Mark of the destiny

What did you get in return?

What did you get in return?

4Rows of marble tomb stood like guards rising from the grass. It's spooky yet it was a place where the soul rises above to meet God, leaving the loved ones crying over remains. That's why the graveyard echoes with painful grief and the heartfelt loss.     

Suyin looked around. Her eyes drip with tears and moment by moment the rain covers it.      

How can this place be so full and empty both? The only ray of life was the flowers planted around, and the majestic cherry blossom standing tall in the corner. It had a red scarf wrapped and a bell hung on it.     

Suyin let her feet tread lightly over the drenched grass until she was near the cherry blossom tree. Her eyes land on the beautiful engraving on the ground, Zhao Fai.      

Fai means the beginning.      

With a heavy heart she rung the bell, "Mumma is here, baby." and sat down amidst the downpour.     

Instead of letting her baby sleep between those sad tombs, she chose under this tree just to see life blooming whenever she visits him. The pink cherry blossoms will start to bloom from January, showering its fragrance on the two little ones sleeping under its wings.     


She doesn't know who was the other one besides her baby. The engraving reads a beautiful message [someday little angel we will hold you once again. Hush now, now no more tears and sleep. Lots of love. Daddy and brother.]     

Her hands went to clean the mud off of the engraved letters. Her eyes wandered at the beautiful name, "I-I..... I'm sorry. I'm sorry you got the worst Mumma in this world. You were my little angel, and I failed to protect you when you were most vulnerable. I'm sorry for being such a disappointment to you sweetheart. Mumma is sorry. But I promise I swear on you...."     

"....I will bring back the man who snatched your right to live, who stole your heart and granted someone else your life. I will bring the child, inside whom your heart is beating, and rip it out from his chest. I will make them pay for their sins. I will make their entire family cry blood. Everyone has to live in the same pain I'm living in..... They will live in the same pain.... they will...." crying, she lied down, hugging the small tombstone.      

The rain fell on her skin, containing the coolness to keep her mind awake, to pull her away from the painful past and the uncertain future. Just then the pitter-patter on her skin stopped, she raised her grey orbs and found a small fairy standing. Holding an umbrella over her as if shielding her from everything.     

It was HER fairy!     

He was like God's own poetry. His presence had always been a piece of music to her, always calling her in ways that cannot be expressed in words.     


"What are you doing here? Do you know how dangerous it is to run out of the hospital and drench in rain? Are you planning to get more sick?" he comes closer to cover every inch of her inside the umbrella. "Fold your legs, you are still getting wet."     

Suyin pulled him by her side, and shielded him with her body, "Little Fairy! You are soaked, this way you will get sick. What are you doing here?" she rubbed his shoulders to warm him.     

Honey snuggled closer, the cold rain made him shiver. Earlier he saw Suyin getting out of the hospital and followed her. He sneaked into James's car and followed her all the way here.     

"I-I followed you because you are dad's business partner and patient. Your disappearance was bad for dad and the hospital." Suyin heard him answer while quivering under her embrace.     

Nope! He was not worried about her. Not at all.     

His worries didn't even escalate when he saw it was raining.     


He just followed her for his father and business purposes. It's nothing personal. He didn't even feel anything when he saw her drench in rain, talking and hugging to the tombstone.     

Why would he?     

She hastily stood up and moved towards the bushy side of the tree. She hugged Honey in her embrace and hold the umbrella above him. "You are shivering, you shouldn't have come here, baby. This place is not for you."     

"Who is he?" Hidden in her embrace, Suyin followed his chubby finger pointed at Zhao Fai. He read the engravings, 'Mumma's love, Zhao Fai.'     

"My baby." She held Honey's fingers and blew air to warm them.      

After a short silence, she heard him mumble. "So, God called him too." before she could ask the meaning of his words he looked up from her arms. "What did you get in return?"     


"When God snatches something, he gives something twice as big in return. It's his way of apologizing and compensating." he pulled his hand from her grip and pointed at the other tombstone. "I-I lost my twin baby sister. In return, God gave me Yuyu and Lan. What did you get?"     

Suyin was thunderstruck and hugged him tightly.     

Wang Shi had another child? Honey's twin sister!? He never mentioned it!      

She used to wonder about Honey's selfless love for Yuyu and Lan but thought kids only follow what they see. They see their father's selfless love and had been doing the same.     

But Honey's love is something else.....     

The little angel written on the tombstone was Wang Shi's daughter!      

Why? What happened that he lost his daughter?      

"Tell me, Aunty," Honey touched her cheek, "What did you get in return?"     

Suyin's lips pursed, her eyes welled up and tears rolled down, touching Honey's hand on her cheek.     

"Oh no...." Honey panicked, assuming himself to be the reason behind her crying. The only thing he could do was to stand on his lap and engulfed her in his small arms. He soothingly patted her back and gave pecks on her wet cheek.      

It only makes her cry louder.     

"I'm sorry. I won't ask the stupid questions again. Big girls don't cry, you are a good girl, right? Please don't cry on me." He shakily gulped. Tears are his weakness. He can't withstand a girl crying in front of him. And the girl in front was crying because of his question!     

He made her cry!      


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