Mark of the destiny

Dynamic Ninja

Dynamic Ninja

2"Where are we going, dad?" Gazing outside the window Honey asked the fifth time and received a pat in response an equal number of times.      3


What does this mean?     

They were on this lonely road for an hour but neither the destination was coming nor Wang Shi was revealing the suspense.     

Honey sunk into the leather seat with fluffed cheeks. Looking as adorable as ever!     

Wang Shi cast a glance and poked one of his cheeks, "because of 'these' Suyin gives you so many kisses."     

"You also need kisses?" he cocked his head, "try doing this in front of her. At least she would spare me."     

Wang Shi "…."     

"No, thanks."     

Slowly the roads ahead turned wider, welcoming them with a row of lush green trees on both sides. Honey craned his neck as things turned familiar. "No! Don't tell me we are here to meet great-grandfather."     

He whined. Not like he hates his great-grandfather, but he doesn't like the two cousins living in the house with him.     

"Yes, we are." Wang Shi drove the car into the white gates of the oriental-style house with dragon roofs. Uniformed guards make the salute and returned to their duty. The duty to guard the house of the former president of the country!     

"Welcome home Young Master," The housekeeper of the house opened the car's door and bowed.     

"Uncle Mo. Long time it is. How are you?"     

"With the grace of Buddha and elder master, healthy and thriving. Thank you." His eyes beamed seeing Honey in the passenger seat. Taking a jog around the bonnet, he opened the door. "Little master, welcome home."     

The housekeeper was the old man, working in the house even after his retirement and was respected by everyone. Though Honey doesn't like this surprise visit, he gets down and gave a ninety-degree bow to the man. "Grandpa Mo,"     

"Oh, Little master, you are so adorable. Let's go in, the elder master is waiting for you." Housekeeper Mo was overcome by emotions. He grabbed Honey's small palm in his large wrinkled ones and directed him in.     

Elder Wang had been informed of their arrival, however, he had been waiting in the living room since Wang Shi call. His eldest great-grandson Wang Nan kept him company by playing a few rounds of 'Go'     

"Hey my, Little one, come to this old man." While sitting on the couch the jubilant elder spread his arms and Honey walked into, ignoring the tall-boy sitting on the other side of the game. His cousin Wang Nan!     


"Ah, it's been a while someone has called me with this name!" speaking Great-grandfather was tedious and difficult for Honey, especially when he was younger. His cousins used to make fun of his pronunciation.     

While learning the alphabets, his mind came up with this idea to solve the problem. GG! Great-grandfather! Easy peasy!     

"What happened to your ear?" caressing a thumb at Honey's soft cheeks though he questioned him, his eyes looked at Wang Shi. But before he could get a reply from him, Honey's sweet voice sounded.     

"Nothing serious. Some minions tried to mess with me; I and dad handled them well." What Elder Wang failed to see was the clash of eyes between Honey and Wang Nan, standing next to him.     

Wang Nan, "Hey shorty, it's been a while. How are you?"     

Elder Wang snorts, "Nan, do I have to remind you every time not to call him short?"     

"It's okay GG. I'm confident about my genes. This is temporary." While saying he winked at Wang Shi. "But I think it's the cousin who should worry more as I'm a dynamic ninja at the perfect height whose wave of the fist can become a punch in someone's D…."     


"Nan, you should not tease your cousin like this." Wang Chuzhi walked in from the entrance and chided his son. "Don't forget you are thirteen, much older to Honey. Treat him well." His attention changed to Wang Shi. "Brother Shi, you should come here often to let these two brothers bond. Just like us."     

Wang Shi went along and nodded, greeting his young cousin with a shake of the hand.     

Just like us? When did that happen? Blatant lie in front of kids!     

Wang Chuzhi and Wang Shi are paternal cousins while Feng's are his cousins from the mother's side. It's not a secret that Wang Shi was closest to Fengs and so as Honey, who loves Feng Jianyu's daughters but barely endure his two other cousins.     

"Grandfather, I've something important to discuss with you." Wang Shi adjusted the sleeves of his shirt and stood up.     

Elder Wang, "Let's discuss it in the study. Even I want to talk about something important."     

"Honey," Wang Shi called and get down to his knees to talk to his son. "Will you be okay? Promise it won't take long. But still, if you want to come…."     

Honey leaned on Wang Shi's shoulder to whisper, "I know you are worried because of last incident. But I'm a brave man now, and Aunty Mei's magical watch is with me. I'll ping you if I need help."     

It was at New Year's dinner last year; Wang Nan played a dirty prank at Honey and tricked him to the dark and dirty storeroom. To worse, he put the lock at the door and pretended as if he knew nothing.     

Later, when Wang Shi realized Honey was missing and ordered the house search, the servants failed as the door to the storeroom was locked. It was only after checking the security footage he came to know Honey was last seen with Wang Nan.     

On confronting, he confessed….     

When the Honey was pulled out of the storeroom, he was unconscious. The dreary place with insects and cobwebs scared the poor child.     

That was the last day Wang Shi and Honey came to the old manor….     

Ruffling Honey's hair, Wang Shi got up. He helped elder Wang to his wheelchair and pushed it to the study.     

Though a little uneasy in heart, he was sure Honey won't let himself be tricked for the second time. But even so, he made a secret gesture to Butler Mo to take care of Honey.     

Wang Chuzhi frowned. He had a feeling of premonition but neither could he ask the reason of their discussion not he could stop them. "Nan, where are your mother and sister?"     

"Mother went to shopping, and sister accompanied grandmom to a doctor. They'll be back by dinner."     

Wang Chuzhi gnashed his teeth in annoyance. He had told his wife to stay at home when Wang Shi comes, but shopping seems more important to her. Does she not know they were walking on thin ice until the old man transfers Wang Industries to him?     

"Hey, shorty, want to play a game?" Honey was still pondering how to kill time when Wang Nan asked. Ignoring him, he settled on the couch and picked the ancient book his grandfather must be reading currently. 'Attacks and Defences of Go'!     

Wang Chuzhi ignored the kids and went to his room. He hoped his son could crush this bastard child.     

Feeling humiliated, Wang Nan sneered. "It's a game of geniuses. Leave it. You better read fairy-tales. Oops… we don't have such book in the house!"     

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