Mark of the destiny

A minute of silence for Qi Wren….

A minute of silence for Qi Wren….

1Suyin, "I entrusted the sale of all these three paintings. How can I not know their actual value? It was barely around eighty million, but I made him pay over 220 million. And….. I bid for Gu Feng's paintings because I was sure Chouming would buy it to save her nose."     

As he set the plater aside, he burst into a peal of laughter. "You used the opportunity to extract money from him by bidding for your own paintings. Too much you are! But sellers can't bid for their own items, how did you do it?"     

"Jammie helped me, the paintings are under the name of his acquaintance. other than you and them, no one knows it's my handiwork. Qi Wren would never know the artist behind those paintings is the one he once pronounced useless." Her voice turned meek at the end.     

Wang Shi reached out and covered her hands with his. "Be happy, you are a millionaire."     

"After giving 30% cut to the art gallery, I'll transfer the remaining to my dad's account. I don't need his money to become a millionaire, I've my own."     

The auctioneer, "650 million going once...."     

Suyin ears perked up, "Shit! 650 million? Don't tell me they are selling Leonardo da Vinci's painting."     

"Nope," Wang Shi brought her near the window to let her see, "It's the twelve landscapes by Qi Bai. Actually, eleven, one is still missing."     

"Qi Bai?" Suyin frowned, "Two of his landscapes were once part of my dad's collection. Never knew the complete collection is this expensive. When Qi Wren took over our property, he took my dad's collection as well. I'm sure he must have sold the two landscapes to someone. Another reason for him to sulk!"     

"Cough…. He's the actual seller of this,"     

As if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over her, Suyin stood stunned, unmoving, trying to digest the fact, this money will go to Qi Wren's pocket.     

The auctioneer, "730 million….. anyone else for 740?"     

She just swindled 200 million Yuan out of his pocket and here he is making over seven hundred million.     

Her brain hurt! Heart ached!     


Her eyes fell on the three bidders fighting for the landscapes. "Hold on! This man at seat number A12 is Qi Wren's man. I know him. He's cheating. Call the authorities. He's cheating. Cheating!!!!!.... Ah!"     

Wang Shi covered her mouth, "A moment ago you also bid for your own items and no one noticed. Do you think the right is exclusive to you?"     

She snorts in annoyance.     

"Then let's go from here. I don't want to see this anymore….. Ah, look, the bid is about to touch eight hundred million!"     

Without replying, Wang Shi dialed someone's number, "Pull off."     

Suyin "…"     

The auctioneer, "810 million once!….. 810 million twice!....810 million thrice! Sold! The bidder at seat number A12 is the owner of these eleven landscapes painting. Congratulations!"     

Suyin "…."     

Isn't the man seated at A12 Qi Wren's man?     

"Out of the three bidders, two were his men and one was bidding on my behalf. They were raising the bids just as you did." He showed her the live streaming of Qi Wren's room on her own mobile. "I pulled off at the correct time."     

A minute of silence for Qi Wren….     

"Pfft….This means he just shoot his own foot and will bear the whooping 30% auction cut. 30% of 810 equals to 243 million Yuan. He lost 243 million for nothing!"     

It was obvious he would pay 810 million to the art gallery, which will first deduct the commission and pay the seller the remaining amount. In this case, Qi Wren.     

"243 million + over 200 million for the three paintings of your father."     

Pulling her jaw up, she turned her head to find him sitting on the couch. He smiled in the way that made its way to her heart directly.     

"But still… my dad's paintings have some value that will appreciate in the future. Nevertheless, paintings are always sold at a premium that's why I was able to get this much money. But you just made him lose a fortune for NOTHING." She moved to sit beside him, "Hold on! Why were you buying those landscapes? Is this the reason you went to meet the directors when we came here?"     

He touched her head, "Suyin…."     

"No, tell me,"     

"Yes, I went with the director to see it before buying it for grandpa. But don't worry, I'll get something else for him. Anyway, the collection was incomplete." It was true he really wanted the landscapes no matter who the owner was or how much money it required. But when he came to know of her plan, he decided to not buy the landscapes and instead help her a little.     

It was worth it!     

"Wang Shi…" her fingers clenched at her gown as she began looking at him with those clear grey eyes. She was happy. Truly! But it was for his grandfather and he pulled off for her; it made her guilty.     

They were not even proper friends.     

"C'mon, Suyin, don't make this face. It's no big deal." He pulled her hand and walked to the door, "Let's go."     


"Thank you," Suyin accepted the check from the man who entrusted the paintings on her behalf and walked back to Wang Shi where he was waiting for her in the main hall at the table.     

"All done?"     

"Yes, could you wait for a minute more? I saw Chen Wenwei running towards the bathroom. She must have had drunk more than her limit. Let me see if she's okay.     

"Want me to come?"     

"I'll call you if it's required.     

As expected, Chen Wenwei was puking her guts out in the bathroom when Suyin reached there. She patted her back and helped her clean, "I've antacid with me. It will help you. Water..... Hold this, I'll get it from outside,"     

Suyin gave her the medicine and went out to get water, leaving Wenwei in the bathroom…..     

Just as she grabbed the bottle of water and turned, she collided with a man….     

"Sorry," without looking she apologized first, and was about to pass by to get to Wenwei fast, but the man suddenly caught her arm. She looked up in anger.     

Qi Wren....     

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