Mark of the destiny

Title is a spoiler*

Title is a spoiler*

0"Ah, my Little Fairy, don't give me that look. I might pounce on you at any moment."     

To Suyin's amusement, Honey shuffled a few steps back with a horrified look, and as usual, his hands went to cover his non-existent bosom. "Behave, I'm talking something serious."     

Suyin nodded like a pecking chicken, mesmerized by how adorable he looks. Junior Wang Shi! Scolding her in his childish voice! Can it even be called a scolding? She was about to put the Gnocchi bowl down when he stopped her.     

"Are you done eating?"     

She looked down at her bowl. "Um…."     

"I'll wait, finish it first." Suddenly he noticed something, "Where's the fork?"     

From behind, Wang Shi raised the fork up and grinned, much to Suyin's annoyance. Thankfully Honey's attention was at her.     


"Um…. I-I was eating with hands."     

"Ewww….." The idea of eating pasta with hands didn't go down well with him and turned to face Wang Shi but caught him displaying a fork in the air. "Dad, what are you doing? Where's your bowl?"     


It was Suyin's turn to grin. "Yes, where's the bowl?"     

"Cough, that was my bowl," He pointed at Suyin's, "After licking the entire pan, she took my share as well. Famished she must be. AHH!"     

He received an elbow to his ribs from Honey, "Dad, commenting on a woman's appetite is a touchy topic. Just see her face, she's ready to beat you up."     


"Grrrrrrrrr….." Suyin stopped eating, and put the bowl on to the table, almost breaking it in the process. "You mean my appetite is enormous. I'm a glutton, and I don't even shy away from eating your share! Fine, I don't want to eat your food! Take it!"     

Wang Shi "…."     

"No, I didn't mean that." Avoiding Honey's gaze alternating between them, Wang Shi pleaded with eyes, touched his ears, and mouthed sorry to coax the fireball.     

Honey, "That's what I was talking about. Yuyu and Lan told me that once Uncle Jianyu did the same mistake and the next day he was limping."     


"Son, you will save me, right?" Wang Shi whispered.     

"No." he whispered back, "I'm already paying a price of hundred kisses because of you. What if she increases it to a lifetime?"     

Suyin glared daggers at Wang Shi and mouthed 'Meet me alone.'     

Gulps, "Please, Son. I'm your poor father."     

"Gaah! Fine! Only once."     

"I love you, thank you so much."     

"Cough….. all right, you two. Stop fighting. Don't deviate me from the topic." Honey took the fork and bowl from their hands and put it on the kitchen counter.     

Suyin, "What topic?"     

Shoving his right hand into the pocket of his blue trouser, copying Wang Shi's style, Honey pointed his other hand at Suyin. "Dad, there isn't a discipline in your hospital. Patients are supposed to take a rest in their rooms and listen to their doctors, but some stubborn ones like HER…. took the liberty to go outside."     

He glanced at the wall clock, "It's over 3 in the night, yet she's here instead of taking rest. Can you please enlighten me, how will she heal if this continues? Or is it she's your business partner and knows the owners of the hospital, she's taking advantage of us? Are you?"     

Suyin "…"     

"Litle Fairy—"     

"Shh… don't argue! No one pisses me off as much as you do. Do you have any idea I didn't even finish my homework and waited for you the entire day?"     

Suyin was left shocked and confused when he took two fast strides and set her small hand on her waist as gently as possible. Why does she catch a hint of care, worry, and tenderness in the little one's eyes when he asked, "Is it still hurting? Did you take your medicines?"     

Wang Shi cast an incredulous look. Was it that rare episode when Tom and Jerry sometimes act caring towards each other!?!     

However, he was proved wrong….     

She reached out to check Honey's forehead, and searched his face, lowering her glasses at the tip of her nose. "Baby, are you on a fever? What did you eat? You can't be my fairy. Who are you?"     

He nudged the glasses up higher on her nose, suppressing his smile. The glasses gave her that big-eyed cute animal look, as if she were the sweetest of anime characters. "Don't be delusional. Of course, I'm Honey. It's my way of taking revenge. Don't forget I couldn't attend school because YOU forgot to talk to dad. Now it's my turn. I'll make sure to keep you in the hospital and let you taste your own medicine."     

"AHHHHH! Clingy duck, what are you doing? LEAVE ME!"     

Suyin pounced on Honey and caged him in her arms with the gentleness of a mother. Saying she was touched and emotional wouldn't be enough to describe her emotions.     

"Liar, liar! I know you were worried about me. It's written on your face. So cute, I love you, I love you, I love you the most!"     

He struggled out of her hold with the puffed cheeks, but she didn't let him go and continued peppering kisses.     

At school, he had heard teachers and students talking about Suyin and her rescue mission at the factory. Saying she was the topic of the day wouldn't be much. Out of curiosity and to know more about her, he took a look at the newspaper. It was full of Suyin, her job, and her past work.     

The more he read, the more he felt proud and happy. No wonder many kids approached him asking about her. They have seen Suyin helping him when he was slapped.     

The boy who was labelled as a school bully for his indifferent behaviour, and coldness; other students used to maintain distance was suddenly looked upon with different eyes.     

"Qiang, we have seen Zhao Suyin helping you, and call you affectionately that day. Do you know her personally?"     

"She was furious when the teacher slapped you. I have heard she even slapped her many times to teach her a lesson. Is it true?"     

"It looked like Zhao Suyin even knew your sisters and loves you a lot. That teacher and the principle are expelled. Isn't she amazing? Say thanks to her for getting us rid of that teacher."     

For a change, Honey replied with a subtle smile and a proud heart, "She's my Aunty Suyin."     

Title- "She's my Aunty Suyin"     

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