Mark of the destiny

Haters of Suyin

Haters of Suyin

0"Ahh…. Ahhh…. It's hurting. Give me something for the pain. Please." Long Tao's daughter shuffled on the bed, clutching her lower abdomen, sweating profusely. There was an abnormal purple tint on her lips, under eyes, and nails.     4

"5cc of morphine," Wang Shi instructed the nurse. "Did you experience something like this before?"     

While letting Wang Shi feel her stomach, she shook her head, clutching the bedsheet beneath, "N-No."     

"I've never seen my baby girl like this. Please, do something….." Long Tao's wife said, holding on to her husband's arm.     

"AHHHH!! Why are you not giving me any medicine? I NEED PAINKILLERS!!!!"     

Wang Shi exchanged a look with Suyin standing near the door. Their thoughts matched. Just a moment ago she was administered a dose!?     

"5 cc more." He ordered, moving onto check the rash on her skin.     

While Wang Shi was at it, Suyin's eyes carefully scanned the other two daughters standing near. Though they appeared perfectly normal, she wants to rule out the chances of them contracting this infection.     

Upon not noticing any sign, Suyin shifted her attention back to the girl under examination.     

"Put her on Oritavancin and IV fluids, 60% O2, get CBC, CMP, complete blood culture, urine test, CT scan, chest x-ray, and ask Dr. Su to perform a lumbar puncture and get the vaginal swab." Wang Shi instructed the nurse before looking at the worried parents. "Let's talk outside."     

Mrs. Long folded her hands at Wang Shi as soon as they stepped out, "Dr. Wang, my daughter, she's just seventeen... please….. My Sarah… my baby…."     

Long Tao who was still holding strong consoled his wife holding her by the shoulder.     

Wang Shi, "I'm trying my best. Her symptoms are consistent with toxic shock. Can you tell me when all this happened? How it started?"     

Long Tao's eldest daughter answered, "It all started with a mild fever seven days back. It's normal for Sarah to get stressed during exams and catch a fever. We gave her an antipyretic. But her fever didn't come down even after three days of continuous medication. A day before the exam she broke in a cold sweat after vomiting twice and complained of severe abdominal pain before losing consciousness."     

"We rushed her to the emergency where doctors admitted her suspecting of food poisoning. No matter what treatment they gave her, her condition is deteriorating since then. This morning she-she had a s-seizure….."     

Long Tao's only son hugged his sister, who was now sobbing.     

Suyin instantly typed a message for Wang Shi. [Is Sarah on periods?]     

Wang Shi took his phone out from the pocket and glanced briefly before answering the family. "Let's wait for the test reports. I've prescribed the medicine to kill the bacteria causing infection. It should improve her condition. Btw, is Sarah on Periods?"     

"Her periods got over two days back." The sister answered.     

"Um… Sarah seems to be familiar to me. Like I've seen her somewhere but couldn't point out where." Suyin asked, looking inside the room with the glass window.     

"My sister is a famous fashion blogger. You might have seen her on social media."     


Getting the answer, realization struck as Suyin looked at Long Tao. They both exchanged a look, but none of them say a word.     

As Wang Shi and Suyin walked off, Long Tao run after her, "Mam,"     

Suyin paused and turned on her heels, "It's okay Assistant Long. You don't have to feel guilty or explain your daughter's actions. She's just a teenager, oblivious to many things. But I'm disappointed that you took me as a shallow person and didn't tell me a thing. Not even about the current problem that you had been going through for a week."     

Long Tao's youngest daughter was an avid Hui Chouming fan and idolizes her. Not her fault though. Hui Chouming was a famous name for her sense of fashion and luxurious lifestyle, and many teenagers love her more for all the philanthropic work she does.     

In the recent scandal, Long Tao's daughter was one of the haters of Suyin and posted a few inappropriate comments on her, siding with Hui Chouming.     

The striking beauty spot on her left cheek helped Suyin recognize her.     

"Mam… I was ashamed of my daughter's doing. If I had known earlier that she made a negative post about…."     

Suyin cut him off, "Assistant Long, she's just a teenager. Are we going to stretch the topic longer? Hope not! But please be open next time. Don't forget you've eleven years to retirement, and I'm not in a mood to change my assistant soon."     

Long Tao got emotional and just nodded.     

Suyin, "Go, take care of your family, they need you most."     

"Um…I'm sending the nurse with a questionnaire. Please fill it with as detailed information as possible," Wang Shi said.     


Wang Shi and Suyin returned to Fei Hong's room and saw Xiu Mei busy on the laptop while Junjie was trying to convince Fei Hong to drink chicken soup.     

"I'm not sick that you are making me drink soup. It's just a minor injury, get something spicy to eat. crispy Szechuan fish, chili soy beef, Mapo tofu or—"     

"--or hospital food. I'll send some for you." Wang Shi warned, scaring the poor woman on the bed. "Don't think of eating anything spicy, it will slow down the healing."     


"Don't sulk. I've asked the chef to make it a little spicy. Mark my word, 'LITTLE'. C'mon, drink it before senior cousin asks the nurse to bring boring hospital food." Junjie whispered, bringing the spoon to her lips.     


"You should have told me before. Hurry, I'm starving."     

"Xiu Mei, what did you find?" Suyin took the seat next to her, marveling how magically her fingers were running on the keyboard. As expected of the woman who had created world-class software, used all over the industry.     

"Some scary figures!" she turned the laptop towards them, "The number of such cases has been more than a hundred over the past month. These are the recorded ones, think about those private clinics who never maintain patient records. But what's triggering me is the women factor! Why only women?"     

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