Mark of the destiny

I don't know

I don't know

4The same night,     

Racers secret club, The den,     

"So this is what the secret den of racers looks like?" Fei Hong's mouth twitched at the sight of the average nightclub. Perhaps it was a bad idea to raise expectations considering their cool profession. Racing! There was nothing 'racing' but just an ordinary night club! Zeng could have said that, she knows far better clubs than this.     

 Zeng smiled, understanding the reason behind her disappointed expression. He flashed his VIP card. The gorgeous woman smiled and led the duo to the far end of the luxurious hotel to a place that she never even knew existed. For a second she wondered if it was part of the hotel?      

After five minutes walk, she opened the doorway to the majestic world.     

"Wow!" She whistled. Now this deserves to be called Racer's den! The place was majestically huge, lit up with neon lights. Beneath the dry-ice smoke swirled an array of colors. The jazz had everyone grooving on its beats that revved up the soul.     

Everything was rusty and suited the dirt racing theme. What caught her eyes was the legendary McLaren MP4/4 from the late 1980s occupying the center of the room.      

The well-known racers were enjoying the game of drinks with friends. The best part was no one cared about anyone's presence but just enjoying in their own group. Many just turned to say hi or nod in their direction before resuming what they were doing.     

"Like it?"     

"I love it! This place is so cool!" Fei Hong picked a glass of champagne, "And I can see some celebrities here.... never knew these two were dating!" she gestured with her chin to a corner where a known actress was sitting on a racer's lap, kissing him. "Do you come here often?"     

"It's just my second visit. I don't like such places," he shrugged, and take off his leather jacket, revealing his toned biceps. Fei Hong admired his casual look. Just a pair of a white t-shirt and rugged jeans. Paired with spiked sneakers, he looks hot and sexy.      

"So you are here because I insisted?"     

"Um..." he scratched his neck, "Actually, it was a wonderful suggestion to take a break and step out. This place is good for a change before I resume convincing my sister to take me back."     

"Why do you need your sister back? I mean, of course it's a good thought you want to mend your relationship with her..... but why suddenly?" if she's not wrong, Zeng and Suyin's relation was strained since the time Suyin was about to get married. Zeng had himself once confessed in a drunken state that he was unavailable for his sister whenever she needed him most. But at the same time, he added he doesn't know why he did that. Strange.     

That's something she never understood!     

"That's not sudden, I have always loved her, but--" he pointed at the couch, and then took the seat beside her. She waited for him to continue, but she noticed his gravity-drawn eyes painting a picture of his lonely heart. "--but I don't know how everything changed between us. Or should I say, I don't know why I behaved like that?" once more he started with 'I don't know' confusing Fei Hong as always but she waited for him to finish.     

"I was ambitious and wanted to make a career for myself. A successful career with name and fame, and makes my family proud. Just the ordinary dream every teenager dreams of. And to achieve that I left the country when I was barely eighteen." He lit a cigarette and dragged a long puff, "Suyin cried her eyes when she came to see me off at the airport that day."     

"Silly girl! Can't even stand her own words, 'Ge, I will be super happy when you will leave the country. Your room and belongings will be mine! I will rule the house and no one will eat my share of sweets!" Fei Hong noticed the smile as he recalled the beautiful memory. Siblings ah! She could tell he loves his sister dearly.      

"If your relationship was this beautiful, why things changed? And please don't say 'I don't know'." She clutched her curly hair, "I'll probably faint."     

He saw her acting and chuckled.      

A waitress stopped by their table, "Mr. Zhao, can I get you something?" she looked flirtatiously at Zeng but he didn't pay her a second glance and instead glanced at Fei Hong.     

Fei Hong, "I'll take gin tonic,"     

Zeng, "Make it two, thanks."      

"Anything to serve with it," the waitress asked,     

"Grilled chicken," after the waitress left, his gazes darted over Fei Hong, "Sorry, I forgot to ask you."     

"It's okay, I love grilled chicken. Please continue... I want to know more of you and Suyin."     

"Of course you are," he muttered, "Everything was fine for the next few years. I used to come home every new year, and as usual, Suyin used to trail behind me, pestering me to teach driving. Fast learner she is. But...." A frown appeared between his brows, "Things changed when she started going to medical school. She shifted to a third country, and our yearly meeting stopped."     

It's not Suyin's fault either. Despite her busy schedule, she kept calling him and scheduling their meetings, but he failed her.      

Strange, every time he tried to keep up with their meeting, something popped up and held him back. He couldn't even recall how those unexpected things kept on happening. For instance, once he booked the flight ticket two weeks in advance, and was thoroughly planned. But on the day of boarding, he realized he had booked the ticket for the wrong date.      

He was supposed to meet Suyin tomorrow morning, but the tickets were for the day after tomorrow. He's still confused about that particular incident. When he had planned everything two weeks in advance, why did he committed such a blunder?     

Alas, all the flights were full, and he couldn't meet his sister once again.     

"So you two never met?" Fei Hong asked.     

"We met. Thrice she crashed at my place to give me a surprise."     


He stubbed the cigarette, emptied the drink, and gestured the waitress to get another. "Once I was so busy that I barely see her face and ordered my assistant to give her a city tour. The second time I didn't even see her face, and she left the next day..."     

"And the third?"     

He paused a little until the drink came, "We fought. I-I was heavily drunk and had just returned from a party with a female partner when I saw her sitting outside my apartment." His memory took him back to the moment where Suyin left his apartment crying. Don't know what hurtful words he and his female partner had said that she ran from there. Middle of the night it was.     

The next day she didn't even answer his calls, and it was only a message he received from her, 'Ge, I have reached safely.' she was still considerate to inform him of her safe arrival.     

He inhaled deeply and then pulled back to rest his back on the couch. "The day her marriage was fixed, she called me to talk to dad. I promised her, but never talked." he kept on failing Suyin, stomping on her expectations, crushing their beautiful relationship, but don't know why his little sister keeps turning to him.     

Maybe somewhere she still believed her Ge would help her.      

"She must be holding on to you, why didn't you talk?"     

His jaw tightened, he was about to lit another cigarette when Fei Hong pressed her hand on his, shaking her head. He looked into her eyes, "Would you believe if I say.... according to me I have talked to dad, but in reality I haven't." It was only later that he learned of this odd fact when he spoke to his father.      

Fei Hong's mouth thinned, "Are you serious?"     

"Oddly enough, yes," he confirmed, "There are many things that I do or don't, but couldn't recall. For instance, you remember the day I called you for a meal but didn't turn up?"      

Of course she remembers.      

"The truth was, I couldn't recall any of it. It was only when my assistant reminded me and I checked the message on my phone, I realized my mistake." Fei Hong was left puzzled, she had never heard of something like this before.      

A man came to their table, and eyed Fei Hong from top to bottom and then back at Zeng, "Hey, Zeng. Long time no see."     

Zeng draped his arm behind Fei Hong's seat, "We are busy and not inviting anyone to our table."      

"Ah, you have changed! At least introduce me to your female partner. I must say, you always get the best females."     

"It needs a talent to attract a woman," Zeng smirked, his fingers caressed up and down on Hong's arm. Twisting, Fei Hong crossed her legs towards Zeng, obviously telling the man with brown hair to get lost.     

"As you wish," he left the two alone.     

Fei Hong's gaze glided around, "I can see everyone's giving you a weird look. What's wrong?"     

"Nothing," his mouth curved into a beautiful smile and Fei Hong couldn't help but admire him inwardly. "I used to be a party animal. These people are just recovering from the shock." he poked a piece of grilled chicken and finish it whole.     

The last two times Suyin called him- one was when Suyin was already married, if his memory serves him right, it was two-three months before her divorce. Don't know what she wanted to talk. While the other time was when her baby was in the hospital and she was going through the medical council trial.     

Again he failed her.....     

"Zeng, have you seen a doctor? I mean..."     

"I know what you are trying to say," he interrupted, "I have. In fact, I have consulted with the best neurologist and got my brain scanned to rule out the possibilities of tumour or anything. But the scans came clean."     

"What about the psychiatrist?"     

"I don't need a shrink," he snapped.     

She rolled her eyes, "Just because I asked you to consult a psychiatrist, don't take it otherwise. Sometimes the problem is psychological. Your version is like a zig-zag mage. It's confusing! You have to find the answers if you want your sister back. Otherwise, keep saying, 'I don't know' and torment yourself."     


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