Mark of the destiny



3Wang Shi's penthouse,     

A certain little fairy was standing on the balcony of his room, his desperate eyes trying to get a glimpse of the balcony below, but was it possible? Especially when Wang Shi had got it covered with bulletproof glass, leaving it open from above.      

It's been almost two days. Two days! Yesterday she didn't come to the hospital at her usual time, and today he waited in the parking where she used to catch him for daily kisses but even after waiting for thirty minutes, she never came. Is she alright? Is she angry because he called her with names and said she had no fashion sense?     

He just wants to make sure everything was fine, she's working with his father on an important project after all.     

Yup, it's just business-related. He's definitely isn't missing her!     


"Honey bro, what are you looking at?" Yuyu joined the peeking competition, but other than a woven tapestry of the city and glittery lights she saw nothing.     

"Didn't you say we will test out this remote control airplane?" Lan came holding a miniature airplane around two feet long but saw Honey lost in his thoughts. She too joined in peeking, "Is someone distributing sweets there?"     

Honey "..."     

However, seeing the airplane Honey had a lightbulb moment. "Let's test this thing. I'm the pilot."     


The day was overly busy for Suyin. She's not afraid of work. She loves it! But the new challenge of plotting and planning to handle Zhao Feiyan was mentally exhausting. She knew fighting against family.... ex-family... wouldn't be easy.     

However, this was for her innocent baby, Suyin told herself. Her drive to home was faster than usual. All she wanted was to eat food cooked by her mother and sleep hugging Honey. Sigh... that won't be possible. It turned off her mood further.     

She rang the doorbell and waited for Si Han to open the door, already feeling the tension leaving her body as the door clicked.     

"Wow, what are you doing here?" Suyin took a step back.     

"Welcome home, Susu." Zeng greeted her with a warm hug and a kiss on her temple, ushering her inside. "I came to meet the two hot and sexy ladies of my life, and eat dinner with them. Yayyyy! Happy happy!"     

Suyin threw a questionable gaze to Si Han, earning a heavy sigh in response. On the coffee table was a mountain of food items and wines they like. Many more taking a space in the corner. Si Han scowled at her stubborn son as she passed him towards the dining table and poured water for Suyin. Whispering. "Don't say anything. He had brought guests at home."     

Suyin raised her brows, "What guests?"     

"Hi, Suyin," the supposed guest Fei Hong walked out of the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist, followed by James. She gave a hug, "I never knew you were friends with the Michelin Chef James. He's teaching me some of his dishes." from behind James gave Suyin a flying kiss, which she returned with a chin jerk.     

Suyin caught something missing in Fei Hong's expression. "Is everything okay?" her eyes looking accusingly at Zeng.     

"I didn't do anything. Trust me."     

"Zeng did nothing. I was feeling down for some personal reasons so he brought me here to show his new apartment and dine with his family." Fei Hong spoke, she fidgeted, almost wringing her hands. Junjie had not been picking her calls nor was he replying to her messages. Even her attempts to meet him failed. It was as if he had cut all the ties with her. Is this the ending of their friendship as well?     

"I'm sorry, apartment?" Suyin questioned sharply. She had a hard time deciding whether or not to explode, if she's not wrong Zeng was her new neighbor. He bought the vacant apartment opposite hers!     

"Hehe....We are neighbours, Susu. Isn't it wonderful?" despite Suyin's frosty glare Zeng gave a cheeky smile, placing himself between James and Suyin. Suyin's hand traveled to rub her forehead. So this was what Zeng meant when he said he won't give up on her.     

Si Han's expression matched with Suyin's irritated. Her stubborn son was attempting to barge into Suyin's life when she had already moved on. It takes years to strengthen a relationship but just a moment to break them. Zeng's absence during Suyin's worse time was like a thorn to her heart.      

 What worse, by making James his competition Zeng was only adding to Suyin's hatred. He has to understand, James was the one who dragged her out of the dark abyss and never left her side. No one can replace James' position in Suyin's heart. Impossible.     

"I need a shower," Suyin's notoriously short temper flared. Her eyes met with Jamie's, a silent communication crossed and she went into her bedroom. She dropped her bag on the floor before falling on the bed over the stomach.     

James came knocking after ten minutes holding a jar of Nutella and jumped on the bed beside her.      

"Sorry about my brother," Suyin broke the silence.     

"What did you say? I didn't hear it properly." he chuckled when Suyin raised her middle finger. "Yeah, do it with your hottie bum, don't show it to me. I'm itching for an erotica story. Especially yours. Owwww..."     

Suyin hit him with a pillow and snatched the Nutella jar. "Get lost."     

"Only after knowing why you are in a grim mood. I'm sure it's not only because of Zeng."     

Suyin's action of dipping a finger into Nutella stopped, wanting to share her thoughts with the one person who gave straight and honest answers. "I challenged Zhao Feiyan today. She will definitely strike back."     

James' smile faded, "Should I be worried?"     

"No. It's just, fighting against such people is exhausting. Zhao Feiyan, Ling Gilbert, Hui Chouming, the list is endless. Just thinking about such negative people is putting me off." she turned on her back, nursing the Nutella jar over her stomach, "....and I'm feeling guilty for not having enough time for Wang Shi and Honey. I want to strengthen my relationship with them.....especially Honey. But I'm too slow."     


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