Mark of the destiny

She's what?

She's what?

2"SHUT UP! You have no right to pass a personal comment on a kid," Suyin yelled "And how dare you slap him? I can see you are taking this child's side without knowing the story because you are his mother."      0

"My child is much disciplined, but this one is a school bully,"     

"In any case you should have not slapped him. I won't let this go easily,"     

"Who do you think you are? Do you know who my husband is?"     

"I don't care who your husband is, I just know who I'm," she ignored her, bringing her attention to the little weak boy.     

"You---" she stopped seeing the scornful gaze of the principal.     

Holding the boy's shoulder, Suyin turned him to see his injuries. She gasped, "Little…. Honey?"     

With trembling hands, she touched his left cheek that was swollen and red, with four fingers printed. Visible bruises were all over his knees and arms. His eyes lifeless, devoid of any emotion. Even the boy he was fighting earlier was bawling in his mother's arms, but Honey's eyes were as dry as a dessert as if he was immune to the painful slap.     

"SOMEONE GET ME ICE. It's okay, sweety…. Just a little more. We are getting ice to stop the stinging." She took out a cucumber wet-wipe to wipe his face, but he snatched it from her hand and rushed, skimming his way through the crowd to reach the two girls standing in the corner.     

'Yuyu and Lan?' Suyin frowned and walked to them.     

Honey checked Yuyu from top to bottom, and then gently wiped her palms with the wet-wipe, blowing cool air in between. Yuyu's delicate white palms were red and bruised. "There there… don't cry Yuyu… they are getting ice.... The pain will fly away."     

Yuyu sniffed, pointed her chubby finger at Honey's cheek, "It must be hurting. I'll tell Uncle Shi Shi about it."     

Lan sneered at the teacher who slapped Honey, "I'll ask momma to give her hundred slaps back. She's unfair. It was not even our fault, they started it." the sight of his swollen red cheeks made them feel hurt. Emotional. Bitter. Angry.     

Honey patted his two sisters, "I'm fine. Nothing hurts. Don't forget I'm a ma---"     

Suyin's expression changed, and she hurried to catch Honey in her arms. "HONEY…."     

"Honey Bro…."     

"Honey Bro…"     

The little fairy's body couldn't act strong anymore and he fell down. She instantly checked his eyes and ear. "Mr. Principal, take me to the medical room and call the medical officer. Yuyu, Lan, don't worry your Honey Bro will be fine. I promise."     

Both girls got scared seeing Honey lying limp in Suyin's arms. "Pretty sister, we want to come with you," Lan asked and followed on getting the permission.     

The teacher/mother who had slapped Honey got scared and followed too. Out of rage, she failed to control the strength and slapped him really hard. It was so hard that her palm was red and stinging.     


In the medical room,     

Suyin ordered the medical officer to take care of the injuries of other kids while she examined Honey, who was still lying unconscious.     

"I'm writing a medicine. Please send someone to get it." putting down the otoscope she scribbled the medicine name on a paper and gave her credit card along with it. "Rest assured, I'll talk to his father about the medicine I'm using."     

The Principal accepted the paper reluctantly. "I think I should take him to the hospital. This boy…. he… he is…."     

"I know his identity. He's Dr. Wang Shi's son." Suyin whispered, "He has a perforated ear-drum in the left ear. Let me give him the medicine first." She rolled a clean cotton ball and closed his ear cavity before start nursing his other wounds.     

From time to time she gave an assuring smile to two girls who were standing beside Honey. Whenever they questioned her, she answered them patiently.     

The medical officer was done nursing all the kids and came to report Suyin, "Miss, the baby girl has bruised palms and the two boys have hit injuries on their bodies. Nothing serious. How about this boy?"     

"Perforated ear-drum and bruises." She narrowed her eyes at the teacher sitting with his kids, still acting high and mighty. "It was because of the slap his ear-drum ruptured and he fainted. The other injuries are just like what these two kids have got. Nothing serious. Now if you could please take the kids outside…. I need to talk to this madam,"     

"Pretty sister, we don't want to leave Honey bro."     

"Just for a few minutes. I promise to call you back." Suyin patted Yuyu's head. ".....and stop crying, your Honey bro will not like it,"     

"I won't talk to anyone. Let my husband come." The teacher's gaze hardened, and she got up to leave, but Suyin blocked her way.     

"I can do this even in front of your kids but trust me this wouldn't be good for either of you. And don't threaten me with your husband, I don't give a damn who he is. You've committed a crime, I just have to make a phone call and get you under arrest." She took on a hard edge and warned.     

Leavin the Principal, Suyin, unconscious Honey, and the teacher, everyone left. Just as the door closed Suyin threw a hard back-hand slap across the face of the teacher, shocking her. She was yet to recover from the shock when another landed on her face.     


"First one, for what you did with this little boy. And the second, to make you realize how humiliating and painful it is. If it was Honey's mother who had slapped your kids and had taken her own child's side, will you be able to accept that?"     

"It was the fight between kids. A common thing! But the moment adults get themselves involved, it escalates. And here you harmed a little boy physically. Do you understand the medical and emotional consequences of it? Even your own kids will turn violent as parents' are first idols for them."     

"I might have let this pass but you crossed the limit by hitting him. Mr. Principal, taking legal action is up to Honey's parents. But I'm reporting this matter to the education board, asking them to send her for six months community service and then a further six months' probation in a government-funded school."     

The teacher was horrified, "Who do you think you are to punish me? Not like you are this child's mother."     

"She may not be, but she's responsible for them." The Principal used an authoritative tone, "Because she's secretary-General from the ministry of Women and child development,"     

The teacher's mouth was left wide agape….     

"She's what?"     

"You heard me,"     


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