Mark of the destiny

When did I message her!?

When did I message her!?

1A day passed by but Suyin was still unconscious. Though her condition was just a reaction to the trauma she received after knowing of her baby's death and her reports were normal, Wang Shi was getting restless with every passing minute she spent unconscious.      2

The staff looked at their calm, composed, and mighty chairman, looking at the woman sleeping in the room just a few meters away from him as her family members accompanied her.      

He had run his hand thousands of times in his hair, looking beyond exhausted. So unlike him! Where goes the man who's always energetic even after finishing with a few back to back surgeries?      

Standing at the nurse station, he looked at her anxiously, tried to concentrate on work but that seems impossible. Inside Si Han and James were sitting by her side. Suyin would surely rage that he didn't lie about her condition to her mother when she called to enquire. But that's least of his concern.     

"Sir! Sir! SIR!"     

The nurse Miya had to call thrice to get his attention, and he finally looked up.     

"You have a surgery scheduled--"     

"I told you to free my schedule until I say so." He frowned, not accepting the patient file from the nurse. "Ask another--"     

"The patient is Sarah Long." Miya interrupted. It was the follow-up surgery. Though it can be done by another doctor too, this patient was related to Suyin and he had to do it himself.     

With a sigh Wang Shi's gaze drifted back to sleeping Suyin, his heart prickled. Somewhat he was responsible for this. "Prepare the OT and ask Lin Han to come here until I'm in the surgery."     

At a distance, standing away from everyone's eyes, a small figure was looking at his father and the woman inside the room. Though a child by age, he could understand certain things.      

Senior Psychiatrist He Jeff was observing Honey. Yesterday, after returning from school when Honey came to know of Suyin, he dashed to look for her. Equally anxious, like his father. He had been counseling Honey for over two years now, but this was the first time he had seen the child getting worried about someone other than his father, Yuyu, and Lan.     

Though Honey didn't say a word and continued pretending nonchalant, deep inside he was not comfortable to see Suyin lying unconscious and Wang Shi behaving oddly.     

"Little champ,"     

Honey looked up at He Jeff, and clenched the new PSP in his small hands. "Dad is worried for her. When will she wake up?"     

He Jeff caressed Honey's small head, "Soon. Don't worry."     

"They said she's not physically hurt but mentally. Aren't you the psychiatrist? Can't you heal her?"     

"I can't. For me to heal her, she has to be awake."      

He Jeff felt sorry when Honey lowered his head at his response. The little one's gaze drifted at Wang Shi's back as he left for the OT. Without a word, he rushed for Suyin's room.     

He Jeff smiled, muttering, "Junior Wang Shi!"     

Inside Suyin's room, Si Han and James saw Honey walk in and took a seat at the couch. His peach blossom eyes ignored everyone's presence and just looked at sleeping Suyin before looking back at his PSP. Pretending.     

Not to forget when James frowned at Honey, Honey frowned at much greater fierceness, as if telling him not to even think of sending him out.     

Si Han still had her indifferent face on, but when she saw the little human looking at Suyin with worry, she couldn't help but reminisce her own grandchild. Had he been alive today, he would be worried for his mother similarly.     

She gave an apple to him, but Honey looked at the peeled apple, then at Suyin, and slide the plate away.     

There was another stubborn man who was pacing back and forth in a hotel room. On the table a few empty cups of coffee and an ashtray full of cigarette butts were lying.     

Zhao Zeng had been discharged from the hospital long back; upon hearing of Suyin from Fei Hong, he rushed to see her in the hospital, but the security didn't allow him in.      

On Si Han's order, other than James, no outsider was allowed.     


He was an outsider now!     

"Where is Hong? Why is she not answering the call?" He put a cigarette between his lips, scowling at his assistant.      

"Sir, you forgot? You have messaged her to meet at the paradise restaurant at three."     

"When did I message her?" Zeng picked his phone to check. It was already half-past four. But to his shock, the message was there. "F*ck! Why would I message her to come out alone? It's not safe for her"     

Before the assistant could reply, he picked the car keys and dashed out.     


A few hours before,     

At a high-rise apartment,     


Dressed in a black jumpsuit, ready to go out, Fei Hong walked to the monitor at the door when the doorbell rang.      

She hissed, took a step back, looking panicked. On the other side of the door, Junjie was standing with a bag from her favorite restaurant. An hour before he had called for lunch, but she rejected him.      

That was not a lie, she was busy! But upon receiving a text from Zeng, she got excited and said yes. Moreover, she had something important to ask him.     

She hastily took off her shoes and stuff them inside the shoe cabinet. Next, throwing the bracelet, neckpiece, and the watch in the vase kept over the cabinet.      

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. "Ah, Junjie! What are you doing here? Food!? Didn't I say I'm busy, why did you bring it here?" She forced a smile, snatching the food bag from his hand. "Now that you brought me food, thank you. I will eat it after finishing my work. Okay! Bye!"     

Before she could close the door, he extended his foot between the closed door. Narrowing his eyes at her black jumpsuit, painted face and straightened hair. "Were you going out?"     

Fei Hong's lips thinned. She breathed in, irritated by his extensive involvement in her life. Isn't there a line of privacy between friends that one must not cross!?      

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