Mark of the destiny

Dare to say a word and they will have to face him.

Dare to say a word and they will have to face him.

0What the two women failed to notice was Wang Shi never looked at them. All this while he was looking at Suyin and her flushed face because of all the wine she had been drinking.     

He conversed with her with eyes, telling her not to drink anymore. Suyin understood and put the glass on the tray as a server passed by and picked juice instead.     

Ling Xeumo retrieved her extended hand.     

Qi Wren excused himself from the guests he was talking to and came to where Wang Shi and Minister Gu were standing. He can't let go of the opportunity to get associated with them. "Dr. Wang,"     

Qi Wren's extended hand goes unnoticed too.     


Chouming let go of the idea to extend her hand.     

She better not!     

"Miss Xeumo, you really think highly of yourself." Since Suyin was busy admiring Wang Shi, Chen Wenwei grabbed the opportunity, "He's the fat-greasy-old man you asked for a moment ago. Go say hello again."     

Wang Shi "…."     




"Who said that?" Gu Feng's father frowned, he recalled why he had walked over here. He had heard the commotion. "What happen Miss Zhao? Is someone causing trouble?"     

Chen Wenwei knows the temper of Gu Feng's father and grabbed the opportunity, "Yeah, these two women are asking her to get out because apparently this place is not for someone like her."     

Qi Wren, "This must be a misunderstanding. Suyin, tell th—"     

"Secretary-General Zhao Suyin for you. Remember that." Suyin snapped, "Minister Gu, don't know when people will understand I don't run after garbage, my standards have risen."     

Suyin didn't hold back and explained what the two ladies were here for. Upon hearing Suyin, all three members of the Gu family first cast a glance at Qi Wren, then at the two women.     

Qi Wren, "Suyin, YOU--"     

Wang Shi placed a hand at her lower back, announcing to everyone she's here with him. Dare to say a word and they will have to face him.     

Qi Wren forced the words down. He hated more when Suyin smiled.     

Ling Xeumo felt like a volcano exploded in her brain. Suyin came here as Wang Shi's partner? How? Why?     

"Who are you to ask my guest to leave? Mrs. Qi, have some dignity, not everyone's after your husband. Grow up! And you…." Xeumo flinched. Minister Gu looked at his wife in asking, "do you know her?"     

"No. She must be with Mrs. Qi, or maybe with someone else,"     

"Then show her the way out. How dare she insult Sister Suyin," Gu Feng interjected in anger. He grabbed Suyin's hand affectionately, "Sister, let me show you all my paintings. Don't be in the company of unknown people."     

"Hey hey….I just left you for some time and you got yourself another partner already" Wang Shi pulled Suyin to his side. She flexed under his touch as he placed a hand at her lower back. "And you kid, where's your girlfriend?"     

Gu Feng was an adult, though only nineteen. "I'm not a kid. My girlfriend couldn't come tonight. Btw, where were you when she was being bullied?"     

He chuckled, "Do you think someone can bully her?"     

Suyin shot him a look that said all those things which she would surely communicate him verbally once they are alone.     

"Sister Suyin, let's go to the balcony. Auction is about to begin. I have a painting too." Once more when Gu Feng tried to grab Suyin's hand, Wang Shi didn't let her go.     

Suyin "…"     

What is this man doing!?!?     

Qi Wren, Hui Chouming, and Xeumo looked in disbelief as everyone left.     

Chen Wenwei's eyes danced with mirth seeing their faces. Leaving Suyin would turn out to be the biggest mistake of Qi Wren's life. He let go of the diamond and chose a stone instead.     

"Tsk… tsk…Did you see that? She doesn't give a damn about any of you. Mr. Qi Wren, if you still think she's after you, then congratulations… you've set a new standard for being DUMB. Getting back to ex is like using the same toilet paper twice. Unworthy!"     

Chen Wenwei left, her words will only fuel the fire, and he would definitely make a mistake. While walking away, she typed a message for Suyin, [Done!]     

White knuckles from clenching his fist too hard, and gritted teeth to curb down the anger exuded an animosity that was like acid- burning, slicing, potent. Suyin's success was like gasoline to his ego. She can either be in misery or below him.     

When Chouming set a hand at his shoulder, he yanked it away. The man looked unimpressed. "We are going to auction."     


At the auction, they allotted the balcony based on the VIP invites sent to the guests. The rest of the guests were seated under the giant chandelier hanging from the dome of the palatial style hall.     

Suyin's pass was VIP but it won't give her the right to get access to one of the balcony, however, thanks to Wang Shi she was seated in one.     

She peered down to see Qi Wren and group…..     

"At 6:30,"     

She heard Wang Shi and looked at him confused, glancing at her watch she replied, "No! It's 8:15 P.m."     


Wang Shi pinched her soft cheeks between his finger and thumb and moved her face to right and then down.     

She snorts, "I know he's there. I've got it enquired before,"     

There were a total of twelve balcony rooms, six on the first floor with three on each side, and the remaining six on the second floor in the same pattern. They assigned every balcony room with a staff member to make a bid on behalf of guests.     

Qi Wren was sitting in the balcony on the first floor opposite hers, while she was at the balcony on the second floor.     

"Then let me guess," Wang Shi leaned back on the recliner and dismissed the attendant allotted them. He waited for the attendant to leave, "The attendant beside him is your man."     


"But you are not naïve to buy the things he is interested in."     

"Not bad! You know me well." She sat down on the recliner with legs crossed, a posture that adds a dangerous charm to her personality. "Qi Wren is puffed up with pride. If someone has to defeat him, target his pride. It will make him lose his mind and make mistakes. Right now, he must be fuming in anger, not only because of me but because of you as well."     


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