Mark of the destiny

It was not that!

It was not that!

0Wang Shi paused to examine Suyin's expressive eyes. They were the mirror to her soul. And he deduced she was not upset but... happy?     

As if reading his thoughts, Suyin instantly sealed her lips over his, giving a silent answer with a long wet kiss. Her tongue savoured and licked his lips slowly that made him pull her closer and reciprocate. Her hands went to his hair, tugging it.     

She sealed the moment with a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you."     

"For what?" He shrugged off her gratitude by a playful tapping at her nose. "I'm merely helping my woman. You know we couldn't move ahead before taking care of our past."     

"You mean my past." she corrected him. "You have no idea how much this had caused trouble to my family. My parents' were blamed for Uncle Hede's death even before I was born. And.... It's one of the reasons Zhao Feiyan never liked me. Maybe, if uncle Hede was alive, none of this would have happened.... my baby--" she paused.     

He grabbed her hand and placed soothing kisses. "What are we going to do next? Shall I--"     

"No," she placed her finger on his lips, "You will not do anything. I've already sent this recording to someone."     

The way she smiled mischievously had Wang Shi skip a beat. She looked stunningly dangerous.... how can she be the perfect balance of both? "Am I about to get a good show?"     


"I heard from Daiyu that you have informed the authorities. It's a dead-end for Song Xianxi, but what about Zhao Feiyan's company?"     

Song Xianxi's company was an FMCG company. Recently it had collaborated with two foreign companies to supply seeds and special variety of pesticides to their contracted farmers at a discounted price. It will attract other farmers to join them as well. Sounds good? Naah! Business strategy!     

 In secret its motive is to lure poor and uneducated farmers to use its pesticide-resistant GMO crops and also supply the specially made pesticide, cashing in twice on farmers who became more dependent on its products.     

"They are mine. She will give them to me."     

"Wait," Wang Shi frowned, getting disturbed by Suyin's constant shuffling on his lap and drawing doodles on his chest. Does she even know what's the effect of this? Especially when her soft bottom was rubbing his particular organ. "Lift your bum,"     


"Lift your bum, NOW," Suyin did as he said and pouted when he slides a cushion underneath to protect his little organ. "Now sit,"     

"Weak. Your muscles are fake, inflamed by air." I'm barely sixty thr..... cough.... fifty kilograms, yet you failed to hold me in your arms a little longer." She tried to yank herself free from him, but his firm grip was not letting her go.     

"It's not like that. Listen to me."     

"I don't want to. You are bad. Even my fairy is stronger than you, how gracefully he took my weight when I squeezed him last time."     


"What gracefully? He called you hippo that time, and you didn't even say a word in return. And now creating a fuss over a pillow? Such differential treatment." he reminded her, but soon regretted when her face looked scarier. "Cough....I'll take my words back."     


"Sorry, love. Baby hippo it must be. They are cute, right?"     



Wang Shi caught her hitting hands, and pressed her flat on to the couch and hovered over her. The golden vase kept on the table fell down when he stretched his long legs.     

 "You are not heavy. You are my perfect Suyin. It was my body's physical reaction by your constant rubbing and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Suyin softened in surrender, her cheeks turned crimson red. Subconsciously, her eyes shifted to look at his trousers, adding colour to her cheeks.     

He nuzzled his cheek against her, his hot breath sending shiver run down her spine. "I've never seen someone as perfect as you." His lips gliding down to her neck, stopping at the pulse point. She gasped, feeling the tip of his tongue touch there, sucking. "Your physical appearance has nothing to do with your worth in my eyes." he brushed his lips back forth on her soft skin, completely oblivious what magic he was doing to Suyin.     

She was just playing with him to make the moment lighter, but the adorable man took it seriously and whispered most beautiful words. His voice infinitely gentle.     


Suyin and Wang Shi's head snapped at the door simultaneously when someone shut it abruptly. "I told them not to disturb us. Who was it?" Suyin gritted her teeth.     

A second later someone familiar entered with a chef's knife in hand, followed by sprinting to Suyin's side. He shoved Wang Shi off of Suyin and shielded her. "Susu! Are you okay? Don't worry, I'm here this time."     

He cursed when Suyin tugged the hem of her dress down and sat down straight with a red face. It was because of her clothes, and their position that James mistook it for something else. The fallen vase, her swollen lips, and hickies confirmed further.     

James waved the knife when Wang Shi moved a step closer to Suyin, "For my Susu, I won't mind killing the President's son. Dare take a step."      

"JAMIE! You spoiled the moment." to his surprise, Suyin reached for the knife in his hand. "It's not what you are thinking. Put the knife down."     


"It. Was. Not. That!" she stressed, warning him with her eyes. Whispering, "What's wrong with you?"     

James glanced at Wang Shi, his arm dropped to his side. He caught Suyin's hand and communicated something with eyes to which she blinked.     

Wang Shi frowned.     

Though James didn't say a word, Wang Shi sensed something. He couldn't point it out, but there was something odd behind James' exaggerated reaction and Suyin's eye communication. Not like James doesn't know about Suyin and his relationship. And why the first thought which came to James mind was..... 'this'?     

"I'm sorry. I-I'm a little messed up today." James ran a hand through his hair.      

"It's okay. I'm glad Suyin has a friend like you." Wang Shi said, returning his gaze to Suyin, "I asked James to cook your favourite dishes. Shall we?"      

"I'll ask the staff to set the table." James turned to leave.     

"Why not join us for dinner? Suyin like your company." Wang Shi said.     

James looked at Suyin, seeking her opinion. His pale face coloured when she nodded. "Let's eat together,"     


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