Mark of the destiny

You're lucky to have him

You're lucky to have him

4"Ahh….." he winced, his shoulder hurt badly as he moved it to ease the pain. Don't know what muscle or nerve Wang Shi pressed, it hurt at every movement. Monsters. He got monsters as brothers ah!     

Rubbing the sore spot, Junjie stepped out of the elevator and saw Fei Hong waiting for him near his car. Instantly his hunched back straightened, pained face changed into that of swag.     

"Were you beaten up?" her words followed by a curious gaze, running up and down over Junjie. Don't be caught in illusion! If Junjie was beaten up she would be the first in line to mock and laugh at him. "Don't tell me it's one of those hidden places!?"     

"Why are you worried about my hidden places? Are you planning to use them?" he felt happy seeing the teasing smile on her face replaced by a scowl.     

"You have been thick-skinned lately," she growled, hitting on his arm.     

"Result of being in your company," from the corner of his eyes he saw a shadow near Wang Shi's car and moved backward while talking to her.     

"If you hate it so much, then let's not meet again,"     

"That's kind of difficult. Who will race against you?" he kept on moving back….     

"Junjie, where are you going? Your car-"     

"COME OUT," moved to action at lightning speed, Junjie pulled out the person by collar and threw him on bonnet. The terrified man tried to run, but Junjie's firm grip on his neck was squeezing the life out of him, his eyes flashed a murderous glint. "Who are you? What were you trying to do?"     

Fei Hong rushed, "Junjie, you okay?"     

"Call the security and manager."     


Meanwhile, at the restaurant upstairs…..     

"Little fairy, what's the flavor of your ice-cream?"     


"Can I get a bite?"     

"No," Honey pulled his ice-cream cup off the table to save it from Suyin's paws. "You've yours. Stop drooling over mine."     

"It's just a bite. Must you be so petty? Hmpf!"     

"Can't help it, I'm fierce when it comes to my belongings,"     

"Is that a challenge?"     

"Tsh…. Enough…" Wang Shi interrupted before the two kids started tugging each other's hair and create havoc. "Oh, I forgot…." He passed a note, "Fei Hong gave it to me. She was here a moment ago,"     

"Oh! I've promised her an interview tomorrow." The realization hit hard. Her face crumbled much to Honey's delight.     

He chuckled, "Looks like you don't like her as well,"     

She caught the hint of amusement in Honey's voice and paused taking another bite, "Actually my first experience with her was a pain in my…. Cough… it was a pain. She gave me a ride on her scary bike… to worse, it was raining. Horror experience was that! Why don't YOU like her?"     

He put the ice-cream cup down, "She PINCH my cheeks. Why do you woman love doing that? Can't you pinch your own?"     

Suyin and Wang Shi both saw how fiercely he crumbled his little face like an old man to show his pain. They stole a glance and controlled their laughter.     

"Not her fault though. Even I can't resist your beauty, LITTLE FAIRY,"     

"You both are smiling. I caught you." Honey snapped, "And YOU ….Stop calling me that,"     

"Little fairy… little fairy… little fairy…"     


Wang Shi turned a blind eye and asked for a check.     


In the parking lot,     

Wang Shi left after the adventurous lunch with the two. For a change, he cannot stop himself from smiling ear to ear…. The two bicker boxes were the wholesome entertainment package, a breath of fresh air and he could listen to them all day. Without getting bored.     

He looked at the front mirror and saw them bickering over the color of his car. Yellow.     

Feeling a gaze on her, Suyin looked up and met with Wang Shi's. The two shared a smile.     

From the surveillance room, Feng Junjie saw Wang Shi's car leaving. "Did you get it fixed properly?"     

"Yes, sir. We called the best engineer to fix the tampered brakes. Thank God, you caught it on time. Otherwise…."     

Junjie's knuckles popped as his hands fisted.     

The man didn't dare to speak anymore. Though the second master of Feng family was easy going and of cheerful nature, it's a known fact his brothers are his lifeline, including his cousin Wang Shi.     


In the car, Suyin woke up the way she'd fallen asleep..... Close to Honey.     

She sensed the car was not moving, confused, unsure of where she was, her eyelids fluttered as she looked around.     

As she tried to move, the soft squishy thing in her arms hummed and moved close to her chest.     



The little fluff ball was cuddled against her like a koala bear, fisting her clothes in his small fist, enveloping in the warmth becoming one with her.     

Touched, Suyin nudged her nose against his soft cheek, taking his soothing fragrance. She gave a long kiss, rocking him in her arms like a mother.     

"What's with you and kids, Suyin?"     

It's been two hours Wang Shi had been waiting for them to wake up. Though he could have awakened them, the scenery was too beautiful to be disturbed. They were so comfortable in each other's arms that no one could say they were the world's biggest bickerers. Arguing non-stop!     

They were redefining Tom and Jerry's relationship.     

And what's with Honey clutching her clothes in sleep? Doesn't he hate sleeping with anyone?     

Suyin wiped the drool from the corner of Honey's mouth. "They are my weakness. They can get Zhao Suyin to her knees. In this world, if I'm helpless in front of anything, then they are these human puppies. Pure. Innocent. Cute."     

Unconsciously she pulled Honey closer, and looked up to face Wang Shi, "You're lucky to have him," her words were ambiguous and full of meaning.     

Wang Shi looked in those eyes that look so deeply into his own. There was something about that gaze of her he had never found in anyone. There was something melancholic swimming in her eyes. It held the truth that her face could not hide. "I'm…. I really am."     

Suyin averted her eyes, shocked he held her gaze for long.     

Or maybe she lost control at the moment!     


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