Mark of the destiny

I got the answer

I got the answer

3"Age, profession, jobs, localities they live, even the brands of sanitary products….. everything is different. other than the gender, nothing is common." Suyin threw the stash of paper on the table.      3

 "Let's keep looking. There must be something we are not paying attention too." Wang Shi picked the stash of paper but his pager buzzed. "Sh*t. It's Sarah!"     

The interns panicked seeing the two rush out and looked at each other. Junjie clapped, "C'mon guys, don't waste time. Buck up. We can do this. Let's look at the points we might have missed."     

In the ICU,     

Wang Shi pulled the gloves up and looked at the monitor, "What happened?"     

"She had a seizure before you came." The doctor on call answered.     

"What's wrong? What happened to my girl?" The mom panicked, "She opened her eyes a few minutes ago and then…."     

Wang Shi, "Give one of Ativan, 500mg of Dilantin. Turn her to the side….. mam, please step out."     

"No, I won't…. stop… I want to be with her….No…." She protested on being dragged out by Long Tao.     

Feeling a weird smell coming from her, he pulled the sheets off of her. Everyone got shocked seeing a thick black liquid with a foul smell leaking down beneath her. "Page OB."     

Sarah's seizure stopped     

The machine made a long beep.....     

"No pulse."     

 "Intubate her. Mg of epi, start CPR now. Someone page Dr. Su," Wang Shi checked her eyes and mouth. "Show me the chest X-Ray and labs. Damn, her organs are shutting down faster. Give me a chest tube."     

Suyin looked at the lab reports, "Antibiotics did nothing all this while?"     

On-call doctor, "V-fib"     

Wang Shi, "Paddles. Charge to 200. Clear."     


Suyin pulled out the pair of gloves, "help me fold her knees and give me saline water."     

Wang Shi looked at the monitor and then Suyin, "Again. Charge to 200. Clear."     

Despite Wang Shi's instruction, Suyin didn't move but washed the girl's internal parts with saline to get an unobstructed view.     

"I SAID CLEAR."     

"Clear," she raised her hands up.     


The machine stopped beeping, and the doctor checked, "Sinus tach. BP 70 over 36. Heart rate 130. O2 95%"     

Dr. Su came running, "someone paged me."     

Sweating profusely, Suyin got up, "Check this. I have washed it with saline water. Please do the rest."     

Nobody understood what she was saying, and what Dr. Su was looking for.     

Wang Shi, "Set up a neo drip at 100 mics. Give her a pack of red blood cells. Dr. Su, talk to me."     

Dr. Su, "There is something, give me a tray stat."     

She pulled out days old tampon that looked anything but that. That's what making her condition worse and antibiotics not to work on her body. This is the source of infection."     

Wang Shi, "Send it to the lab for testing. Keep giving antibiotics and fluids to keep her BP in control. Get me blood culture reports fast."     

Wang Shi looked for Suyin, but she was nowhere in the room. Coming out, the Long family surrounded him, and he patiently gave them an update on her condition.     

After talking to them, he excused himself and called her, but her phone went answered.     


After looking for her for a good thirty minutes, he saw her coming from the end of the corridor. He heaved in relief and rushed to her, "I had been looking for you everywhere. Where were you?"     

"I-It was suffocating there. I went to get some fresh air." She smiled at him, looking lost, hiding something.     

His hands reached to touch her cheek, as he leaned, she covered her mouth and moved back. "Don't kiss."     

"Why? Because you are afraid, I'll know you were in the bathroom, and puked just now. Btw, I was not kissing but smelling you to confirm my doubt."     

"Wang Shi, it-it just happened. I couldn't control myself, but before I could do something more, it all came back, and I blacked out." She walked into him, hugging him tightly. "I'm not getting into this again. I just can't."     

Wang Shi didn't understand what she was saying. But this was the second time when she had backed out from a medical procedure.     

"Relax, Suyin." His returning hug calmed her down. She closed her eyes, focusing on his fragrance, his feel on her, and his beating heart. "Feeling better?"     


He brought her to his other office and gave her sugar and saltwater. "Drink it."     

She gave the empty glass back to him, "Don't you want to know?"     

"I was waiting for you to get better. If you are, then tell me."     

"By looking at the fluid discharge and reports I came to know there's something wrong with Sarah. In other cases, women's condition improved when given fluids and antibiotics, but Sarah's condition never improved despite Southex hospital treated her with antibiotics too. The only explanation that comes to my mind was the source of infection is still inside her. If her periods were over two days ago, there shouldn't be such discharge. So, I think of this possibility and looked for a foreign object. Never thought it would be an old tampon. What more, her sister mentioned that Sarah used to get stressed in exams, can't believe she forgot something like this inside."     

Wang Shi, "Right. Her case complicated because of this. Not only the bacteria continued to breed, but the poison too never stopped spreading. Sadly, we still don't have the proof everything is related to that tampon."     

"You have sent it for testing, if reports came positive, we can prove."     

"It was in her body for days. Reports will definitely come positive for poisoning and staph bacteria. But we need something more to support our statement. Besides, do you know which brand it was?"     

"But she got fever seven days back. Probably it was the time her period started. Let her wake up, I'll ask if things went wrong after she used the tampon. Which brand she had used?"     

"For that, she has to wake up first. Don't forget, her condition is not good."     

"I know Sarah has a long way to go." she put her head down, supporting it with her palm, "Jeez….this girl is a fashion blogger. An influencer who influences people but…."     

Seeing her pause abruptly, he looked confused. "What?"     

"An influencer who influences people….. An influencer who influences people!! Give me your phone, my phone's dead." Without explaining, she downloaded an app and looked for something.     

After a minute...     


Wang Shi took the mobile from her and scrolled it. Shocked. "Dammit!"     


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