Mark of the destiny

You asked for it. Now die.

You asked for it. Now die.

3Motel. This was not a hotel but a motel. The sleazy person at reception tried to charge more than he should, but Luo handled him well. Not like Suyin cares how much they charge, but it's always better to remain low-key and behave like the natives to not attract any unwanted attention.      0

Though Suyin didn't expect much from the room, to her surprise it was clean; bedding looked neat but had obvious yellow patches. Had just a chair and table in name of the furniture, a fan and a table lamp which she didn't bother to check, and dark curtains covering the view outside. She parted it, satisfied at the clear view of the hospital.     

The people walking on the road with rifles, and belts of ammunition was an unusual site for her but normal in this country. It's a basic necessity for them. Just like food, water, and air.     

She knew this hotel was not a safe place to stay, but the clear view of the hospital was more than anything she wants.     

"Why didn't you let me take two rooms?" The question was bothering him. He brushed his finger on his beard and sat down on the bed.     

"I'm disguised as a man. Have you seen two men walking in together but take different rooms? Especially when you argued the owner over price for like-- forty-five minutes?"     

Luo adjusted the set of his coat and rifle, "Won't you--"     

"I've adjusted in worse in my undercover missions in social services. Sleeping in a dorm of twenty men who used to change clothes in front of me twice a day was one such." She takes off her long coat and threw it on the bed. "I'll sleep here, you take the chair."      

He stood, "I'm going out to bring something to eat, do you want something else?"      

"Two pair of clothes that matches with the locals." Suyin opened the flap of her backpack to get some cash but Luo hesitated. "Take it. You even pay for the room."     

Luo accepted the cash. "Don't forget to lock the door," He knocked at the table in a particular pattern. "Remember this. I will use this to announce it's me and it's safe to open." He again knocked at the table in a unique pattern "This means danger." before leaving he didn't forget to give her his gun.     

After Luo left, she sat down at the window, her head resting at the iron bars, waiting for the broker. The mad woman who lost her family was rooted at her place, waiting for the same broker.      




Suyin woke up with a jerk, confused, the unfamiliar surrounding, and the bleak darkness was unwelcoming. She searched her pockets for the nano flashlight only to realize her coat was on the bed.      


Her head snapped at the door, someone banging it. Faintly she could hear people screaming, and the sound of gunshots. She ran to get the flashlight or just turn on the lights, but sadly she doesn't know where the hell switchboard was.     

Just a minute ago she had closed her eyes, and now when she had opened it, it was pitch dark?     

How can she fall asleep while waiting for the broker to step out of the hospital? And where was Luo?      


"OPEN IT."     

This can't be Luo. Definitely not.      



Suyin switched on the flashed light and grabbed the gun with the other, pointing it at the door. Whoever these people were, they were up to no good. But it seems they outnumber her.     

Her eyes ran across. Immediately she dragged the table to the door to buy some time. Next, she rummaged for the lighter in her backpack and set the bedsheet on fire. Her calm demeanor not breaking the slightest.     


Just a push or two, the door would break open.     

She wore her coat and backpack and tucked the gun at her waist. She yanked the lamp from its socket and held the unburned part of the bedsheet with the other hand. The moment the door was pushed open, she threw the burning bedsheet over the people, and jumped kick one, taking them by surprise.      

"Basta*d," an armed man standing behind pointed his rifle at her. She dodged and hit his face with the lamp, kneed his crotch. He fell down on the ground, clutching his broken jewel, howling. She snatched his AK 47, shot at his head, and ran towards the stairs.     

"AHH," She had just turned at the stairs when a strong blow hit her face and she rolled down. Her vision turning hazy as she look up, a familiar sleazy man showing his yellow teeth.     

"Blaska bolts paid me ten times the money," He crouched down, poking a sharp dagger at her neck. "Poor you--"     


The words remained stuck at the back of his throat. His eyes protruded out in shock, as if glaring at Suyin in disbelief. Blood oozing out from his chest. Suyin kicked him, a cold smile on her face as if the weapon took over her soul. "You asked for it. Now die."     

At the sound of the approaching footsteps, she forced herself up and ran only to find herself surrounded from both sides. She raised her AK 47 but stopped at the nick of the time when a familiar man stepped right below the hovering bulb.     


She sprawled on the floor on her stomach, hearing an ear-piercing crossfire between the two parties. After what feels like an eternity, a strong grip on her arm pulled her from the floor.     


"Is he alright?" Sandrios leader's wife Marina asked with concern. Luo supported Suyin by her shoulder as the doctor checked her wounds. He carefully buttoned her coat in case someone suspects she's a woman and not a man.      

"He will be fine." The doctor who had operated on the teenage boy answered.      

"Hmmm....." Suyin flinched feeling the pain of the antiseptic against her wounds on the elbow.      

"Shh.... we are safe," Luo whispered, squeezing at her shoulder.     

"Make sure nothing happens to him otherwise you will be the first to be butchered," a gruff voice sounded. He was none other than the Sandrios brigade's leader, Revon. He casts an eye at his son, sleeping on his wife's lap, hooked to contraptions. "We need this man alive at any cost."     

"Boss," Revon turned as one of his men came to inform about the situation. "All dead. You were right, they were from Blaska Bolts. We have set the motel on fire to erase every clue."     

"Mobilize everyone, we are leaving." Revon shuts the door of the ambulance before taking control of the driver's seat. This place was in control of Blaska bolts, the more he stays, the riskier it gets. Already he had wasted a lot of time searching for the man who had helped save his son's life.     

Had it not been for one of his men who saw Luo buying something, it would have taken longer to find baldy. Maybe that would be too late by then. Thankfully not.     


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