Mark of the destiny

but it scared me

but it scared me

0"LET GO," Suyin growled, "RIGHT NOW,"     2

Qi Wren's forceful grip on her hand disgusts her, bringing back the memories she hated from every cell of her body.     

His eyes flickered over her bare shoulder, sliding downwards to the cleavage. He looked up from her breasts, and then shot her a cocky smile, "Why? Aren't you doing all this to get my attention? Even your appearance beside Wang Shi was to tease me, right?"     

"Qi Wren, don't think too highly of yourself, you are not worth it," within a few seconds Suyin realized he was badly drunk and tried to pull out of his grip. "Bastard let go of me."     

She cocked her head to look behind him and hoped she was not alone in this corridor. Sadly, the chances were dim; the exhibition was over and most of the guests had left already as it took her longer to help Chen Wenwei clean.     

"Then are you worth it? Do you think Wang Shi would take interest in you? A woman who doesn't even have her virginity. Or have you forgotten everything?" Qi Wren leered. Suyin saw that his eyes were dangerously dilated, glued to her naked skin, and the veins in his neck pulsed out as he gulped. He extended his other hand towards her….     

"BACK OFF!!!!!"     

"AHHH," the next second he let go of her and dropped to his knees, pressing the precious jewel with both hands. "F*cking sl*t"     

She moved a step back, "Oops!! You forgot to cover your balls. Looks like one of them is broken, maybe both. Hope your wife won't be disappointed."     

She turned, "And…. Losing my virginity was my career move."     

However, just as she took a step, a grip on her ankle pulled her, pushing her body ahead. She closed her eyes to feel the pain of fall but instead, a familiar fragrance engulfed her warmly.     

'Wang Shi?' she looked up.     

His jaw ticked as he looked at her. In the frozen second of eye contact, his eyes flicked from Suyin to Qi Wren, wincing on the floor in pain. One second she was in his arms and the other second he steadied her first and threw a kick at him.     

A kick strong enough to send him a few feet away. A faint scream echoed.     

Once more Wang Shi pulled Suyin to his side, still vibrating in fury. She was not aware that the calm Wang Shi could get this angry. He was literally seething.     

"Get him delivered." He ordered.     

Suyin looked around, shocked. A group of elite bodyguards in black shuffled getting the order.     

'Aren't these the shadow guards meant to protect the President's family?'     

She looked back at Qi Wren, who was bleeding from mouth and nose. Damn! This is the case of a broken nose and teeth! Woww!!     

Don't forget the kick in his Crotch!     

"Don't look," he pinched her jaw and made her look ahead.     

"How did you.....????"     

"Your phone,"     

She raised her hand; the phone was held so tightly that her fingers turned white. But shockingly, the call was connected to Wang Shi. She recalled she was about to call him to tell it might take her a while more, but before that Qi Wren came….     

Under the cover of guards, he brought her out of the gallery where his car was already waiting.     

"Wait, Chen Wenwei,"     

"That's already handled. Don't worry,"     

He dismissed everyone from the duty before driving off with Suyin.     


For the first few minutes, the drive was silent, Suyin stealth a glance at Wang Shi multiple times but he kept his gaze on the road.     

But his powerful kick played in her mind non-stop. He was just so... man!!!     

"Pfft…. What a powerful kick it was!! Do you accept apprentice?" since she was in the mood, she asked, taking the silence away.     

"Su…. YIN," the voice he used made her cringe, and she shifted her butt closer to the door. He banged his fist viciously on the steering wheel and cursed. "You are pissing me off. That bastard's gaze on you was so disgusting. If it was not for the fact he was at a public place that asshole would have….." he had watched everything through the CCTV recording on his phone, as hacked by Daiyu.     

"He can't. I wouldn't have let that happen. Anyway, the kick in his crotch was already a painful lesson. I swear, I heard a sound."     

He shot an incredulous look, "How can you joke around this time?"     

"I'm joking because your anger is bothering me," she snapped. "Can you please not make this a big deal? Just as you said, it was a public place, he wouldn't have dared to do something other than attacking me with words or by playing these tricks. This doesn't scare me."     

"God, Suyin," he pressed on to the breaks abruptly and turned to look at her. "….. but it scared me. It made me uncomfortable, angry, disappointed and everything else to summon the bodyguards and reach you ASAP. Have I made it a big deal? Am I at fault that you are so relaxed but his vicious eyes at you is playing in my head in a loop?"     

His words curled her lips upward.     

"Don't smile. I'm serious."     

"It was just his vicious gaze, Wang Shi. We can't gouge everyone's eyes out who leer at women. Besides, I punished him for touching my hand and you kicked him for making me trip. We did an excellent job together."     

Suyin wasn't pretending. She was truly unaffected by Qi Wren. It's not a big of a problem to bother or get her attention.     

He heaved out a breath and chastised her with a tap on her nose. "You are impossible, Suyin."     

"That I'm." She gloated, completely unwilling to let this incident spoil her beautiful evening in the company of her crush. As far as Qi Wren was concerned, she has sure he would himself give her many chances to get back to him. "Btw, this incident…."     

"Don't worry. My team will erase the traces of this incident. As far as Qi Wren is concerned, I knocked him off before he could see my face." without any evidence Qi Wren can never say a word against Wang Shi. And even if dares, he shall know Suyin won't keep quiet and peel him off like an onion in front of the media.     

"Thank God. So….." she touched the tip of her fingers, hesitating. An action Wang Shi saw Honey doing! "Will you teach me how to kick?"     


"No. I and Jianyu have practiced martial arts since we were kids." he steered the wheel once again.     

"Woww….. you are a real deal man, perfect to teach me,"     

"Nope. But you can always call me,"     

"Call you to kick Qi Wren? Hahaha….. Your name is more than enough,"     

"Sure, then take my name every time. Aren't we a team?"     

Suyin looked outside the window. "Thanks, but I can handle him,"     

He was kind enough to let her take his name, but she can't ignore the fact he was the President's son and anything related to him can stir controversy, placing him and his father in a difficult position.     

Wang Shi shot her a look while driving. Though he didn't reply, something was already cooking in his mind.     

While looking outside the window she noticed he took the wrong turn, "Wang Shi….."     

"I know. We are going somewhere else first,"     

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