Mark of the destiny

I'll give them a show

I'll give them a show

3"Oh dad, when will you learn how to lie properly?" Song Xianxi finally took a whiff of the lavender tea which he hadn't touch, taking a moment to enjoy the calming aroma. "I know you too well, you'd never confess until that's the only way left. Right now, you are ousting me from family to save your ass, hoping Suyin would not target you and Xian, right?"      1

He smirked as the old man's brows scrunched in discomfort, and he rubbed at his chest. "What happened, dad? Feeling tightness in the chest? Shortness of breath? Or something more? Maybe, approaching death."     

Elder Song's eyes protrude out in shock, "You--"     

Xianxi waved his hand, "chill, it's not a poison, it's too risky and will raise suspicions. I just added a few tablets of your BP medicine to your tea. It will slow the heart and trigger cardiac arrest. Sounds good?" He picked the struggling old man over his shoulder and dragged him to the digital locker. Digging his fingers in his cheeks, he forced the old man to look into the camera, "C'mon dad, look here, you've one last thing to do before you depart from the world."      

Followed by a sequence of fingerprint scanning and punching the ten-digit password, the click of the locker elated Xianxi that he let go of the almost paralyzed old man. Ignoring the thud sound, his eyes shone at the sight of the generations old family jewelry worth millions and property papers yet to be divided amongst them.     

"So much! Don't tell me you had planned to take this along after death? Btw, aren't you wondering how did I know your password?" He glanced briefly at the old man before resuming looking at the human size locker, "Think think.... I won't tell." With heavy heart he retrieved his gaze from the dazzling diamonds worth millions and only took the thing he desired most. The shares of the various MNS's the old man had been holding for over six decades and the sprawling estate in Japan.     

The two things were worth a fortune that even after paying off the entire debt, he'd be left with enough money to live a luxurious life.     

He carefully closed the locker and deposited the old man back to the place he had been sitting before. One last time his cold evil eyes met with the old man's watery ones. "You shouldn't have differentiated between your kids, it's your fault. Goodbye forever." the smile contorted into a feigned worry, "DAD, DAD, WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU.... SOMEONE HELP..... DAD!!!!!"     


"The servant said dad was fine when he went to serve tea." Song Xianxi's younger brother Song Xian inquired, doubting his elder brother was somehow involved in this. He was standing in the emergency room of the ACE hospital where the doctors were trying to save the old man.      

"He was already stressed because of Kun, and the news of the raid in the company adds on to the stress and he collapsed." Song Xianxi looked inside the room through the glass, his gaze glued to the monitor, waiting for the bouncy lines to turn flat. He turned to face Song Xiang, "It was my company, I could have handled it. You were the one who told him about the raid? Look what you did."     

"I-I did this?" Song Xian's angered eyes snapped.     

"Who else? You knew about his ill health, yet you snitched on me. Don't know what your intentions were."      

"You--" before Song Xian could retort his wife pulled at his arm, silently asking him not to fight. Right now their priority was Elder Song. Though her thoughts match with her husband's, they don't have any evidence.      

Every minute passed adds on to Song Xianxi's anxiousness. The stubborn old man was not willing to leave the world. He was getting tired by all the pacing he had to, waiting for the good news.      

What more, the constant messages and calls from Zhao Feiyan were as annoying as her. Tired, he walked to the secluded corner to answer the call. "Dumb woman, what language you understand? Didn't I message you I'm in the hospital with dad?"     

"I read that and I don't care about it. You are in the hospital, and these people are asking me to go with them. Damn! Here that Zhao Suyin is hovering over our head and your dad decided to have a vacation in the hospital. What perfect timing! Couldn't he had just fixed this first?"     

Song Xianxi let out a heavy sigh, and spoke calmly, "Nothing will happen. The lawyer is on the way, he'd help you. I've messaged Legislator Ning to get permission for you to let you stay on the ground of dad's serious condition."     


His voice dropped an octave, "I said, nothing will happen, don't make me repeat my words."     


The old man couldn't make it through and eventually breathed his last the next morning. It was shocking news both for the family and the nation as he was a prominent figure in business and politics.     

The headlines blew, it became the talk of the nation. The news channels wouldn't stop talking about him and mentioning his achievements. His abrupt death was shocking. Moreover, the incident involving Song Kun and Song industries came into everyone's vision.     

To make the situation dramatic, Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan issued a public apology to all the farmers and requested them to maintain peace until the mourning period is over. To pacify them, Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan issue individual statements through their lawyers.     

On one side Song Xianxi defended himself by calling himself farmers' people and the seeds and pesticides issued by his company were meant to generate better crops and not had any ill intentions. He was wrongfully framed and will get it investigated-- if proven wrong, he'd compensate.     

While Zhao Feiyan openly called her son innocent and blamed Suyin for wrongfully framing Kun, seeking old grudges. As far as the creditors were concerned, it will be paid off by selling Song group's assets.     

"On the grounds of Elder Song's death, the authorities have released Song Kun," Wang Shi informed Suyin, noticing her staring at the television playing the same news on loop. "The case against Song Xianxi's company had been appealed to put on temporary hold- his public apology and compensation worked like a magic- the farmers are willing to wait."     

Suyin switched off the television and turned to face him, "He benefited quite a lot by Elder Song's death! And.... not so surprisingly- what perfect timing it is!"     

"You mean to say....."     

"I mean to say let them mourn for seven days. After that--" she gave a mischievous smile, "--I'll give them a show."     

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