Mark of the destiny

Start taking vitamins

Start taking vitamins

1Suyin blinked, her mouth curved into a meaningful smile that made Wang Shi frown, "What?"     0

"Just witnessing how Honey would look like when he would grow up. And… he's equally adorable" She raised her paws mockingly, "Can I pinch your cheeks?" seeing his stern gaze her hands come down, "I guess that's a no."     

"You….. Stop mocking me," he looked away; her words reminded him of the fragrance of her soft hands when she actually pinched his cheeks in the car. It was of rose. "Let's complete the formalities,"     


He looked back, "Having second thoughts about the property? Or is it because of the neighbor on the 78th floor?" being a doctor he knows how to read a body language. And hers changed the moment she stepped into building A, eventually getting worse at the press of the 77th button.     

She caught the amusement in his voice.     

"Oh, why? Is the neighbor at 78th floor a lizard that would crawl into my apartment and eat me up?" She strode towards the entrance, "I'm buying it."     

The sales manager saw them coming out. "If you want time-"     

"I'll make the down payment now, and the rest at possession. I'm mailing you the scanned copy of my documents and the latest photograph. Is there anything else you need?"     

The sales manager come out of the momentary shock of her quick decision. "That's all I need. Please sign a few documents so I can forward them to the company today itself."     

Sitting in the sales manager's office, Suyin was struggling with her new phone to make the payment of six million Yuan, cursing at every step.     

"Your NEW phone will not last long if you continue harassing it like this." After witnessing a myriad of expressions on her face, he couldn't help but ask. "Need help?"     

"Yes, yes, of course this minion is technologically challenged." Suyin deadpanned, passing her phone to him.     

"Nice phone,"     

"What nice? It's so complicated." She bites her tongue the next moment and saw him giving her a look, "I really like it. Thank you so much."     

Wang Shi "…."     

After the formalities, she frowned upon seeing the documents. "I've made only six million Yuan as a down payment but the document is showing fourteen million. Is there a mistake?"     

"No mam. We received the payment twice under your name from two different accounts. We will adjust it in the last payment. Thank you so much." The sales manager cleared.     


"Your welcome," Wang Shi didn't allow her to speak, steering her to the exit.     

"It was you," Suyin concluded.     

"Payment from Gu Feng's case. Your hard-earned money." He saw her giving a look, "Are we going to argue on it? Hope not! At least not today."     

"If this was the bribe, you failed. I'm a hard person to work with. Start taking vitamins." Talking, they walked outside when Wang Shi took out the car keys. "Ah no, don't bother. I've to stop by somewhere before going home. Enjoy your weekend with Honey,"     

It was already half past four in noon, any more time and he would definitely invite her for dinner. She likes his company, Honey's too, but that does not mean she'd make her appearance every time. He shall have some family time with his son.     

"You can take my car,"     

"Nope. Not in the mood to fight against traffic and parking space." She pulled a bicycle available for residents to commute in the compound. "I'll use it to the gates and hire cab thereafter. Take care."     


At a five-star hotel     

"A room, please,"     

Suyin asked at the help desk while typing a message for James.     

[Enjoy your night with Evan. Make sure this time you are on top. If not, you know where the first-box is. *wink*]     

Holding a few shopping bags, Suyin checked into a hotel to spend her weekend. Not like she can't go home, but because she doesn't want to.     

Evan and James need their couple time as well!     

The worrywart James would go nowhere if she's at home, and neither would he allow Evan to sleepover in her presence. The only option left was to make an excuse and stay away from his home so he could fulfill his wild fantasies with his 'hubby'.     

She had planned this before leaving the house and had packed some basic things while bought the clothes from the mall after leaving City Spire.     



"I won't talk to you ever. You are bad." James complained as soon as she answered the phone,     

"Stop thinking so much, idiot. Grab the opportunity and get revenge for what Evan did last time."     

"But you…."     

"I'm not going to die." She stressed. "In fact, I've checked into Star Hyatt to get myself pampered. Chocolate spa… here I come."     

"Ah, self-pampering once in while is necessary." He said, "Fine. Enjoy. And I'll try coaxing my beast to let me top him tonight. Bye love….."     

She hung up and signed on the tab as offered by the man at the help desk. "Please book a spa session for tomorrow. Make it before lunch."     


A voice echoed in the foyer as the hotel staff dragged a drunkard out of the casino who struggled to get out of their grip.     

"Sir, please. We can't give you any more credit. Clear your dues first."     

"What dues?" He yanked the waiter's hand that was keeping him on his feet and swayed left-right. "I'm Song Kun…. Who? Song Kun! Have you heard of Song consumers? How dare you pull me off the table between an ongoing game? Fixers!"     

"Sir, you lost already. Please try to understand and go home. You're drunk."     

"Drunk or not, none of your concern." He slurred, threw a card at one of the staff, "Take the card and give me chips."     

"What's happening?" The manager walked in on being informed of the commotion and understood everything. It was nothing new for Song Kun to create a scene. One of the staff explained the problem with the credit card. "Mr. Song, your credit card is rejected already. I request you to communicate with the bank. The hotel can't give you more chips without assurance."     

Suyin looked at the drunkard and the two girls standing in corner, probably his companions for the night. Just a glance and she looked away, because if she continued she might vomit. Disgust. Total disgust.     

Song Kun! A spoiled brat!     

"Reality becomes blurry when you're drunk." Suyin heard the man at the help desk mumble to a female co-worker standing with him. Song consumers running in debt was an open secret yet someone was behaving high and mighty.     

"Mam, your card. I've booked the appointment for the spa at twelve in the noon. You'll receive a reminder an hour before the session."     

"Thank you," Just when she turned, Song Kun's gaze fell on her.     

"Ah, Suyin….My sister."     

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