Mark of the destiny

At number 2

At number 2

2"Oooooo..." Fei Hong teased, much to everyone's amusement, and continued, "Then who is this Mr. Best?"     3

"One of the most desired men in the country." Suyin didn't lie even once, but no one would be able to connect it to Wang Shi. This much she was sure.     

Her answer made Wang Shi frown…. His brain lost in deep thought so was his brother Feng Jianyu's who was equally curious. Suddenly Wang Shi's head snapped at Feng Junjie.     

Seeing the scrutinizing gaze of his cousin, Junjie's hands went to check his face. "Is there any dirt?"     

Wang Shi could only retrieve his gaze when a pat at his shoulder asked for attention. It was Feng Jianyu's. "You are also on the list." he reminded.     

"At number 2," Wang Shi pointed his finger at Junjie accusingly, "He's topping the list,"     

"So this means you are interested in her?"     

The pointed finger shifted the direction at Feng Jianyu this time. Wang Shi opened his mouth to retort but closed, then opened again, "Wait! That's not the point. How do you know?" his hands went to check the air-pods, "Damn you, Jianyu. Give it back."     

"Take it!" Feng Jianyu replaced the instrumental music on the music system with live radio show. "I'll listen on it."     

Wang Shi "…"     

At the radio station,     

"Suyin, we won't force you but can we know his name?"     

"I'm sorry. But let him be in my heart."     

"Any message for your Mr. Best before we take on the next question?" anyhow, Fei Hong didn't want the name to be revealed. Any name on the list could stir a controversy that would not be good for her.     

"Ummm.....Dear Mr. Best, just for once, be mine. And I promise you'll want that 'once' for a lifetime."     

Suyin was not only letting her true feelings out but was actually giving hopes to all the women who found themselves in the black abyss after a breakup, divorce or loss of their life partners. Her message was simple and clear--- Life is all about second chances and never to stop loving.     

Wang Shi reclined on the chair as he rested his head on one palm, thinking about Suyin. She doesn't have a boyfriend, which means she's single. But she likes someone…. Does that person like her back? Are they courting or dating? Or is it just like-like and not love? But if it's love, they might get together soon!     

They might get together soon!     

He felt something bitter in his mouth at the idea of seeing her with someone else. He could not pin-point why, but seeing her single was a better idea. This way she could stay at his place with no restriction and spend time with him. Like the last night when they solved the case together!     

And who are the names on this list!? He recalled nine other names and made an ugly face. Argh… none of them compliments her. Not even his monkey brother who was seated at the top position! She deserves someone intelligent and mature….. hmpf!     

At the radio station….     

"All right Suyin, let's take a question from online," Fei Hong looked through the comments. "This one's a serious question.... One of our listeners has mentioned going through an ugly divorce and is always depressed. Have you felt same and went for any therapy?"     

This was a crucial question as very fewer people accept it in public.     

Seeking therapy is considered a shame.     

Suyin had both options; she could either lie or just decline it.     


"Yes…. I've been to a year-long therapy." Suyin didn't hesitate even a tiny bit. "It was not related to my divorce though. Divorce on the other hand was freedom. Why would I let someone get comfortable by disrespecting me? Whoever this listener is-- if you need help please ask for it. Don't suffocate and lose yourself! It's not worth it!"     

Sitting in the comfort of her home, Huo Chouming had the urge to smash everything. Not only Suyin was degrading Qi Wren but her popularity was increasing drastically. Already, over five hundred thousand people have joined Suyin's official Weibo account and were praising her non-stop.     

She called one of her contacts and instructed something.     

"Well said Suyin. I request this listener to go for therapy and if you seek any other help…" Fei Hong looked at Suyin for confirmation before continuing, " may contact the Ministry of Women and child development. Someone will definitely help you."     


"Oh, we got another call…." It surprised Fei Hong. Without asking, they transferred a call to them. It was obvious this was from a VIP who used his contacts to get through. She's working here for years and knew a lot as to how people use contacts to sabotage the interview or ask an uncomfortable question.     

Fei Hong, "Please introduce yourself and ask your question,"     

A man's voice was heard, "I wonder if Miss. Zhao always wanted to get into social services?" he didn't bother to introduce himself.     

Suyin smiled, "No. My therapist motivated me."     

"Then what was your first career choice?"     

Suyin pursed her lips. "Medicine. But that didn't happen."     


Seeing Suyin's twisted brows, Fei Hong interrupted, "I think it's good she is in social services. Not everyone has the talent to help others. Let's take another call,"     

However, before she could cut the call, the caller let out his thoughts….     

"Maybe she was kicked out of medicine, that's why….. toot.. toot… toot…"     

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