Mark of the destiny

Yes I will do it again

Yes I will do it again

3*KNOCK*     1



Wang Shi tapped against the ceiling with a pole.     

"What are you doing?"     

"They had sedated the kids, that's why no one is responding. The entire roof is made up of cement, but the door can only be of wood or metal. Probably they have painted it to keep it hidden." He replied and continued tapping, paying attention to the sound.     

Soon the others caught up.     

"This one! Everyone, step back….." With a swift inward push at the door, the bosom of the loft fell open, hanging from the ceiling.     

Suyin rushed once more, but this time he stopped her and looked at the senior police officer. "Get the kids out. Careful, they are sedated."     


"Miss. Zhao Suyin, I know you are worried about them, but some things are best left for others. You cannot get everyone down safely through the ladders. Can you?"     

Though he said it with his usual calmness, the lethal glance he shot said something else. She had never seen him look so upset. Understanding, she took a voluntary step back.     

As everyone's attention was at the kids, as they were brought down; Wang Shi pushed his hand beneath Suyin's top to feel the bandage, bringing out a crimson stained hand.     

She pursed her lips when he showed her that and stepped away from him.     

He didn't say a word, neither he looked at her; just kept her with him. Secured.     

"Take them to the hospital. Each one of them." He ordered, checking them one by one.     

"Sir, this one has a high fever and is barely breathing."     

"Maddie," Suyin scooped the child's long hair from his face.     

Wang Shi checked his pulse, eyes and chest, "Heavy congestion. Give him O2. Dr. Su, take over this kid and first get the temperature down."     

This was the end of Unicharm, everything was laid bare. Suyin's team didn't delay any time in uploading the evidence, including lab-tests reports. At the top, the most undeniable truth was the kids who were found on the premises in a heart-wrenching condition.     

Xu Tong began trembling.     

Before leaving, Suyin fulfilled her promise and turned to face Gu Yuan. "Mrs. Gu, thank you for your kind support in helping me get the evidence against Unicharm. With no personal motive, not only you educated women but helped me from day one."     

She looked at reporters, "To those who don't know, it was because of Mrs. Gu Yuan that Xu Tong got this factory cleaned, giving me the opening to collect samples and shoot another evidence against him. Thank you."     

"Zhao Suyin, how did you get the evidence? Can you elaborate?" As she turned, a reporter asked.     

"Did you do it yourself? Who else was with you?"     

"Did someone from People's Hospital helped you?"     

"What is the source of the infection? What do the findings say?"     

By now she could barely stand, subconsciously her hands went to support her back, turning Wang Shi's expression cold. They obviously want to know if he had helped her, but none of them had the guts to ask him, so they targeted Suyin.     

"It's the staph infection on kids' skin which eventually got transferred to the product. Anything more?"     

The reporter shook his head like a rattle drum and moved back.     

Wang Shi shrugged out of his lab coat and tied it around Suyin's waist. Just when he pulled the knot her eyes shut close in pain….     

They noticed a trail of blood running down from her back….      

Zhao Suyin was hurt? How? Why?     

Despite being hurt, she came here and endured pain?     

"Before anyone of you asks something, Zhao Suyin had stayed on the premises for three days under a disguise and was hurt by Xu Tong who tried to kill her and her team when they were caught running. With the presence of her mind, she faked her death to continue with the plan smoothly. And right now, you are holding my patient from getting treatment."     

He took Suyin's hand from Gu Yuan's who was holding her as he talked to the reporters. "Who else has questions?"     

The reporters looked at each other's face but none dared to go ahead and ask. Not only his power and position were scary, but the disdainfully disappointed anger he exuded made them feel ashamed.     

Having said, he left with Suyin supporting her body weight on his. If Suyin had not stopped him, he would have had picked her in his arms in front of everyone.     


Instead of taking her to the emergency ward and let her be worried about the children who were being treated there, he took her straight to the VIP wards.     

Gently he put her down on the bed and undid the lab coat around her waist.     

"I-I'm fine."     

He ignored her and gently helped her down on the bed on her side. Suddenly bone-weary and sad, she closed her eyes and her arms wrapped around her. "Wang Shi—"     

"SUYIN," she cringed and hugged herself tighter. "I'm pissed off right now. You better lay down quietly until I dress your wound."     

Suyin stilled and didn't even dare to utter a sound. His actions were so gentle that unknowingly she fell asleep.     

By the time she woke up, she was still sleeping on her side. As she turned to look, he was sitting near the bed and instantly helped her to shift on her back. "Won't talk?"     

"What is there to talk about? Don't you know what you have done?"     

"I-I yanked your hand and didn't listen to you."     

"None of this matter to me." He didn't soften this time and kept the frown on his forehead intact even when she pouted. Can she tell him he looks hot with that angry face? Guess not! "I was under the impression that you would at least take my words into consideration after we have talked and pay attention to your health. Yet here we are… Will you always be this careless with yourself? Tell me, so I shall prepare myself."     

Her fingers curled together, lips twitched, "Yes."     

"Pardon me."     

"Yes, I will do it again."     

He pinched her chin and lifted her hung head to face him, "Say that again."     

She looked into his eyes, her jaw stiff, "YES. Yes, I will do it again.... Without caring about you, without caring about Honey, and without caring about anyone in this world…..."     

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