Mark of the destiny



3"Wait for me, I'm going with you today." Si Han put a slice of toast in mouth and grabbed her handbag. She caught Suyin's narrowed gaze, "I know I'm more beautiful than you, but if you keep staring at me like this, we'll be late for work."     

"Mrs. Si, do you think I'm stupid to not understand your motive?"      

"Ah, such amazing genes you have! So sad, they are useless in front of human puppies." She'd make sure Suyin doesn't spoil her plan of reverse psychology and head straight to the office. The time perfectly clashes with the kids' school timing, and there are hundred percent chances they would run into each other in parking.     

Suyin could only stomp her feet in anger. Who was she trying to argue? That's Si Han!     

As the elevator reached the parking and they turned left towards their car, Suyin's heart started singing. It was Honey and his two sisters with school bags hanging on their back. Adorable.      

Wang Shi's driver Lee stood facing the kids, ready to take them to school but don't know what's stopping them.     

"Pretty Sister," Yuyu and Lan waved cheerfully, ready to sprint; but a pull on the straps of their bags stopped them.      

"Don't mess, we might get late for school." Honey stole a glance at Suyin, his cheeks still red and puffed in anger. He silently counted the number of days without kisses. Day three it was.      

What was he hoping for? Would Suyin jump on him as always and ask for a kiss? Yes! No!     


Suyin gulped at the sight of Honey's red cheeks. Argh, the irresistible urge! Her body acted on its own and she took a step. Honey's expression changed slightly, even the corner of his lips moved in a triumphant smile.      

Si Han settled her hand firmly at Suyin's lower back, reminding her of something and steered her to the car. The look she used was the one parents save for bratty kids while in public.      

Suyin sighed and let herself be directed to the car. Of course, she didn't forget to wave at the girls. Only at girls.      

Honey's eyes followed Suyin's car as it drove off. His lips jutted out into an adorable pout.      

"Uncle Lee! What are you waiting for, Christmas? I'll dad you are slacking off." he huffed, went to sit inside the car followed by Yuyu and Lan.     

Lee "..." 'How did it become my fault?'     


"Cruel," Suyin spat out.     

"You will thank me later for this. Now keep your eyes on the road, I love my limbs." clearly unsurprised by how Suyin was reacting, Si Han had been looking out the window, enjoying the rare free ride to work. She'd grown up in a small city, and after marriage, her husband introduced her to this dazzling city known as the finance capital. It's been years since then, but she's still fascinated by it.      

The ride was unusually silent, Suyin was not used to this side of her mother where she was not being pestered with questions and countless instructions. Something's bothering her.     

"Are you still blaming yourself? I've already made it clear it was not your fault. I'm not holding you responsible."      

Si Han sighed, turning to look at Suyin's side profile. Since the time she had known Zhao Feiyan was involved in everything, her emotions had taken for worse.      

She could still recall it-- she was nursing the baby with cold wipes while Suyin had gone to the medical council to face the trial. Zhao Feiyan's sudden presence in the NICU was shocking and unwanted, forcing Si Han to leave the baby alone for some time and drag Feiyan out to have a word as the woman was unwilling to keep the tone down.     

"Why did you left dad alone at home? Why are the bills unpaid? Don't you have any responsibility towards your home? Your useless daughter destroyed us, yet you are nursing the child of the man responsible for everything. Aren't you ashamed? It was Suyin's decision to keep this child, let her handle this trouble alone. You have no right to waste our leftover money on them." .... the list goes on. Feiyan's hatred and complaints had no boundaries.     

That was also the day Si Han's patience gave up when Feiyan cursed Suyin to die along with her baby. An unknown fear crept into her as if Feiyan's words would really come true. She had to stop the unruly woman from spouting any more nonsense. No mother can withstand such words against her kids.     

..... and for the first time, she threw a slap across Feiyan's face in the presence of the hospital staff and distressed people.      

still.... Feiyan's words did came true. The baby died, and Suyin was nothing better than a dead. It was just a matter of time when Si Han might lose her daughter forever.     

Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you didn't know existed.      

Suyin's emotional state, unsupportive family, and a spineless husband... Si Han hardened herself against the atrocities they were facing and left the country with Suyin. Her husband, son, and family can go to hell, she doesn't need anybody.     

She was done being a diligent wife who gives up on her career and dreams to become a supportive wife. It's the time she should do something..... for herself and her daughter.     

It was the best decision she made.      

It changed their lives forever.      

..... and she discovered a newer version of herself and Suyin.      

Why not? Being strong was the only choice they had.      

But.... Since Suyin told her about Gong Li's letter, she's blaming herself for leaving the baby alone and had went out to talk to Feiyan. Had she not gone out, the baby would have been alive as the baby's condition deteriorated soon after. Feiyan must have come there to lure her out and make way for the murderers to get to the baby.     

Reaching out, Si Han pressed the back of Suyin's hand, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left him alone."     

"Tsk, mom....Stop saying it again and again. You didn't do it intentionally. It was a ploy."      

"At least I could have told you the Feiyan came to the hospital that day."     

"Yes, maybe you should have. But I doubt I could have thought it to be a murder. They planned everything to perfection."      

Silenced engulfed. Si Han and Suyin had nothing to add. They can't turn the clock and undo everything, but they can get justice.     

They separated outside Si Han's luxurious boutique. If it was not for the next part of the plan Suyin would have spent time inside.     


"Mrs. Zhao, the master wants to see you." Just as Si Han entered the store, the person waiting for her was Patriarch Zhao's caretaker. "He's waiting for you in the tea house two blocks away."     

"It's Mrs. Si," She corrected. "Tell your master I'm not--"     

"Mrs. Si, if you didn't come with me, the next stop is the headquarter of the Ministry of women and child services." Though a caretaker, he was with Patriarch Zhao for over three decades and follows him blindly. The attitude he used coincide with his master's.      

Her lips lifted that definitely doesn't look like a smile, "I don't do well with threats. Keep that tone to you. And I dare you to go to the ministry. If by any chance you got an appointment, Suyin knows how to serve people like you. If I'm not wrong, your master wants to get his gambler and molester grandson out of jail. Right?"     

BLi Sheng froze, feeling more humiliated when Si Han didn't keep her voice down and let the staff and clients hear her.     

"Ah, what is the name of that man..... Song K--" before she could even say the complete name, he left. Bringing her attention back to the boutique, she clapped her hands, "Entertainment over. Get back to work."     


"What? She refused?" the teacup cracked the way he banged against the table. Being the elder of the family, it was an utter humiliation for Patriarch Zhao. His temper flared, "Didn't you tell if she--"     

"Sorry to interrupt, master. But I did warn her." the caretaker explained everything that happened at the boutique. It was a shame he couldn't do anything-- the Zhao's don't have any value today. On the contrary, Si Han and her two kids were prominent figures.     

Patriarch Zhao's face twisted into a scowl, "Argh, such a shameless woman she is. I shouldn't have been lenient to them and punished them harder." by them, he meant his son Zhao Shu and his family.      

"And how would you have done that?" Si Han said when she forced her way into the private room despite being stopped by the restaurant staff. "If this is not enough, let me know how low you could have had drooped to punish your own son and his family."     

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