Mark of the destiny

They are glued

They are glued

4"Stop being naïve. As if you didn't understand anything."     

"No, I don't. Enlighten me."     

Suyin skewed a piece of meat from the variety of snacks at the table, dipped it in sauce, and appreciated the flavour the moment she took a bite. "Ah c'mon, Wang Shi, a man like Qi Wren will never be happy seeing his ex with a man millions of times better than him. Seeing me with you is the hardest slap on his face--- WHAT?"     

The way he looked at her with a smile bothered her.     

"I think there's something wrong with my eyes."     

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Let me see." worried, she comes to him, hold his face between her soft-warm hands, and pried open his eyes. "No redness, no foreign object, no liquid discharge, no swelling…. What's making you uncomfortable?"     

"You are looking so gorgeous tonight; I can't take them off of you. They are glued." He replied straightforwardly, wiping the sauce from the corner of her lips.     

Suyin "…."     




Pursing her lips, she forced not to blush in front of him.     

This man is lethal!     


How can he use such a cheesy line so casually!??     

"I-I beg your pardon,"     

"Are you sure you want me to repeat?"     


Awful idea!     

"Wang Shi!" she let go of his face and moved a step back.     

" 'your ex is angry because I'm millions of times better than him'" he repeated the line said by her, "I'm glad you think so highly of me. Thank You! But by saying this, you underestimated yourself."     


"Yes, according to me, he's more pissed off because you're looking---" he waved his hand at her from top to bottom, "--- this. A woman with beauty-and- brains are intimidating yet the most attractive ones."     

She looked at him, finally the smile she tried to hold back come up. "Stop doing this okay."     


"Making me run out of words,"     

"Ah, you are blushing,"     

"SHUT UP, Wang Shi," she turned her face away from him instantly and walked near the balcony. That stupid bashful smile refused to leave her face. "L-let's concentrate on the auction."     

"O-O-Okay!" he deliberately stuttered to tease her.     



Out of the total twenty articles, six were already auctioned, and all Suyin did was silently look as the interested bidders fight for their favourite things.     

This raised Wang Shi's curiosity, but all he could do was to wait and watch.     

"The seventh item of the day was a painting by the famous painter 'Wanderer'. This painting is called 'The bridge and flower'. Bid starts at 100,000 Yuan."     

With the announcement, they brought in a beautiful painting. The painter had painted a bridge that went across a lotus pond. But the focus of the painting was the little girl in a white frock, holding a lotus in hand as she plucked the petals and throw them in the water but the wind takes it away.     

At this moment Suyin winked at him, "Time for some action,"     

The starting price is 100,000 Yuan.     

"A painting by the famous painter 'The Wanderer' this cheap. Its price should start at five million at least."     

"Right," Suyin nodded and then bid for the painting by picking the mic. "Ten million Yuan," she switched off the mic and looked at Wang Shi, "I bet ten Yuan, the man at balcony seven will raise the bid."     

Auctioneer, "The guests at balcony one bid ten million Yuan. Anyone else?"     

As expected, Qi Wren instantly raised the bid to eleven million, bringing a wide smile at Suyin's lips. She grabbed her phone to see the live recording from Qi Wren's balcony. Thanks to the spy camera attached to the attendant's collar.     

"Twelve million,"     

"Fifteen million,"     

Bids started pouring from everywhere, but by the end only Qi Wren and Suyin were left.     

Suyin, "Twenty-five million,"     

Qi Wren, "Thirty million,"     

The auctioneer, "Thirty million once!.... .... ... SOLD! The painting is won by the bidder at balcony seven!"     

Hui Chouming and Xeumo celebrated their victory glancing at Suyin's balcony. Sipping on alcohol, Qi Wren slid into a smug mode. Proud.     

On the other side,     

Let me eat first! To hell with celebration!     

Suyin placed the full plate of snacks on her lap and started gobbling them one by one, surprising Wang Shi that how she never bothers about her image in front of him. He laughed.     

"Stop Laughing," she murmured, "I'm so hungry that I can even eat you….. cough… I mean, the literal eating. Don't take me wrong."     

He took the seat beside her, snapped the napkin in the air, and laid it over her lap. Holding her knees, he turned her body to let her face him and dug into the same plate as hers. "Are you sure you can eat me literally?"     

"Yes… I'll first chop you, then marinate for two hours, and then finally roast before applying a generous coating of sauce."     

He shot her a look that brings a smile to her face followed by his. Life is all about smile and happiness in his company. Including Honey's. Ah, she's missing him!     

While enjoying food, she bid for three more paintings. Two paintings of the same painter as before and one of Gu Feng to cheer him up. However, she pulled back from all the bids at the last moment and let Qi Wren win it.     

"Look, Sister Suyin bid for my painting. Too bad the guests at the seventh balcony won it." Gu Feng peered down from balcony four.     

"Miss Zhao bid to cheer you up, while the guests at number seven bid to prove themselves superior." Minister Gu walked to his son, "I'm sure it was never Suyin's intention to win any bid. That's why she pulled off every time after making some bids."     



"These paintings by 'The Wanderer' have something to do you," Wang Shi deduced her actions.     

"Tremendous. You've sharp comprehensive skills. 'The Wanderer' is none other than my father." She wiped her mouth and hands, "Qi Wren not only bought my father's paintings but raised his popularity and market value."     

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