Mark of the destiny



2As much as Suyin tried to hold it in, the beads of water fell down one after the other without a sign of stopping. She lowered her head to hide her embarrassment, but the muffled sobs wracked the silent night.     

"S-Suyin, stop crying, please…. Sorry, if you are offended, but please stop crying….." Wang Shi held her against his chest, rubbing her back softly while battling with his own fears. For the first time in life, he confessed, and the woman was now inconsolable. "Sorry….don't cry… please!!!!"     

Oblivious to him, she was not crying because she was offended but because there were countless things that happened in this split moment, making her cry. She was happy and sad!     

Happy with the surge of emotions one feels when being confessed by their crush. Happy because it was HER he chose!! Happy, that he feels for her!! Happy, this is not one-sided anymore!! Happy, he kissed her!! Happy and happiest….     

But sad….     

Because few things can never work out…..     

They just can't!!!!     

She calmed herself down and pulled back from his chest, wiping her nose with the back of her hand as she asked, "Can I borrow your handkerchief?"     

"Oh, ya, Sorry…" he fumbled to get the damn handkerchief, shuffling in all the pockets, heaving in relief when finally found it. "Here, just stop crying, please…."     

The water fountain finally stopped....     

He looked at her warily, "Feeling better?"     

"Shut up, Wang Shi. I'll hit you,"     

"Yes, do it. If this makes you happy, feel free to hit me," though still upset, the ease in her voice lifted a heavy burden off of his shoulder. "Do whatever you want, I'm all yours."     

"Tsk," with a click of her tongue, she distanced herself from him. She was irritated at herself for having to move away from him and decline having another chance. "You've lost your mind."     

"But I'm serious, none of this was a joke. If you promise me not to cry again, I'm willing to repeat," he covered the distance she maintained and held her trembling hands, "Honestly, you don't seem to be as the kind of woman who likes going round and round instead of hearing the truth. I was just being honest with you and myself and confessed as soon as I realized my feelings. Was I wrong?"     

"It's not about right or wrong, but about taking a decision after analyzing the pros and cons. And the biggest con between us is the fact we can't be together. It's not possible. That's somethi---  duh, you're smiling!! How I'm I suppose to talk like this?"     

With puffed up cheeks she shot an incredulous look. His sinful smile was provoking her, striking the chords of her already mushy heart.     

"I can't help but be happy that you're talking things out like a mature woman and have not pushed me away with the reasons of not liking or either don't have any feelings for me." He grabbed his coat from her hand and wrapped it around her. "Jianyu was right. You feel for me, isn't it?"     

"So what?" she slapped his hand when he tried to button the jacket. "It's just an attraction. I believe many women are attracted to you for how good looking, intelligent, and sensible you are. I'm no different. And I'm not guilty about it."     

"Does Jianyu attracts you? He's also good looking, intelligent, and sensible."     


"Junjie? Though he's not sensible."     


"Anyone else?"     

"Argh… NO NO NO"     

"Then why only me?"     


Suyin opened her mouth but closed upon not finding words to reason him.     

He looked at her with a meaningful smile that made her feel helpless, trapped and defeated. "Attraction always has a reason, Suyin. Something must have drawn you towards me the way it drew me towards you."     

"Wang Shi, all this is baseless. The fact is, we can't be together. And that's the end of the discussion. It's best if we let things the way it is and not make it difficult for each other."     

"After tonight, do you think everything can return to normal between us?" once more he left her speechless. This was the maximum she ran out of words in her life. He pinched her chin and lifted her face. "Talk to me,"     

Suyin tried to look away, but the pull of his eyes trapped her as always. "What is there to talk about? We can't ignore the truth of our life."     

He rubbed the pad of his thumb at her chin, "I know, we have our own problems which will challenge us at every step. But is this a valid reason that we should not give ourselves another chance? I've taken this decision after thinking through and through, and just hope you won't shut yourself and try it with me."     

He got up from the floor and extended his hand. Seeing her not accepting, he smiled, "Take it Suyin. I'm not asking you to give me an instant reply. You can think of it. But remember, this may be the last chance for both of us."     

She placed her hand in his, "It won't work, Wang Shi."     

She wanted him! She wanted to say yes. Like now! But he was just too good for her. Getting together with him won't do any harm to her but would bring challenges into his life. Including Honey's.     

"You're too much trouble. Without trying, how are you so sure? Can you predict the future too?"     

"Honey! Family! Society!" she murmured.     

He heard her but didn't reply.     

She silently walked with him; hyperaware that he kept his fingers intertwined with hers. Was he so unwilling to let go of her? What would he get by getting along with her?     

None of them spoke as he drove the car back to City Spire. Suyin was pondering, while Wang Shi let her think about everything. Time was all she needed!!     

As the elevator stopped at the 76th floor, she stepped out followed by him. she looked up, confused.     

"I'm not leaving you alone in this condition. Get into your apartment first, then I'll leave."     

With shaking hands, she tried to punch in the password on the security system but keeps on feeding the wrong. Dammit!     

He moved, "Password?"     


"Suyin, password?"     

"I-I'll do it myself,"     

"It'll take you forever. Tell me the password," he said. "If you are worried about me, change it later. Password!"     

Suyin "…"     

"Fine. This is your last attempt to punch the correct password. After this, we can only call the security to break open the door. But, at this time...????? It's okay, you've my place."     


"060719XY" she bit her lips.     

"Good girl," Wang Shi turned, and just as he was about to punch the password, he realized something.     

Isn't this his date of birth?     

He snapped at the speed of lightning, and she took a step back.     

"It's a coincidence….. umphhh…."     

She was a second late and he obliterated her words with a kiss. He already got the answer!     

For the first time in forever, Wang Shi's mind was looking forward to the future. His worries evaporated like a summer shower, and now he had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins, his only desire was to kiss her, spend time with her, and discover this new unknown world with her hands in his.     

He paused to let her breathe, "Society? I never cared about it. Family? If they love me, they will love you and respect my decision. Honey? I'm sure he won't stay away from you longer. The irrefutable bond between you and him will bring you both closer."     

Suyin blinked, taking in how he addressed her key concerns.     

Nevertheless, before she could reply, he dipped in to take another kiss. Suyin just looked frozen, from both fear and excitement.     


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