Mark of the destiny

She was right

She was right

1The next day Suyin woke up early, freshen up, and rushed to the parking, waiting for Wang Shi near his car.     

It was the nth time she looked at her watch. It was already fifteen past eight, what's taking him so long? Isn't it his duty to drop kids to school?     

After fifteen more minutes, she saw the two figures coming in her direction. A handsome big bun, holding the hand of her cute little fairy. Gosh… this father-son duo was a killer!     

"Oh, no! Let's go back." Honey's gaze fell on his predator ahead, waiting to take a bite of his apple cheek. And nose too! He instantly turned 180 degrees on his shoes, but Wang Shi's grip on his hand was firm. "Dad, I want to pee. Now."     

"Stop lying. I know why you are running away." He squirmed as Wang Shi pulled him in his arms.     

 Now it's impossible to run away from the 'predator'!     

"Hi, little Fairy!" Suyin's delightful voice echoed.     

"Hurry, let me go," He kicked his legs, "She will eat me up. Are you sure I'm your son?"     

Wang Shi, "Be a man. Don't forget, you have a pact of 100 kisses with her. How many done?"     

"Ask how many left. 98 it is! But she's cheating, not only she makes me kiss her but steals my kisses as well." he looked at Suyin as if a ghost approaching. His struggle stopped, "And….here she is to take advantage of me."     

"Little fairy, my kiss." Suyin brought her cheeks forward, enjoying the feeling as Honey's soft lips touched her cheek and with the chu sound their ritual was done. Sadly, she has to wait for the next day to get another.     

But the ever greedy Suyin tugged Honey down and gave a long kiss, synchronizing it with a sound. He smelled of baby products and milk, so calming!     

Honey, "Argh…. No more,"     

Wang Shi let out a chuckle and dodged his chin as Honey hid his face in his shoulder. He was now used to that Suyin's first attention would be on Honey and then at him.     

Taking advantage of Honey hiding his face in his shoulder, Wang Shi brought his hand to fix the collar of Suyin's blazer. "How is your mom? Jet lagged?"     

"Yeah," she gulped, unable to bear his intimate gaze on her. "Where are Yuyu and Lan? Are they not going to school?"     

"Junjie will drop them to school today. Honey is still on leave. Did you forget? I'm taking him to get examined."     

Yes, she did!     

Suyin's nose wrinkled, but before she could say something her phone vibrated. It was from Fei Hong. So unexpected.     


"Suyin, I've something very important to inform you. This might be my hypothesis, but I can't keep this information from you." Fei Hong sounded serious.     

"Hold for a minute, please." She looked at Wang Shi apologetically and saw him nod, mouthing, 'we'll talk later'.     

His gaze rested on her for long and so as hers. A craving to stay in each other's company crawled through, they both wanted to hold hands, touch, and kiss.     

He touched her head, a gesture she loves; leaving a charming smile and a whiff of his fragrance, he left with Honey.     

Anyway, they cannot talk with Honey around them…..     

"Tell me." Suyin's brows furrowed as she heard Fei Hong. "Got it. Tell me the name of the hospital."     

Next, she called her assistant and asked him to meet at the Ace Hospital with four of her interns.     


The Ace Hospital,     

Suyin flashed her Id at the security and entered the emergency to look for Fei Hong as she had come here for a hand injury.     

"Oh look, who is here." Ling Xeumo's irritating voice made Suyin stop in her heels. "Did you forget, this place is for doctors?"     

Suyin crossed her hands, "Correction needed. This place is for 'CAPABLE' doctors, not murderers."     


She was interrupted as the emergency signal wailed, and paramedics pushed in the gurney. "Twenty-year-old male, compound break on the right leg, slight concussion, inebriated, was given a 2 cc of lido on the field."     

The paramedics informed, and two of the male friends of the patient followed. "We heard a loud noise and found him like this at the threshold of the stairs. Probably he tripped and so we found him like that. Will his leg be okay?"     

Xeumo lifted the covers to check the patient's leg. It had turned darker. "Blood flow is restricted; his foot is dying. I've to reset it now. Hold him tight." She positioned at the edge, the next second with a crack sound she brought his foot to the original position. "Get x-ray, and book the OR. The rest is to be done in surgery. Intern one, scrub in."     

Suyin frowned upon seeing the patient being taken away. "I think you should get full blood panels and an echo."     

"Blood panel and echo for a leg injury?" Xeumo's brows rose, "No one will doubt your intelligence if you keep silent. Medicine is my field, let me handle it. Keep your broken knowledge with you."     

She took off her gloves, looking proudly at Suyin who was alternating her gaze between the patient and at the two other boys who followed the patient all this while.     

Suyin eyed the two men, "How exactly did it happen? Tell me the truth."     

"H-He tripped. That's the truth."     

"Last warning. Tell me the truth."     

"T-that's the truth. He tripped." The boy gulped under the pressure of Suyin's gaze.      

From the corner of her eyes, Xeumo saw Dr. Gong Li coming towards them and positioned herself between Suyin and the two youngsters. "What's your problem? With what right you are questioning them? Must you poke your nose into everything? Don't forget you are not a doctor, but I am…. Ouchhh!"     

Xeumo staggered on being pushed aside as Suyin scowled down at the youngsters.     

"Look, kids, I'm a hundred percent sure you are on something. Your pupils are dilated, breathing is shallow and you both are sweating even in this air-conditioned room. The same goes for your friend. I could get your blood tested, but maybe that would be too late for your friend. So tell me what have you taken."     

"DOCTOR….. His BP dropped, heart rate's rising." The intern attending the patient called for Xeumo.     

Xeumo spaced out between the patient and Suyin. Shocked. Confused. Angry.     

"Dr. Ling, what are you doing?" Gong Li rushed "Tube him. IV fluids and phenylephrine, stat. Get him blood panels and Echo."     

He looked at the two youngsters, "TELL THE TRUTH."     

Upon seeing the patient's condition worsening, Suyin lost her patience. "Call the cops. Get a blood test done, and inform their parents."     

"C-Cocaine and Molly."     

Suyin to Dr. Gong, "Drug overdose. His broken leg is the least of your concerns. Follow the legal protocol and call the cops. Don't let these two escape."     

Leaving Xeumo trapped in everyone's complicated gaze, Suyin walked from there. Unaware, Gong Li was the most confused of this incident.      

One of the interns whispered to the other, "She was right. Dr. Ling ignored--"      

The interns shuffled to their duties seeing Ling Xeumo's anger flaring up.      


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