Mark of the destiny

Pretty please

Pretty please

4An interminable silence followed, which made Honey doubt of Suyin was still there or not.      0

"Hey! Did you fell asleep?"     

Suyin "…."     

"No! I'm very much awake and pondering what are you up to?" she snapped, painfully recalling how he pranked her in the morning by swapping the name tags of salt and sugar jars. He went on challenging her to race with him who would finish the glass of milk first. The stakes were ten kisses.     

If Suyin won, she would get ten kisses, however, if Honey won, he would deduct ten from the pot of their pending kisses.     

She rubbed her chest, feeling nauseous just by recalling. Anyway, the good part was she didn't lose and managed to get ten instant kisses.     

Ah! Honey's expression was picturesque. She even made a video to tease him later.     

Scratch that! To tease him all his life!     

"Bad Aunty Suyin. Do you think I'm that naughty?"     

"Naughty is a paltry word in front of you. Tell me what 'favor' do you want."     

"Ahem," she heard him clear his throat. "Um…. Can you convince dad to start sending me to school again?"     

Suyin frowned, "No. You need to rest. Get recovered first."     

"I'm already," he whined. "It's boring to sit at home or in the office and I have missed my Kung-fu classes too. Please…. convince him once. Promise I'll be disciplined and wear earmuffs all the time. Pretty please, Aunty Suyin….."     

"Why do you think I can convince him?"     

"Because you are good with words. Won't you do it for me? Pretty please….." She was his last hope after failing multiple attempts of throwing tantrums, but Wang Shi didn't buzz.     

Suyin "…."     

He truly justified his name 'Honey', melting her with his lethal attacks.     

In the office, Suyin itched to grab this Honey-bun and just squeeze him in her arms. This kid was taking advantage of her weakness.     

….. and it's working.     

….. her poor heart!     

…. What a cunning 'man'!     

"…. Pretty please…" he continued.     

"Fine! I'll talk to him."     

"Yessss." He celebrated in triumph and Suyin could imagine him doing a fist pump. "Do it today, so that I can attend school tomorrow."     

"I will. Can I get a flying kiss now?"     

"No. You are done with your quota of the day. Bye."     


…..and he hung up just like that, leaving Suyin with mouth agape.     

'Why does it feel he has used me?'     

In Wang Shi's lounge,     

! Honey turned to face the two little girls sitting on the couch with red dots all over the face and body. There beautiful big eyes were glued to Honey expecting good news though the chances are in negative.     

"Smile little ones, mission accomplished!"     

"YAYYYYYYY!" the two threw their fist in the air. Just a moment ago Jianyu and Wang Shi had reprimanded them for faking chickenpox to skip school and meet Honey. However, they were not brought here for chickenpox treatment but because the little ones had used a permanent marker that had caused rashes.     

Yuyu, "But whom did you call?"     

"It must be pretty sister, who else." Lan said, "But how did you convince her?"     

"Hmpf, convince?" he scoffed, "I just ordered her. There's no way she can reject me."     

Lan looked as if ready to worship him, however, Yuyu squinted her eyes making Honey feel uncomfortable and he scratched his nose.     

Yuyu pointed her chubby finger, "Lying."     

Honey "…."     


Suyin smiled silly, looking at Honey's video of kissing her, making a face as if eaten a bitter gourd. She kissed her phone screen, "My cutie pie,"     

Just then her phone rang again.     

"Susu, one of my team members is acquainted with the head chef of Unicharm. He and his team not only handle the kitchen of Unicharm's headquarters but the canteen of their manufacturing unit as well."     

"Is he trustworthy?"     

"Yep. Besides, I've given a bait to let him work with me for a week and earn some connections."     

"Name and number."     


Not a second later she received a message and forward it to Daiyu who had been working from her office, converting the couch into his makeshift office as the tables here are not according to his height.     

"Daiyu, I've sent you a message. Do a quick background check on the person mentioned." Though James confirmed, there's no harm to get it double-checked. "Btw, what about the news I've asked you to leak?"     

"It's already up five minutes ago." He didn't look up from the laptop screen, "People have started commenting already."     

Suyin checked it on her laptop. The article reads, 'The mysterious case of death of 75 women. Doctors confirmed TSS. The Ministry of Women and Child affairs probing.'     

Now, people would search the term TSS first to understand what killed these women. It won't be rocket science to guess the cause. Tampons.     

It would stir trouble for the tampon manufacturers in the country, as they will be faced with questions from the public. But her prime target, Unicharm, would be in bigger trouble. It will prevent them from launching the new product until the situation clears.     

"Good. Let it brew. Make sure no one takes it down, and it remains on the top."     

"What about the other article you have prepared?"     

Suyin picked her handbag and walked towards the door, "It's not time yet."     


In a cafeteria, a woman dressed elegantly sipped on coffee, waiting for Suyin. She checked the time, just two more minutes…..     

"Mrs. Gu,"     

Gu Feng's mother looked up from her coffee cup and once more checked the time. "Punctual huh! Not a minute early, not a minute late." She stood to greet her.     

(She is Gu Feng's mother, a doctor herself. Remember Gu Feng, the 19-year-old who was Zz's case, and had invited Suyin to the art gallery. His father is a minister."     

"Time is precious." With easy and smooth strides, Suyin approached and shook hands. "I didn't want to make you wait for me."     

"But your words over the phone rose my curiosity, forcing me to come here early." She was on her way to home from the office when Suyin called and told her she has an opportunity which can give a kick start to her political career.     

She left her career to take care of Gu Feng and his needs. But now that his son's life was sorted, she had been trying to convert her short stint in politics to full time, as getting back to medicine was impossible.     

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