Mark of the destiny

Accident or murder?

Accident or murder?

3"…..he's Dr. Gong Li from…."     0

Nurse Miya was yet to complete the sentence when a gush of wind passed through her ear. Wang Shi had already stormed out towards the elevator. "Sir,"     

She had been working with Wang Shi since the day he started this hospital and knows him very well. Knowing he would give further instructions while walking, she hurriedly chased after him.     

"I'll be back in half an hour, shift him to the VIP floor, and monitor closely. Appoint extra security outside. No one is allowed to see him without my permission, not even the police officers. Just make an excuse if they insist and tell Li Han to handle them."     

Miya noted the instructions. The door of the elevator was about to close when Wang Shi struck his foot. Everyone present in the elevator looked in confusion.     

He paused for a fraction of the second, "Everyone, OUT."     

The staff shuffled out within a second.     

It was not needed for Wang Shi to call anyone and ask about Suyin. Knowing her, she must be still in the restaurant, waiting for Gong Li.     


While waiting, the restaurant didn't forget to give Suyin food and drinks as per Wang Shi's instructions earlier, but other than coffee she touched nothing.     

It was two o'clock in the night; she knew Gong Li won't come now, but she still wanted to give him a chance considering he was a doctor and medical emergencies don't come after checking appointments.     

She received a call from Wang Shi, "Hey—"     

"Come downstairs."     

He sounded serious, giving the hint something was not right.     

Uncomfortable, Suyin stood up from the chair on shaky legs, shooting back pain traveled her spine, and before she could take the support of the table a pair of strong arms held her shoulders.     

She knew it!     

She knew it, he was still here!     

"Ge, please. I don't need this support." Infuriated, irritated, she freed herself from his grip and walked away from him, leaving a digital tip for the waiters for their amazing service.     

By the time she stepped out of the glass door, Wang Shi's signature yellow car was there and she hoped in. She pulled out her phone and texted Zhao Zeng. [This will only spoil our relationship further. Just be happy the way it is.]     


People's Hospital     

Wang Shi led her to the elevator, taking several glances at her face. She was awkwardly silent from the moment he picked her.     


"How much time does he have?"     

Shocked, he made her face him, "How do you know?"     

"I just guessed." She pointed at his face, "This expression- I know it very well. Death. Despair. Hopelessness…..It always starts and ends with one word. Sorry!"     

His lips pursed into a thin line. "Accident case. A speeding truck hit his car outside the restaurant and dragged it for a few meters before it caught fire. 95% burns and internal injuries." He was not aware it was Gong Li until Miya found his half-burned Id card."     

Suyin was out of words at the moment and just followed him silently. They first wore a protective kit with gloves and mask to reduce the risk of infection before seeing Gong Li.     

He was kept under the sterilized dome-like cover with a layer of cloth over it. An endotracheal tube passing through his mouth was administering oxygen, and many other tubes and contraptions attached were literally keeping him alive. Without them, it was just a matter of seconds…..     

Suyin didn't even look at his chart, the figures flashing at the monitors were more than enough to tell everything.     

"Accident or murder?" without taking her eyes off of Gong Li, she questioned.     

"Police had apprehended the truck driver, he's a mentally unstable person. How he gets hold of the truck, and other details is under investigation. But….. things are suspicious." He looked up at her and could see she's thinking the same. He knew she knew.     

"Let me in. It's my son there. LET ME GO…." Through the closed door came a raised voice, quivering and crying. Painful. Suyin instantly stepped back as Wang Shi let him in. It was Gong Li's father. His only family.     

With eyelids moist with tears he flung to hold his son but was stopped by Wang Shi. When the words would not come, the tears do. He cried until there was nothing left inside but the raw pain that would follow him to the end of his life. Today, this old man had literally lost everything in life.     

"W-Wake him up." Gong Li's father requested. "I want to talk to him once."     

Wang Shi, "Though anesthesia wore off, the patient is on a high dose of sedatives and painkillers and has just been out of surgery. I'm afraid with the endotracheal tube you won't be—"     

"I know. I know everything. Though retired now, I have been a doctor once. Do you think I don't know there are chances he won't make it till morning? For God's sake, wake him up once and let him see his father. Let me see my son. Let me talk to him."     

He took a glance at Suyin, but instead of giving any response, she stood silently in a corner. He pushed a controlled dose of reversal agent into Gong Li's drip and let him wake up once.     

"Li," The old man came to stand near his son to talk to him. Probably last time!     

Suyin saw Wang Shi gesture something to Li Han as he stood outside the room. It was the annoying father-daughter duo who were creating a scene.     

After ensuring everything was fine, Wang Shi made his way out and closed the door behind him.     

Ling Gilbert took two fast strides and offered his hand, "Dr. Wang,"     

Wang Shi shoved his hand into the pockets of his scrubs. "This is a restricted area, who gave you permission to come here?" Saying, he shifted his gaze to Li Han.     

Li Han shrugged, "Dr. Gilbert dare to accuse us of not giving appropriate treatment and threaten us with a lawsuit if we don't let him take Dr. Gong Li to Ace. So I let him come here and talk to the patient's doctor."     

F*ck! Gilbert was unaware it was Wang Shi treating Gong Li.     

"I didn't. He twisted my words. You—"     

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