Mark of the destiny

Two more people have joined your life.

Two more people have joined your life.

3People's Hospital,      3

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all. And the mirror answered…. Oh, queen, you are fairest of all I see, but over the hills, where the seven dwarfs dwell, snow-white—Yuyu, are you even listening?"     

"No." Sitting at the edge of Suyin's bed,  Yuyu continued poking Suyin's cheek. "Snow-white is boring. I'm more interested in her. Why is she still sleeping?"     

"I don't know."     

"When will she wake up?"     

"I don't know."     

"Why is she here?"     

"Because she's hurt."     



"Yuyu, Honey bro is not an encyclopedia. Stop pestering him like an annoying fly. Note down your questions and ask pretty sister when she wakes up."     

"Hmpf, bully."     


"Mmmm…. Puppies," Suyin mumbled, her eyelashes fluttered.     

Lan jumped, "Ah, she woke up. I'll call Uncle Shi Shi."     

Yuyu runs behind Lan, "I'll join you too."     

Honey scooted away from Suyin's bed, eagerly looking at the door. He hoped a savior would come so he could run away. The past few days had been very peaceful for him, but now she's back…     

 As Suyin roused from a heavy slumber with the cute bickering of three human puppies, her brain recalled the faint memories where her Hottie Bum came as the help sent by Daiyu. The moment he wrapped her in his familiar warmth, her mind and body relaxed, and she lost consciousness.     

The first thing she looked for was time; the digital wall clock relieved her worries. Only eight hours had passed.     

She tried to get up from the bed but her back hurts. "Ow!"     

"Lie down back."     

He used the tone that swelled her heart. She heard a pinch of care and worry in his voice. Is that her illusion or reality? Or is he still upset with her?     

"Ah, my Little Fairy!" she loved how he tried to adjust her bed to make her comfortable. "Don't bother about doing that. Just give me a kiss first."     

Honey "…."     

"We are not on talking terms."     

"I'm sorry." She holds her ears.     



"Only at one condition- Cancel our contract."     

Suyin "…"     

"Ouch!" she clutched her chest and looked as Honey jumped back with his hands in the air. "Ow….. it's hurting. Little Fairy…. Why?"     

"I swear I did nothing. I-I— Ah!"     

She pulled him on the bed, and squeezed him tight, giving n number of kisses.     

"Hey…. Leave me…. Yukkkk!"     

 "Mmmm…. My Little Fairy. Sorry, I forgot to talk to your father. I was busy with work. It won't happen again, promise." She said softly, almost begging, "Getting a kiss from you is the happiest part of my day. Please don't cancel our contract. I love you the most. I love you… I love you… I love you. Muahh!"     

What she didn't see was the shift in Honey's mood as she said those words. His expressions softened. Even the anger melted like an ice-cream, but the little tsundere kept frowning. Being a softie was not his style. "You still deserve a punishment. No kisses and no talking to me for the next seven days. Either this or cancel the contract."     

"Fine. Don't kiss me. I will kiss you."     

Honey "…."     

When Wang Shi came into the room, the scene that didn't shock him at all. As expected of Suyin, Honey was squeezed like a lemon in Suyin's arms; she even made sure to put a leg above Honey's stopping him from kicking.     

Poor child! Other than Suyin the person he cursed most was his father. It was Wang Shi who had asked him to guard Suyin as he went to do some work.     

A bittersweet tenderness pierced him. He was happy that she loved Honey with all her heart but felt bitter that Honey comes before him.     


"Dad, help me. Look, what is she doing? I'm crushed." Wang Shi's arrival was the ray of hope for Honey to save himself from getting crushed under her weight. "She's as heavy as a hippo."     

Suyin "…."     

Suyin's eyes narrowed at the little devil as she loosened her grip to let him slip from her arms, "Bratty."     

"Hmpf, pot calling the kettle black,"     


"Enough you two." Wang Shi interrupted, helping Honey get down from Suyin's bed. "Yuyu and Lan are waiting for you in my office."     

After he left, it's only the two of them in the room. Suyin stared at his face, feeling a little guilty and scared too. "Wang S—"     

"How are you feeling?"     

"Good. How about—"     

"Does it hurt anywhere?"     

"Um…. No. How about—"     

"Turn to your side. Let me check the swelling on your back."     

Suyin's lips pursed into a thin line. He was deliberately cutting her off, acting deaf to her words. To worse, his body language and tone were not the same as before. "You are angry." She concluded.     

"Does it matter?"     


"Then why didn't you inform me about the change in your plan?" He shoved her shoulder, "Turn to your side."     

"I won't. First talk to me properly." she can't see him this upset and had to pacify this adult version of Honey first. "It was a sudden change. I never expected to be caught red-hand while collecting the samples. I admit I should have been more careful but….." sighs, "Will apology work?"     

When she didn't turn over, he steered her shoulder to the opposite side and lifted her top from the back. She hissed as he touched the swollen spot.     

"I'll give you a painkiller." he retrieved his hand, but Suyin turned and tugged the hem of his scrubs.     

"I won't lie Wang Shi, but this is a part of my job. I live for it! There will come many instances when I'll do it again, and I really wish you to understand me and my job. Otherwise…."     


"Otherwise, you will be putting me in a tough situation and hurt me unintentionally. Neither can I leave you and Honey, nor my job."     

"God, Suyin," he let out a relieving breath. For a second, the word 'otherwise' scared him. He cupped the back of her head and pulled her. Suyin instantly wrapped her hands around his waist. "Neither would I ask you to choose between me and your job. I know how important it is for you. All I want is you consider me and Honey before taking such risks. You are no more a single bird, two more people have joined your life."     

Tears welled in her eyes as he said she's not alone and two more people have joined her. It sounds so bliss. Like a family of three.     

"Hm, I will keep this in mind. But you won't get angry again."     

"I was not angry, but upset."     

"Then don't be upset either."     

He pushed her, looking stern. "This much strictness is necessary to keep the partner in control. Will you follow the suit?"     

"Cough… Nope."     


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