Mark of the destiny



3... and after that, Honey was the centre of attraction in the class.     

However, he felt bad when in one of the pictures he saw her pale face and blood-stained top. It hurt even more knowing how badly he treated her, yet she never complained and always hugged him lovingly, asking for kisses.     

For the first time, he felt something weird in the heart. It made him uncomfortable.     

Suddenly he recalled Suyin's smile whenever she asked for kisses, and his heart eased away.     

No matter how annoying she was, but she's sweet too!     

After coming back, he rushed to see her, but to his disappointment, she was nowhere seen. He waited for her the entire day, eventually ending up sleeping on the couch.     

Suyin picked the Honey and went to the lounge to lie down with him. "My Little Tsundere, lecturing me for not taking a rest, what about you? It's past three. Don't you have school tomorrow?"     

"Mmmm….. I have. Now let me go… How am I supposed to sleep with you squeezing me?" he fights back, but the strength in his body was giving up already, sleep overtaking him. Don't know why, but it felt comfortable by her side.     

"You will sleep. You have to sleep. No option!" she firmly said and ignored his stare, pulling the blanket up to cover them and kissed his adorable nose. "I love you."     

"You are clingy, stubborn, and shameless monster kisser….." he yawned, his eyes drooped more and more, slowly taking him to the dreamland. She smelled so good!     

Wang Shi looked at the two cuddled in each other's arms. It's so easy for her to put Honey to sleep, not forgetting she herself was swinging in and out of sleep. He reached to pat her cheeks, "Brush your teeth first."     

"Mmm…. Fairy….."     

"I'm here with him, you go brush your teeth," he moved to take her place near Honey, but the little brat sensed something, rolled to the other side of the bed. His brows wrinkled in sleep.     

Wang Shi "…."     

"Bratty," he pinched Honey's nose and stood up from the bed.     

A few minutes later, Suyin returned, gave a kiss to Wang Shi, and slide into Honey's blanket. Not surprisingly, they snuggled against each other, and Honey's hand went to rest on Suyin's cheek.     

Wang Shi kissed them one by one, whispering, "Have you noticed, you both are coming closer. Just don't forget there's me standing in the corner looking at you two."     


In the study of a mansion, Ling Xeumo was anxiously waiting for her father to say something. She found it weird, his father didn't stay by Gong Li's father's side, neither he allowed her to stay a minute longer after Gong Li's death.     

Well, whatever his reason was, why does he look ghostly pale. What on earth happened at People's Hospital? Is this the effect of Gong Li's death and he's worried about Ace's future?     

"Dad, is everything all right? Why didn't we stay with Uncle Gong?" she licked her dry lips, keeping her voice as soft as possible. To the outside world, she's a dotted spoiled daughter, but in the closed room, she's the girl who feared her father. A fear that's rooted in her.     

Ling Gilbert's jaw clenched as he grounded his teeth. Not only he lost his golden bird Gong Li, but Zhao Suyin had gotten suspicious of past and dared to threaten him!     

A measly woman who was crushed by him years back, dare to look into his eyes and threaten him!     

He! Ling Gilbert!     

"That slutty bitch! It was already a mercy on her to let her live, but she not only returned but dare to show her fangs!" he let out a burst of menacing laughter, "The more she dares to fly high, the more she will come under the eyes of her enemies. I might not be able to do anything, but how will she stop others?"     

Ling Xeumo stood with pin-drop silence, shaking on her feet, not daring to ask which other enemies was he referring to! Other than Hui Chouming, Qi Wren, and him himself, does she have more enemies? How?     

She flinched when he flicked his wrist, gesturing her to prepare a cup of tea.     

He looked at his daughter's shaky hands as he prepared tea. It reminded him of her silly mistake at the hospital when she covered her mouth in disgust seeing Gong Li's burned body and Gong Shen's outburst at her.     

Such a dumb daughter he has who doesn't even know how to weight the situation and act accordingly. Speaking of a daughter, he hates having her in the first place. If it was not for the fact, he couldn't bear another child, he would have killed her long back, just like his other sisters.     

Before Xeumo, he had killed his four unborn daughters after determining their sex. However, his wife hid the truth of her fifth child until the seventh month and went to live at her parent's house. When he came to know, he dragged her to get the foetus aborted, but on his way to the hospital, they met with an accident.     

He lost his wife in the accident, not that he cares, but he lost his capability to bear another child. That accident rendered him impotent.     

He chose to keep her and raise her as a future investment who would help him reach the heights which he could only dream of. But to his ill-luck again, despite his constant beatings and hard lessons, she could only become an average doctor and could never qualify to sit for the exams held by People's hospital.     

Climbing the ladder named Wang Shi remained just a dream for him, and he had to pave way for her to climb another ladder named Gong Li.     

 Yet again his ill-luck, Gong Li had to die!     

The stupid man couldn't keep his mouth shut!     

Zhao Suyin ruined his plans years back by getting the offer letter from People's Hospital, and today she did it again by becoming a reason behind Gong Li's death.     

"D-Dad," Xeumo passed the teacup with shaky hands. It was enough to irk him more and threw the cup at Xeumo which passed by her and crashed to the wall.     

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