Mark of the destiny

Indication of evil

Indication of evil

4"SO--" Suyin came to her senses at Wang Shi's sudden pull on her waist, "What were you saying, madam?"     



"That....." she bit her lips, looking everywhere but at him. The five pieces of petite fours caught her attention, and she instantly picked one to hold it between her lips. Her hands went to hook around his neck, rubbing the sweet at his lips, offering him. With a heavy gaze glued to her face, he took the bite, his expression softened much to Suyin's relief. "My Jelly bean, only you have the right to do this. Don't be angry....."     

She smiled beautifully, batted her long lashes, waiting for the man to loosen his grip, and return to his sweet self. But instead he holds her firmly.     

"Continue. We have four more pieces left, and our dinner is still half done."     


She picked the spoon.     

"Not like this. Use the method you used just now." she pleaded with her eyes, "It's your punishment, sweetie..."     



Meanwhile, at Elder Song's house....     

"He's your grandson for God's sake!"     

"And that's the worst thing ever happened to me," Elder Song sat down feeling tired all of a sudden, "Whenever you fail to control Kun's mess, you come running to me for help! Who do you take me for? I, Song Zhuhong, had never bowed in front of anyone other than God and had always valued the teachings of our ancestors..... but you and your goddamn son had forced me to go against my morals my times."     


"SHUTUP. Wasn't the last incidence enough that you again come to me begging for help." He was still on the edge, the guilt of ruining an innocent girl's life was eating him alive. He could never forgive himself for the sins he had done and only deserve hell after death.     

How can he let himself be tricked by Song Kun's fictional love story and get Ning Yue married to such a horrible man-- his grandson? Since the day of marriage, she and her family had been suffering at the hands of Song Kun. Disgusting.     

Song Kun lied to him and made him believe that Ning Yue's father was forcefully marrying her off for political gains. Without bothering to investigate, he pressurized Legislator Ning to marry off his daughter to Song Kun.     

Later he came to know it was not a political marriage, but the boy was Ning Yue's lover and Song Kun's rival in college. He did everything to get revenge and show his superiority.     

"Dad! How can you-" Song Xianxi paused as the servant brought tea for them. He continued as soon as he left. "Just one last time. After this, I will make sure Kun never returns to the path of gambling. Just once."     

Damn! The last step of his plan was to convince the old man to help him. He had already hired someone to kill Zhao Suyin, and once Kun's out of jail he'd feign his death to trick all the creditors, while in reality, he'd send his son abroad under the fake identity.     

A perfect plan for helping him achieve many goals.     

"As if Zhao Suyin will let your son out?" Elder song scoffed, the teacup hovering near his mouth. What do you think why is she targeting you suddenly after five years?"     

"I-I don't know. She asked Feiyan for payback, maybe she's asking for all the money Feiyan had got from her and Zheng. Maybe she's venting her anger. I don't know exactly, but that woman is targeting our family. Who knows after us, they might come after you and Song Xian." he wasn't surprised that Elder Song knew everything was happening because of Zhao Suyin.     

"Looks like you don't know what's happening in your company at the moment. Is your phone on silent or ran out of battery?" At his words, Xianxi instantly checked his phone only to see the countless messages and calls from his wife, secretary, and higher-ups of his company.     

Without a delay he called his secretary, only to hear the news that made the world around him spun. Overnight the officers from income tax, ministry of commerce, people from international trade, a representative from farmers' union, and cops have raided at his company.      

Not only the fraud against the farmers had been out in the open, but they have found evidence against every malpractice he had ever done.     

The phone dropped from his hand, "You knew yet you didn't tell me? Aren't you ashamed?"     

Elder Song showed a slip that the servant earlier secretly passed him. "Just a minute ago Xian passed me this message." Song Xian was his younger son who adopted his teachings and was far more successful than Song Xianxi.     

"Now tell me, is Zhao Suyin really targeting you because of the feud five years back, or is it something else? Like the death of her uncle Zhao Hede...."      

It rendered Xianxi speechless, "You knew?"     

"This was the first time I sacrificed my morals and held my silence to save you." he took out a blue file from under the table as if it was kept prepared and threw at his son. "I'm the one who wiped the shreds of evidence to save your ass." the guilt sat not only on his chest but inside his brain. What he had done, he could not undo it. Maybe he could amend in subtle ways by not siding with his son again. "You--"     

"Keep this copy. I've sent the original to Suyin and had confessed my crimes. I'm sure she's rational enough to not target the innocent Xiang and his family." with a haggard look on his face, he walked to the nearby window to let some fresh air in. His eyes absentmindedly drifted to the darkness of night.      

The storm name Zhao Suyin was stronger than his expectations. According to his resources, someone was helping her in secret, wiping everything that comes in her way. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't find a word on her backer.     

Before the fire destroys the life of his other son, he better direct it to himself and confess everything.     

"You may go now. I've nothing to give you." he returned to his seat and finished the tea. However, to his surprise, Song Xianxi broke into a fit of maniac laughter as if the snake covered in leaves had revealed its true self. It was the indication of evil and self deviant motives.     

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