Mark of the destiny

Getting back

Getting back

2"Suyin….."      3

'Shhh….' Pausing her soft singing she holds a finger against her lips and mouthed. [Sleeping.]     

Wang Shi blinked and writes a message on the phone before showing it to her. [I have got urgent work to finish. Will return in two hours max. Can you take care of Honey for me?]     

To reply, she took his phone and typed a message with one hand.     

[I know where you are going. But don't make it look obvious that you are doing everything for Honey. Your every action has an equal impact on President Wang. There are many wolfs waiting to dethrone him at every opportunity. If you don't mind, I've a perfect plan; just check the file kept at the table.]     

Wang Shi's brows rose, but he walked over to the table without a word and settled gracefully to read what she had prepared while Suyin returned to humming lullaby for Honey, taking strolls around the room.     

Nothing was romantic between them, yet everything was beautiful and serene.     

Don't know if he was impressed by the detailed plan or her mind from where the plan popped out. She was savage and sharp, but this type of arrangement to destroy the enemy can only come from a mastermind of politics.     

The file she gave contained over seventy-two statements from other kids who had been bullied by Mrs. Yang and her two kids. It even included some statements from the teachers who were unhappy by Mrs. Yang and the Principal's biased behavior.     

What shocks him the most was she had a confession of the Principal where he accepted taking money from Yang Xiu. How did she get it? Well, he could never guess she had left her phone behind to record their after conversation and later Long Tao procured it for her.     

She plans to use the statements and Honey's case as the evidence to take the school management under ministry's control, fearing the safety of students. Since it's a sensitive topic, everyone would support her undoubtedly. Including parents, media, public and law!     

However, the success and failure depended on Wang Shi as she could only temporarily take the school under the ministry's control.     

Since four founding members were influential figures, and the school had been a money minting machine for them, they would never let it slip from their hands and will try to dust off the matter by letting Yang's be dismissed from the management and the principal to resign.     

Whether they were involved was debatable, but Suyin has decided to set this incident as an example for all the schools and make them double-take their stance on corporal punishment and biased behavior of teachers.     

To make it permanent, Wang Shi had to use his power to force all the founding members to surrender it willingly. And how will he do that?     


He just has to destroy Yang's business to scare the other founding members. It won't be rocket science to guess how Yang's business tumbled overnight but without evidence no one will say a word to not bring the wrath of Feng's, R-Tech, and People's group.     

Wang Shi walked holding the document and raised his phone up. [You've a scary mind. How did you get these statements?]     

Suyin smiled and typed, [I didn't. My interns showed teamwork and asked around the kids and teachers to collect more evidence.] Brimming with a proud smile, she showed him the message.     

"Sir," Daiyu knocked, hinting him everything's ready.     

Wang Shi typed the last message, [If he wakes up, feed him something. I'll ask the chef to cook something for you both.]     

[No need. Since he can't chew as the sound will amplify and irritate him, I'll make herbed porridge. You've a kitchen here; send nurse Miya to help me.]     

He nodded and leaned to give a kiss to his son sleeping on Suyin's shoulder. Unintentionally, his cheeks brushed with Suyin's sending a wave of electricity into her, turning her into a mannequin.     

He mouthed, [Bye]     

Suyin smiled at his departing back and touched her cheek where the remnants of his touch was still lingering.     


While the city was sleeping, Wang Shi pushed Yang's family into the dark abyss. They were into the antique industry and involved many trades that were definitely not legal. Trading fake antiques, hiring grave diggers to find antiques and smuggling were few of the underhanded methods of their business.     

Wang Shi made a phone call to one of his acquaintance who was the director at the national museum and informed him about the consignment containing an ancient vase, a painting and jewelry from the Tang dynasty, ready to depart from the dockyard.     

He mailed him the details of the ship and the company involved along with other findings. Director pushed to his feet and took immediate action, knowing the call was from Wang Shi.     

"Good job, Daiyu," Wang Shi praised.     

In the Yang Family villa,     

"What? How did police find out about our consignment?" Yang Xiu yelled at someone on the phone.     

A servant came, "Sir, police have barged into our showroom along with experts from the National Museum. They are verifying every product. Including the one in the warehouse."     

"Ah Xiu, dad called just now," Yang Xiu's wife came running. "The officials from the tax department have come for a surprise check. They have found some evidence on tax evasion." Even her maternal family was in trouble.     

Phones started ringing non-stop…     

"Bastard? Tell me what you have done?" his father rushed out from his bedroom holding a ringing phone. "There is no way this is happening coincidently. Who have you offended this time?"     

Yang Xiu gave a look to his wife as she happens to understand everything and lower her head.     

"Look what you've done. I'm doomed because of your idiot wife," Everyone looked at the door as principal Yi entered in his pajamas, scowling down at Yang Xiu and his wife. "They have arrested my son in country H for accepting bribes."     

"SHUT UP, you old man. Your son must be corrupt. Don't blame us."     

The principal started laughing like a mad at Yang Xiu's wife's words. "Look who is calling the kettle black!? Looking at your face, I'm sure your condition is worse than mine. Now, do you understand the power of Wang Shi? We all know it's him who did this, but we can't support our statement. Can we?"     

"Dr. Wang Shi? Do you mean President's son? Why is he targeting us?" Old man Yang asked.     

"Ask your daughter-in-law who first slapped his son and then acted cocky in front of Feng Jianyu, XM, and Wang Shi. Even your own son supported his idiot wife."     



Just like Wang Shi, Suyin was fast enough to reveal the news of what she witnessed during her visit to the Little Start International school, along with the statements and the audio proof.     

Though it was the nighttime, it became the breaking news. Not only she ignited discussions on the biased behavior of school owners but achieved her prime motive to bring attention to corporal punishment.     

All this while she kept Honey's identity hidden and just included the news that the concerned child was left with perforated ear-drum, yet the founding members tried to justify their actions.     

On her orders, Long Tao wrote a post on the official Weibo stating Zhao Suyin's intention of taking over the school management under the ministry because of biasness of the founding members and the Principal, and their justification on corporal punishment.     

Her interns shared the post among their friends and relatives. Somewhere they were proud and happy that Suyin involved them in this case.     

It enraged people when they hear the recording, and a series of never-ending negative comments started pouring.     

Suyin kissed Honey's cheek. "Little Fairy, I won't let this slap go waste."     

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