling_heart:]     

Then he messaged Suyin, [I love you. See you in dreams.]     

He didn't expect a reply, but surprisingly she replied within a minute. [I love :honey_pot: Muahhh!] he chuckled.     

"They both killed Zeng Hede through a car accident so that Zhao Feiyan ends up with the Zhao family business, indirectly benefiting Song Xianxi. Such a cunning fox he is!" Xiu Mei poured herself a glass of water, "And that Hui Guozhi-- Bish! No comments!"     

"Well, that comes as a surprise that Hui Guozhi's wife was none other than Zhao Hede's fiancee. He joined hands with Song Xianxi to clear his obstacle and then eventually got the woman." Feng Jianyu slide a whiskey glass towards Wang Shi, "Did Suyin ever told you about it?"     

"Nope," Wang Shi shook his head and added some more whiskey to the glass, "Maybe it was not relevant." The woman had the right to move on whether with Hui Guozhi or someone else. Who could have guessed there's planning behind it!     

However, the most beneficial party turned out to be Hui Guozhi. Not only he got Zhao Hede's woman, but years later his daughter becomes the lady boss of the Zhao business by marrying Qi Wren.      

"What are you thinking, big brother?" seeing Wang Shi lost in thoughts, Xiu Mei asked.     

Wang Shi lowered the glass, "Why Song Xianxi mentioned nothing about Suyin's son and the five million his wife received?"      

Throughout the conversation, they only talked about their concerns about Suyin targeting them because of Zhao Hede's death. Had he not died, Zhao Feiyan would have never raised the expectation to own the business, thereby not hating Zhao Shu and his family.      

Not to forget it was Zhao Feiyan who poisoned Patriarch Zhao's ear that Zhao Shu and Si Han were behind Zhao Hede's accident to become the sole heir. It resulted in Patriarch's coldness towards his youngest son's family, depriving the kids of the much-needed love.     

Later she got Suyin married to Qi Wren to chuck her out of the race of inheritance while Zeng was already out of the race when he opted to pursue a career in sports. Sadly, destiny took a different turn, and business ended up in Qi Wren's hand. Ironic.     

Not surprisingly, it was Song Xianxi who pulled Zhao Feiyan's strings behind the curtain.     

Wang Shi stumbled into shocking facts about the Zhao family. The more he recalled their conversation, the more it hurts him. Suyin was innocent, unnecessarily pulled into this ugly mess and forced to marry, and then divorce at the young age of twenty-three.      

"Because--" Xiu Mei brought her laptop to the bar, "Song Xianxi is not aware of his wife's doings." on the screen were the multiple account statements all belonging to Zhao Feiyan. She was secretly running a jewelry and a textile company, details of which were unknown to Song Xianxi.     

She had used the five million to expand her business, which was now a multi-million entity. As expected from a businesswoman!      

"So the husband and wife both are not aware of each other's doings." Feng Jianyu lamented. According to the conversation between Xianxi and Guozhi, Zhao Hede's death was a well-kept secret between the two. No third person was aware of it.      

"Exactly." Xiu Mei closed the laptop.     

"Understanding how scum of a husband and son Zhao Feiyan has, it's expected of her to keep her future secure." Wang Shi's gaze dropped to the amber liquid in the glass, his voice dropped dangerously. "But.... not at the cost of my Suyin."     

"I wonder what Zhao Feiyan and Patriarch Zhao would be upon knowing the truth. They destroyed a happy family." Xiu Mei asked.     

"Shameless people don't reflect on their wrongdoings but look for another reason to justify it." Wang Shi drank from his glass, taking a moment to let the sting in throat pass before pouring another drink. "Mei, what brings you to narrow down your search on the Hui family? Did you find something?" he wanted to ask this question since Jianyu told him about it.     

"I have a very potent reason," she didn't beat around the bush, "On the day of Suyin's baby's death, though Hui Chouming was holidaying in Mauritius, she talked to her parents over twenty-two times- out of which sixteen calls went to her mother. Sound suspicious?"     

Wang Shi's frowned, struggling to look at Xiu Mei through his blurry vision, "What does Chouming's mother do? I haven't heard of her."     

"After giving birth to Chouming she's left worldly desires for unknown reasons and is now living in Louts Shrine of the Hui family. Her record is clear, no dirt found, but these phone calls are bugging me."     

Xiu Mei silently gestured her husband not to drink anymore, "What more, it seems Hui Chouming had been following Suyin everywhere since high school days, deliberately taking admissions wherever Suyin went. This can't be a coincidence, or is it?"     

"Nothing is a coincidence. They have planned it long before to make Suyin's life hell." Wang Shi gulped the drink, his eyes shut tight by the sting, "Keep looking. None of them are innocent. They have hurt my Suyin before and now these ugly scums are even planning to kill her---- Argh, as if I'll let that happen." he yanked Jianyu's hand when the latter tried to take the glass.     

"You are drunk."     

"I'm fine!" his blood boils recalling Song Xianxi's words, 'Then kill her and put full-stop to our troubles.'     

Dream on. No one can touch Suyin.      

Xiu Mei cupped the glass in Wang Shi's hand, "Big brother, let it go."     

"I-I'm not drunk, Mei....." he took the support of counter to stand up, "They have hurt my Suyin before, and now they want to kill her.... Suyin... love... I'm sorry you have to go through all this..... Yin--"     

"Big brother!"     

Feng Jianyu caught Wang Shi before he could fell off from the stool and supported him. He kept on mumbling Suyin's name.     

"I will take him to the guest room."     


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