Mark of the destiny

I have an information which.....

I have an information which.....

4"Honey bro!"      4

"Honey bro!"     

"Let's go. Otherwise, we'll be late." The two little ones chirped while standing at the door. Their little ponytails swing in the air as they started pulling Honey's hand.     

"Wait, let me pick my bag." Honey ran to the lounge.     

"Ah, you guys are looking so cute. Can I pinch your cheeks?" Suyin crouched down, pinching their apple cheeks. Soft.     

 "Hmpf, beware she's a wildcat and can even scratch you." While adjusting the strap of his bag with one hand Honey pointed at his chin with the other. A nail scratch! It directed the shocked gaze of two girls at startled Suyin. No need to guess who did it.     

"That's because you were resisting my kisses. I'm sorry!     

"No need to apologize. Dad, make sure to give me a TT shot after I return and vaccinate her. Bye!"     

Suyin "…."     

Wang Shi waved at kids, suppressing the laughter seeing Suyin's adorable pout. An out of the blue kiss on her nose brought her attention to him. He swings her phone like a pendulum. "Gong Li is calling continuously."     

"Let him be. I can give knowledge to a person, but can't make them think. Some people want to remain fools, only because the truth requires change. And he is one of those." She ignored the ringing phone and carefully sat down on the couch. The injury had restricted her movements.     

As usual, Dr. Gong Li must be looking to pick an argument. It would be Ling Xeumo who must have instigated him against Suyin.     


Wang Shi glanced at the phone, "Message."     

Suyin scooted closer to Wang Shi and adjusted her posture. "What?"     

[Answer the phone. Please. Otherwise, I won't stop calling.]     

The word please sounded hypocritical, yet she called him. With no intention to hide things from Wang Shi, she put it on a loudspeaker.     

"Suyin, I want to meet you. It's urgent."     

"Let me check my schedule…. Oops! It's booked for this lifetime. Don't bother."     

"Wait wait wait," she was about to hang up when his anxious voice sounded. "I-I want to talk about the day when…. when you operated on my son. I-I want to reopen the investigation. But this time privately."     

Wang Shi linked his fingers with hers, nodding. But she shook her head, preferring not to bring up all that again. "Will it change anything? Will it bring back your son? Your wife? Will it undo whatever happened with me? Dr. Gong, I suggest you live and let me live. I don't give a damn about you or anyone. For me, things ended years back."     

Unknowingly, her voice rose an octave, making Wang Shi rub the pad of his thumb at her palm. With a long blink, she assured him.     

"It's only you who can help me. Other than Xeumo and Gilbert, it was only you in the theatre." He insisted.     

"I don't care."     

"Not even if you get the chance to prove your innocence and get back your license?"     

She closed her eyes, tired with words that hold no meaning.     

How selfish and vile people can become for personal reasons, Gong Li was the perfect example. Just because he wanted to investigate his son's case, how conveniently he reached for the same woman whose pleas he ignored years back.     

"That license is nothing more than a piece of paper. If getting it back was my intention, I would have challenged the medical council's decision long back. You may keep it for yourself—"     

"Help me, and I'll tell you something related to your baby." He went on as if Suyin was not saying anything and hit right at the spot, preventing Suyin to hang up. The statement exploded in her brain, strong enough to numb her senses, and the phone slipped from her grip' caught by Wang Shi on time.     

"I-I have an information which might give a different direction to the reason behind your baby's death." His voice echoed…..     

She stilled as if paralyzed, unable to comprehend.     

"Think over, it's a win-win. I'll wait for your reply."     


In Ace Hospital,     

Gong Li hung up and exhaled. He was sure Suyin would definitely help him, he had given her the reason she can never say no.     

His gaze moved to the circus happening right in front of his eyes. Fake. As if he doesn't know the truth!     

"Congratulations, Dr. Ling."     

"It was a difficult case. You did a great job."     

"Such minute detail, how did you catch it?"     

"Yeah, checking the patient's background that she was a perfumer, and linking it to a medical condition is tremendous. Only an experienced and intelligent doctor can catch this detail."     

"We are happy that we are receiving training under your guidance, mam"     

Doctors, nurses, and interns crowded around Ling Xeumo, praising her for her excellent diagnosis. Least they were aware, it was Suyin's diagnosis who did it to save the patient's life. Selfless.     

And here…     


Had Gong Li not seen it with his own eyes, he would have believed it was Ling Xeumo's diagnosis. But thankfully, he had heard Suyin and Xeumo talking about where Suyin diagnosed the patient effortlessly and corrected Xeumo's blunder that might have had claimed a patient's life.     

What more, Suyin had shown her skills once more in the emergency by diagnosing the drug case. If her skills were this perfect and far better than Xeumo's, even years after banned from practice; can she really do that blunder in OT?     

Or was it really Xeumo who had caused his son's death and Suyin was wrongly blamed?     

Not forgetting the other doctor was Ling Gilbert, Xeumo's father. Won't he would save his daughter's career first and let someone else take the burn?     

"Gong Li!" seeing him standing not too far, Xeumo rushed by his side and wrapped her hand around his. Her black orbs sparkled with happiness, as she gave her sweetest smile with those red-stained lips, making him feel sick.     


Seeing some people, the abusive words itself echoes in the brain, and asks, 'Shall we come out?'     

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