Mark of the destiny

he’s Dr…..

he’s Dr…..

2"Hi, Hong! What a pleasant surprise." Attacked by Wang Shi's words, Junjie barged into the restaurant and took the seat across Fei Hong before Zeng could sit on it.     

Zeng, "Excuse me!"     

Junjie, "Strawberry shake, Sangria, fried prawns, chestnut dimsums, and grilled pork with sweet and sour sauce. Hong, if you want to eat something else, order it."     

Zeng "…"     

Fei Hong "…."     

"Cough," Fei Hong cleared her throat, and leaned to whisper, "Junjie, he's not a waiter, but Zhao Zeng. The Zhao Zeng, one of the best formula one driver."     

"Oh!" As if he doesn't know! He extended his hand to Zeng, and he shook it. "Feng Junjie. Her best friend."     

"Zhao Zeng. Her 'new-friend' and the one who brought her here for dinner." He reminded him, "That's my seat you've taken." All Zeng cares about was to sit from where he could get an unobstructed view of Suyin.     

Junjie checked around, "Did you bring it along? I thought it's the property of the restaurant."     

Fei Hong was unconformable aware of the crackling sparks between them. However, a few seconds later Junie dragged the same chair next to Fei Hong. "I guess all you want is the space so that you can stare at your sister who is visibly upset. Go ahead."     

Zeng looked over the shoulder, and a waiter immediately set another chair for him.     

Fei Hong, "What are you doing here?"     

Junjie, "This place belongs to my friend. I dropped by to meet him," ignoring Zeng, he passed the tab to her, "Order something. It's been a while since we have eaten together."     

Zeng's gaze moved to Fei Hong's face, "It's alright, let's dine together. After all, eating with the famous CEO of Feng corps is a matter of honor. We'll go alone some other time. Though I know many suitable places in the city, I'll take suggestions from CEO Feng as well. Any idea?"     

Fei Hong watched as Junjie's gaze noticeably turned icy. "Sure, I'll ask my secretary to send you a list, but make sure you are not preoccupied with something else—" he looked over the shoulder at Suyin's table, "— that you didn't even notice when someone took your seat. What if next time, you lose something else?"     

Zeng leaned only for Junjie to hear, "Better try harder than."     


An hour passed by, but Gong Li didn't come. Even his phone was not reachable.     

Ignoring the fluttering of nerves, Suyin picked the tab and ordered a strong coffee. She needed this caffeine.     

What more, the countless glares of his brother were as annoying as him. As the coffee arrived, she went to sit in the open garden space to avoid his gaze.     

"That's an angry little sister you have got." Fei Hong looked up to see into Zhao Zeng's face from the rim of the teacup. "Till when are you going to wait?"     

He picked his third teacup, "Until she's here. Won't leave her alone, especially when it's getting dark outside."     

Junjie had the urge to roll his eyes. His brother had left his best bodyguards around as if he's needed in front of them.     

"I think the person she had been waiting has stood her up. Let me ask," Fei Hong left for the balcony, ignoring Junjie and Zeng's violent head shaking. It was an escape for her from getting sandwiched between their silent fights. "Suyin,"     

Suyin looked up to see into Fei Hong's face. "Hey,"     

She fidgeted with her hands, her eyes wandered between the men on the other side of the glass and then at Suyin. "Em….."     

"I heard about your case," Suyin saved her from the awkward moment. "That's a brave step you have taken, not every woman can do that. But still, it's a long way….. Do you need my help?"     

"Thank you, and No." She took the seat. "I will not question them in the court, but crush their very existence under my heels, and walk away with pride."     

"Impressive! I expected this much from you, that's why didn't come to talk about it." Suyin looked behind and then at her, "Now let's come back to these two. Which one do you like?"     

"Pfft," she spurts out the tea on Suyin's table, receiving a glare in return. "Not my fault! What makes you think that? NO! None of them! One is my best friend, while the other one is my idol. Please change the topic!"     

Holy shi*! It scared her!     

But considering the two….. Zhao Zeng fits into the criteria of her dream man. Mature! Reliable!     

Shit! What was she thinking! She shook her head to stop the train of her thoughts.     

Suyin shrugged, "There isn't any topic. I'm waiting for someone and would rather like to sit alone and wait if you don't mind."     

"It's been an hour already."     

"I'll wait," Suyin said, "Tell 'Mr. Racer' to not wait for me and leave. You should too."     

Fei Hong understood and excused herself. Suyin was not in the mood today, so it was best to leave her alone.     

"Then we should leave,�� Junjie pushed to his feet after hearing Fei Hong. "Maybe its work-related and important, that's why she's waiting. You know how serious she is about her work."     

Fei Hong looked at Zhao Zeng who remained seated.     

"I'll wait until she's here."     

And….. Just like that, eight hours passed, but she remained seated in the place, filling her stomach with coffee. Her neck and back muscles ached, her elbow was stiff after being melded to the table all day and legs tired with all the jittery shaking she had done.     

She will surely punch him in the face first when he gets here. If it was not for her baby, she would have had left within five minutes of wait.     


On the other side,     

Wang Shi stepped out of the OT after performing the emergency surgery. "Shift him to the ICU. Did you find any Id on him? We have to inform his family, his condition doesn't look optimistic."     

Nurse Miya showed a wallet, "We found it in his jacket. According to the Id, he's Dr….."     

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