Mark of the destiny

They were just good friends.

They were just good friends.

3In the middle of the night, Fei Hong woke up and propped herself on the bed. She was supposed to be discharged, but due to Tong Po's police case, she had to stay there.     

In the past two days, she had planned everything, but executing it was challenging. Once she stepped on it, she had to stick on to the path and fight against the challenges that would follow.     

Grabbing a shawl, she stepped out of the room to get some fresh air. Startled, she blinked at the man sleeping on the bench outside the room.     

Junjie was sleepy; his head lolls, and the contours of his face relaxed, releasing the work pressure of his day. But why sleep here? Shouldn't he be in his villa, sleeping in the comfort of his room luxurious room instead of this cold bench?     

"You are a lucky woman."     

A voice caught her attention, and she turned only to find it was the nurse on duty. "I-I don't understand."     

"He had been sleeping here for the past three days and leave early in the morning after taking a look at you. Throughout the day, he would call at the nurse station every two hours and ask about your well-being." The nurse said, "Sweet love. Isn't it?"     

She bit her lip and found her gaze drifted to Junjie's face. Her fingers curled around the shawl wrapped around her. The idea of giving it to him for some warmth itched. Don't know why, but he had been behaving oddly for the past few days.     

Hope it's not what she was thinking.     

They were just good friends. Nothing more, nothing less.     

Junjie fits nowhere near her dream man.     

She needs a mature and reliable man in her life, not a kid.     

"Please get him a blanket. It's cold here." Asking the nurse, she left for the garden.     

Facing the beautiful fountain dancing in colorful lights, she sat down on the bench. It's the hundredth time she had looked at her phone but put it down in her lap with a deflating sigh.     

"Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will."     

She looked behind. Under the night lamp, a tall man took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke into the air. The way he was standing, only his side profile was visible. Her gaze retrieved, not ignoring the point he was in hospital clothes as well. Must be a patient!     

"It's easier said than done."     

He chuckled, "All you need to do is take the first step. We don't regret the things we have done; we regret the things we didn't do when we had the chance. The choice is yours."     

"Wait! Your voice—" she snapped but saw him walking towards the hospital, waving his hand at her. "Was it you, Zeng?" She murmured and picked her phone again…..     

"There you are,"     

Fei Hong looked up as Junjie came to the garden looking for her. "Who was he? Do you know him?"     

Sliding her tongue on her lower lips, she chose to not tell him she doubts it was Zeng. "Must be a patient came out to smoke."     

"OK. Let's go in." he hooked his hand around her, pulling her closer. As they walked in, Fei Hong glanced at her phone and finally clicked the 'upload' button. A smile bloomed soon after….     

"Why are you smiling?"     

"First tell me, what are you doing here?"     


"Sleep at your home, not outside my room."     

"It's my brother's hospital. I can sleep wherever I want."     

Just then, Fei Hong's phone vibrated. It was a notification. [One comment received]     


The next day Suyin woke up feeling fresh. It was an equally relaxing sleep she always had with Honey in her arms. Wish she could get such sleep daily. Blinking, she realized it was because of Wang Shi, whose arms were wrapped around her, as they shared a common blanket.     

Blushing, she forced herself to stay still to savor the blissful sight of watching him sleep. He looked sexier with that morning glow, messy hair, and a day old stubble. Who could say this man was above 35!? No ways!     

He still looks the same when she met him for the first time a decade back, literally knocking her with his golden heart and deadly charm. Even in the wildest dreams, she had never imagined that one day he would be her boyfriend.     

She winked looking at the car ceiling. God surely had his own plan.     

With a light touch, she brushed the inky strands off of his forehead, carefully studying his face. The awareness of his muscular body against her raced her heart. Sneakily, she propped her body to steal a kiss…     

She jutted her lips out…. Her lips barely touching his when his eyes opened, startling her with that mesmerizing gaze of his.     

"Cough… cough… cough….." She jumped away, "What were you trying to do?"     

Wang Shi "…"     

"Really?" his mouth curved as he pulled her back into his arms. "Then let me finish what 'I' was trying to do."     

"NO….. umphhh….."     

He leaned over her, and pressed his lips on hers, slanting her head to deepen the kiss. The way he bared his romantic side to her, she had to respond to his kiss with the same passion, tasting a little of each other.     

"Good morning," He said, pulling away.     

"Morning." She replied, remaining five more minutes with him before pulling away with a heavy heart. "Another day it is. Time to get back to our works."     

"En, I've to do a surgery on Sarah today."     

"And I'm going to Unicharm's manufacturing unit under the disguise to collect samples. It might take me a day or two."     

His chest tightened, understanding they won't be able to communicate during this time, but what worried him most was her safety. His hands glide down her cheek, "Be safe."     

This budding romance between them was accompanied by never felt fears. Both want to see each other safe and happy.     

"I will. After all my Little Fairy is upset, I've to return safely and coax him."     

He hugged her, "You better be."     


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