Mark of the destiny

he failed as a father

he failed as a father

0"So what if she's the secretary-General…."      2

"Quiet. You should have not slapped this kid. Just apologize sincerely." The principal warned her as if trying to communicate something, but the teacher was deep into her pride and ego.     

"I will not apologize."     

"Mrs. Yang… Try to understand. You're a talented teacher, I'm sure Miss. Zhao will let this pass once."     

She snorts, failing to catch Principal's gaze, "let my husband come,"     

As if Suyin was interested in her apology!? Feeling something odd about The Principal's behavior, she sent a message to her assistant and her interns on their wechat group, giving them their next assignment.     


Suyin took two fast strides and placed a motherly hand at Honey's cheek, "Hey sweetie…. Still hurting?"     

Honey ignored his condition, and Suyin's question as he frantically looked around for something. Suyin understood and opened the room's door. "They are here. Safe and sound!"     

She has guessed it right. Despite being asked to leave the room, the two girls were standing outside the closed door, waiting to be called in.     

The love and bonding these kids were showing could put anyone to shame.     

As Suyin made them sit on the bed, they instantly activated their protective sister mode and hugged Honey, frowning at the teacher in front. It was like two cute fox cubs protecting a tiger cub. Cute. Heartwarming.     

"Madam, medicine." the attendant returned with medicine.     

"Yes," her hand reached out and touched Honey's cheek, "Your ears are ringing, right? This will stop the ringing and make the pain fly away. Just like Yuyu's. May I put two drops? I promise it won't hurt even a bit." keeping in mind how sensitive his ears are, she kept her voice low.     

Lan pulled Honey's arm towards her, "Pretty sister is right, lie down in my lap."     

"And it's done," she closed the cavity of Honey's ear after dropping medicine. "Lan, hold this ice bag against his cheek, okay?"     

"What happened? Why did you call me--- why are your cheeks so swollen?" A man dressed in a grey suit strode in, he cast a condescending gaze at Suyin and then at kids.     

"Yang Xiu, she did it. How come disciplining a naughty kid become my fault? It's a teacher's duty, right?"     

"Of course it is. There's nothing wrong,"     

"And… this wild child is a school bully, he targeted our innocent kids. Isn't it a moral duty to teach him a lesson as a teacher and protect my babies as a mother? I-It's just I lost the control of my footing and slapped him a little harder. But this woman had taken advantage of her influential position in the ministry and slapped me twice."     

Furious by the teacher's words and her trying to justify herself, Suyin lost her 'footing', her hand acted on its own and another slap came flying. "Oops…. I lost 'control of my footing'"     

The teacher was left with mouth agape….     

"YOU…. How dare you?" Yang Xiu scowled down at Suyin. It hurt his pride more, as the woman before him didn't recognize him. "Do you know who I'm?"     

Argh… again this question! Why do rich people keep forgetting their identities?     

Suyin, "Yes…. A patient suffering from Amnesia. Get a treatment ASAP so that you can recall who you are."     

"YOU…..Principal Yi, how can you let such a woman enter the gates of a prestigious school like Little Star? I let my wife familiarise herself with the working of the school so she can take over your position post-retirement after three months and here you let her be slapped? Is this how the future principal of the school be treated? Did you not tell she's from the family of the founding members of the school?"     

Dumbfounded Suyin looked at the principal, who was sweating. She finally understood the reason behind the Principal's eye-warnings and him constantly asking to apologize. So this Principal is biased….     

They are going to regret this…     

"Daddy…. Momma….Uncle Shi Shi" Yuyu and Lan called, seeing everyone enter the medical room. They pointed their fingers at Honey's cheek and then at the teacher. "Uncle ShiShi… Honey Bro, hurt."     

When the two girls were out, Yuyu excused herself for the bathroom and took out the phone she had stolen…. Cough… 'borrowed' from the medical officer to make a call to her parents and Uncle. Knowing Honey was hurt, she wanted to bring the help ASAP. And there's no better help than her parents and Uncle.     

"Ma-ma…." Xiu Mei picked Honey in her arms and let him snuggle. Her hand went to caress the swollen cheek, asking him what happened. "Small fight…. I'm fine." He tried to hide his cheek from Wang Shi but failed.     

"No small fight… Honey Bro was--"     

"YUYU….." Honey shook his head.     

"Not anymore Honey Bro. We are just kids and so as you… Pretty sister said when elders get involves in kids' fight it escalates. Let Mommy and daddy know what's happening here. " Suyin gave a surprised look to the little Lan, who heard her words from the closed door.     

Oh Wait! Kids have a higher sense of hearing!     

Wang Shi took Honey from Xiu Mei and checked him. Though Wang Shi was silent; his pursed lips, tensed body, and stiff jaw narrated his state of mind. No need to guess, he was beyond furious.     

The red marks on his son's cheek, cotton stuffed in ear, and bruises on arms and knees were cutting his heart into pieces.     

"Who did this?" Honey tried to squirm out of his lap and Wang Shi didn't allow him to move. His chest grew tight seeing how a six-year-old baby was trying to hide his wounds from his own father. "Honey…."     

Honey didn't reply and rested his face against Wang Shi's shoulder.     

That moment Wang Shi realized he failed as a father.     

"Lan, tell me what happened?"     

"Uncle Shishi, we went to eat lunch under the canopy, but two boys came and demanded our place. When Honey Bro ignored, they used foul language and called him a wild child. Mumma, what does a wild child mean?" she asked Xiu Mei who was checking her carefully.     

"It means a bad boy. Am I right daddy?" Yuyu gave an innocent reply as she looked up at her father who was holding her bruised palms. She pouted, "When I asked them to not say poor words to Honey Bro, they pushed me…. sniff…. I fell down and got hurt."     

Suyin glanced at Honey and seemed to understand the reason for this fight. The boys hurt Yuyu, and Honey couldn't accept that and went to fight for his sister. A child showing maturity…. So rare!     

He ignored their foul words because they were meant for him, but didn't accept his sister getting hurt. Sweet!     

Yuyu, "Pretty sister, catch Honey Bro before he could fall and hurt himself again. She also gave him medicine."     

Lan, "…. and I hear her spank evil teacher's butt. Good! She deserves it. Those two boys always look to pick a fight with Honey bro. I once complained to the principal, sir, but he did nothing."     

The principal patted his bald head and face with a handkerchief.     


The two girls were unstoppable!     

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