Mark of the destiny



1"Everyone's sitting in the marquee, cheering for our housemates, " Honey slowly approached Andrea and sat beside her on the bench facing the basketball court. Only he knows how much he pushed himself to talk to her and tried to be real. It's a hell of a task to talk to a girl!       2

"Yeah," said Andrea, without even looking up to see who the boy was. Of course, she knows, he's the annoying Wang Qiang- her classmate and seat partner. Seeing her poor grades, the teacher forced her to share the seat with the class topper aka Wang Qiang.      

"That's some beautiful stickers. If I may ask what happen to your arm?" He gestured at the pink cast on her elbow, decorated with Pokemon stickers.     

"Broke. I fell down from the stairs."      

"Oh! Teacher asked me to write the names for the parents' race. Is your--"     

She stood, "They won't be participating. I got to get back to the marquee."     

Honey had just turned to see Andrea walking away when his gaze fell on a familiar person. His tsundere attitude returning, "Why are you here?"     

"For you,"      

"Go away, your preferences have changed." His cheeks fluffed to maximum, it's the fifteenth day when she had not asked for a kiss. Neither talked to him. Neither hugged nor squeeze him. And neither bickered. Oh, wait! Why was he so much bothered? It's good she's maintaining a distance. He's bothered because she stole his sisters and airplane that day. Yes, that's the only reason. Sure.     

"So as yours. I saw that" Suyin pointed at the lovely girl with who Honey was trying to make a conversation but failed miserably. Funny. And cute! Honey got ditched! She wiped her fake tears and crouched down.     

His eyes narrowed, "Stop acting. I know you are smiling behind that mask."     

"I'm not! How can I? I just found my boyfriend cheating on me. Oh my, poor heart!" sigh, and here goes the drama queen.     

Honey got a shock of life. He scooted away, his hands reached to cover his non-existent bosoms. "What boyfriend? When did that happen?"      

"How can you? We have slept hugging each other, eat meals together, and kissed... Ah! Kissed! I even stole your first kiss. Remember that?" an instant blush crept on his cheeks, "See! You are blushing recalling that, yet you cheated on me..... my little fairy cheated on me. EVERYONE, MY LITTLE FAIRY--"     

"Hey hey hey..." he smashed his little palm on her lips, cautiously looking left right. "Don't call me that. I have got a reputation here. And don't you dare mention that kiss again."     

She pulled down his palm, "So, am I still your girlfriend?"     


"NO! You are too old for me!" He saw her narrowing her eyes that don't look friendly or angry. Just what it was? Was she pouting behind that mask? To check, he poked her cheek only to hear a popping sound. Pout it was. "Cough... I'm just a six-year-old kid, Aunty Suyin." the word 'Aunty' was a reminder.     

"But you said, you are a man." She crossed her hand and looked away, "I understand. You like that cute girl more than me. Fine, I'll find someone else. This ground is full of human puppies, I'll definitely find someone better than you to kiss. Anyway, you never liked my kisses."     

Honey "..." 'You call them kisses? You literally take a bite of me every time.'     

He held the hem of her dress when she tried to stand up, his expression turning into a protective momma bear, "There's no one better than me, weirdo duck. So chill."     

"Ha, there is, I'll definitely find someone," she yanks her dress from his small fist and started walking towards the marquee, smiling at the success of reverse psychology. Honey tried to catch up with small steps, "Um... How about that? Maybe that... I like him too.... Ah, that one's so cute. Hey, sweetie-pie," Honey growled from behind, showing his stern eye to the little boy who was now smiling at Suyin endearment.     

The little boy scurried.     

"Hi, munchkin--"     

Another boy scurried in fear.     

"Hey, love--"     

"Argh, weirdo duck, are you done shopping?" she let Honey drag her all the way to the nearest chair. He was just about to take a seat when he saw Andrea standing not too far, looking at the parent's sitting area. Particularly at a couple sitting in the corner, in an inconspicuous position.      

Andrea ran in their direction.     

Suyin looked down at the frown on Honey's forehead, his lips pursing into a thin line, fingers fiddled. His innocent eyes were glued to Andrea, his brows twisted when she fell down on her run. A nurse came to help, but Andrea stood up, said something to the nurse, and walked away.     

Suyin was sensitive to emotions when it comes to kids. She had already sensed something was off when Honey approached Andrea despite his own inhibitions. Not to ignore Andrea's behavior. Andrea was on her own, looking for a lonely place whereas other kids were playing around. The behavior was not common at such a young age unless....     

Noting everthing, she caressed Honey's head as gentle as always. "Want to share something?"     

He looked up, visibly thinking if to tell her. "Yes, help.... She--"     

"HONEY BRO!"     

"HONEY BRO!"     

Yuyu and Lan came running, the bounce in their steps telling the mischievous girls was again up to something. In no time Lan jumped to Suyin's side, flashing a cheerful grin. "Pretty sister, I won first prize in frog race. See my gift! It's a coloring book and crayons. Honey bro, isn't it cool?"     

Yuyu puffed her cheeks, "That's because I didn't participate, otherwise that prize was mine."     

Lan stuck her tongue out, "Who told you to be busy at the snacks counter when the race began?"      

Yuyu, "Mom and dad are going to participate with me in the parents' race. Just wait and watch."     

Lan, "Ha, the prize for the race is a trophy which will belong to both of us. They are my parents too. Anyway, you won't get crayons and coloring book."     

All this while, Honey's attention was at Andrea while Suyin's on Honey. Nothing could distract her as much as Honey and it bothered her recalling Honey's words, 'help'.     

"Wang Qiang," a teacher called, "I asked you to prepare a list for the parents' race. Is it done?" she gave a curt nod to Suyin.     

"Y-yes," Honey shuffled through his pockets to get the neatly folded paper. Everyone waited as the teacher take a look, a frown appeared on her face.     

"Qiang, you are not participating?" the teacher looked at Suyin confused, hoping she'd say something. Such activities contribute a lot to the child's development. However, Suyin had left everything to Honey. If he wants she would otherwise she won't.     

"I..... Sorry teacher, I don't want to." He replied, unknowingly setting Suyin's heart in disappointment. Unaware to her, he stole a glance seeking a reaction or maybe a word.... but she didn't. At least she could have had blinked to encourage him.      

Sigh... Just what was he expecting!     

Yuyu tried to convince, "Hone--"     

Honey, "All the best for the race, Yuyu. I know you'll win." he shifted his attention to Suyin and then looked in Andrea's direction. Suyin understood and gave a congratulatory kiss to Lan and good luck kiss to Yuyu before leaving with Honey, "I'll be cheering for you from the stands."     

From behind, Yuyu and Lan looked at each other once, and then at the teacher who had further passed the list to the coordinator.     


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