Mark of the destiny

I didn't kill him

I didn't kill him

3A Cheshire grin lit up Suyin's face. At that moment her motives were laid bare, she was the mocker today.      3

"My parents were innocent, yet you poisoned Patriarch Zhao's ear and instigated him against them. What for? To get the family business! Disgusting you are." she spat, "--and so the old man sitting in the wheelchair. He turned my parents' life into hell by punishing them for the crime they never did. I and my brother were treated like an eyesore. You got me married to eliminate me from inheriting a family business. When Zhao's went bankrupt, you swindled money sent by my brother, and even forced me to contribute to the daily expenses, ignoring my baby's urgent medical needs while your own son use to spend nights in clubs."     

Her eyes narrowed down at the old man whose eyes were emotionally bankrupt. "How ironic that you spend over three decades to avenge the death of your most loved son and simultaneously supported his killer. Good job!"     

Patriarch Zhao pointed his shaky finger at Xianxi, "Y-You killed my Hede."     

Cold sweat glistened on Song Xianxi's brow. With hands clasped tightly behind, he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers. He forced a lump of saliva, "Nice dubbing. Which artist you used?"     

"The original one," she said. "Elder Song was kind enough to record it for me. Is that the reason you poisoned him by increasing the dose of beta-blockers?" she lied about Elder Song giving her the video. Though she doesn't know what exactly happened with Elder Song, she does know Song Xianxi was the last person to see him. Nevertheless, she used the audio recording to plant a seed of doubt in everyone's mind by giving a reason for Song Xianxi killing his own father.     

People gossiped.     

Song Xianxi's fingers clenched, "LIE. YOU ARE LYING!"     

"No matter how much you raise your voice, truth is truth. Let me ask your brother....." She looked at Song Xian.     

Song Xian, "Xianxi was with dad at that time. He doesn't know, but in the morning the doctor gave a checkup to dad. How can things happen out of the blue when Xianxi came?"     

Suyin, "Still in denial? You killed him to hide the truth. Maybe you'll believe if I'll show the video of it."     


"How did you know? Did he show it to you?"     

"It was just some documents which I burn--" Song Xianxi paused. Suyin tricked him.     

"Right, you burned?" though Suyin remained calm, she herself was shocked that Elder Song knew of Zhao Hede's death. But which documents were Xianxi referring to? Was Elder Song about to reveal his son's past deeds, but before that he silenced him?     

"Xianxi, y-you killed brother Hede?" Disbelief was apparent in Zhao Feiyan's eyes.     

"He did," Suyin answered. "But things didn't work according to his plan because the property landed in my dad's hands..... But, he didn't stop there and continued using you by airing your greed. I wonder....." she rubbed her chin, "how is your married life? Does he love you? Respect you?" the answer to Suyin's question was Feiyan's expression, "He didn't! Why would he, you brought no benefits!?"     

Zhao Feiyan's brain formulated no thoughts other than to register she was shocked. "So... this was the payback you referred to? You wanted to avenge your family."     

".... you really think so?" Suyin's words made both Feiyan and Xianxi look at her in question. "I was not even aware of this..... it was your husband who revealed himself. I was after YOU!"     

Unknowingly, Zhao Feiyan took a step back. Suyin's eyes flashed like a bolt of dangerous lightning on a stormy night. The burning animosity developed in her grey orbs. She flicked her wrist, and more bodyguards stormed in, efficiently evacuating the place.     

Zhao Feiyan gulped. She had a hunch what's coming after.     

"Five years back you started a jewelry and a textile company with a startup capital of eight million. Three million you swindled from the daily expenses send by my brother, where did the rest of the money came from?" with an aggressive step, she forced Feiyan to take a step back.     


"WHERE did it come from?"     

"H-How does it matter to you? I-I can get it from anywhere. Friends. Husband. Loan. Why are you asking this?" everyone has the right to struggle till the last breath, so how can Feiyan give up?     

"I think you don't love your son anymore. Are you sure he boarded the ship to Country H yesterday?"      

"YOU--" Zhao Feiyan drew in a deep breath, Song Kun was her bottom line, and Suyin just stepped on it. "Do not mess with a mother! You dare lay a finger on my son, I'll rip you apart. Where is my Kun?"     


Zhao Feiyan's hand flew towards Suyin's face but was caught by her midair.      



The slaps were as loud as claps, whipping Zhao Feiyan's face once to the right and then to the left.     

"Y-You slapped your aunt!"     

"I slapped a vicious animal who dared to mess with a mother. Trust me, it's just a starter. Now before I order my men to do something which you definitely won't like, tell me everything." Zhao Feiyan looked around for help, shocked as none of them said a word. "They won't say anything. I've already silenced your husband, cops are on their way. While your father is still recovering from the shock. Look!"     

"You are cruel. He's your grandfather!"     

"He's my nothing. None of you were." one of the bodyguards fiddled to get a chair for Suyin, and carefully placed it for her, but she was not interested to take a seat. "Guard, after ten seconds bring her son's leg. And keep doing it, until I get my answers."     

"S-Suyin.... Don't touch my son. Please...." She was a proud woman, yet she stood with folded hands, begging for the first time in her life. The more she pleads, the more disgusted Suyin felt. Selfish human. "Please don't involve him in this. I'm ready to pay for my sins, I'll do whatever you want, please let him go. He's innocent."     

"SO WAS MY SON," Suyin roared. Anger, pain, sadness- intertwined within her. "TELL ME WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?"     

"I didn't. I didn't kill him. Trust me, I didn't kill him."      

"But you were one of them,"     

"No.... It's not true. I was not aware they were after your baby," Zhao Feiyan's dropped on to the floor, tears rolled down her cheeks, "T-That day I received a call from a private number, he offered me five million to distract Si Han and bring him out of the NICU for a few minutes. He even transferred two hundred thousand dollars into my private account to make me believe it was not a hoax call."     

"Five million was enough for me to give a much-needed kick to my business. I thought someone was after your mother, so I agreed to help." Her hatred for Si Han was not disguised from anyone. In her eyes, a middle-class woman like Si Han doesn't deserve to be a part of Zhao's.      

"I did what was said, and seeing me yelling in your baby's room, Han dragged me to the balcony to talk. That's it. That's all I did. Trust me.... Later that day I came to know that your baby died." Feiyan licked her dry lips, Suyin's expressionless face was sending shivers run down her spine. "It was only then I realized the set up was for your baby."     

"LIE." Suyin was empty from inside. Nothing could subside her hollow soul. Its emptiness was so consuming that she cannot pretend anymore. "A cunning woman like you, will never do something without leaving a way to escape. Tell me what evidence you have against Gilbert, why did he killed Elder Song at your orders?"     

"You killed dad?"      

"You killed dad?"     

Both Song Xianxi and Xian's face washed blank with confusion, especially Song Xianxi's. His brain cells failed to turn fast enough to take in the information given by Suyin.     

"Yes, I ORDERED GILBERT TO KILL THAT OLD SKUNK." Feiyan's nervousness suspended, replacing it with anger. ".... and you should thank me for that. Do you think I failed to sense your nervousness the day when you called from the hospital and said everything's under control? Your stubborn father was not willing to die, so I had to do something to save my son...."     

Patriarch Zhao was once again rendered speechless, his daughter and son-in-law were murderers, "Feiyan you--"     

"SHUT UP. You are no different. Don't forget how you threatened Shu by getting Suyin kidnapped from school." Suyin was just eleven at that time, "Shu remained by your side and didn't dare to take his family away-- was only because you had your men around Suyin and Zeng every time. Either he could stay by your side and see his kids alive, or take his family away and see his kids dead! You even threatened him when he begged you not to get Suyin married at a young age and secretly drugged him when he retorted."     

Suyin frowned, indeed her father was not present around her at the time of marriage. She was told he went on an important business trip and would return on the day of marriage. He didn't. A week later, her father gave him the company's shares as a wedding gift and asked her to use them at her will.     

"Enough, tell me what evidence you have against Gilbert," Suyin asked, her eyes shifted briefly to a man sitting in the corner, away from everyone's eyes.     

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